
Chapter 42 - Hidden Danger

She smiled then, pursing her lips as she thought of all the things she was going to say. She relished at the thought of seeing the shocked look on Kyle\'s face for having his secret revealed. Face-slapping that Delilah Smith would also be so satisfying. She wanted concrete evidence, right? Hah. She\'s going to get a whole load of wonderful pictures as evidence.

Still, now was not the best time to make a move yet. Kyle\'s reputation and popularity was going up, so she had to time the big revelation just right. The higher they stand, the harder they fall.

Having made her decision, Principal Dobbins opened her desk drawer. She then took the pictures that she had carefully selected and placed them into an envelope. She sealed it and placed it into her drawer, under some files. She caressed the file a bit, thinking of the envelope that held such dark secrets and smiled again. She then tidied up her desk and dumped the rest of the pictures into her wastebasket. She locked her drawer, kept the key securely and decided to treat herself to her favourite meal. She deserved it.


"What are you watching, Kyle?" asked a sleepy Xing Han beside him. Kyle had woken up some time ago, and was busy looking at some video on his phone.

"Ah, nothing much," replied Kyle, switching it off and placing the phone in his pocket before Xing Han could see what it was, "Just some stupid thriller movie. Nothing exciting."

Xing Han got up, stretched and woke up the others. "It\'s getting dark. Anyone for burger?!!"

Kyle got up from Kay\'s lap, and helped Kay up. Her legs had fallen asleep, though, so Kyle had to hold her up by the waist to steady her. She put her arm around Kyle\'s shoulder, leaning on him while she stomped her feet several times.

"Eeeee. It feels like thousands of ants crawling all over," complained Kay, "You owe me pillow tax."

"Fine," replied Kyle, swooping down and placed his arm under her knees, and the other around her shoulder; into the famous Princess Carry. "Take this as interest then. I\'ll pay the tax some other time."

"Kyle! I can walk!" said Kay in embarrassment.

"You\'re getting lighter," Kyle commented, ignoring her, "We need to fatten you up."

"I eat just fine," Kay replied, "It\'s not anyone who can eat like a horse like you do."

"Ah, but it all goes into muscle!" Kyle replied with a smirk, flexing his biceps more as he carried her. Gagging sounds were heard all around them, with Xing Han even pretending putting a finger down his throat.

"Ah. Jealousy is not a pretty thing to see," Kyle tsked at them.

"It\'s better than being a shameless show-off person," retorted Ali, "Isn\'t that right, Sam?"

Sam is the quiet one in the group, not really mixing with their antics and shenanigans. Yet, he didn\'t seem out of place amongst them. Guess there had to be one sane person in the group to balance it out. Sam, upon being asked this, looked at the three of them and pushed his glasses up his nose.

"Both are equally bad," he replied with a straight face, "I am the only male in the group that is perfection."

Everyone groaned then roared with laughter, while Kay giggled in Kyle\'s arms. Everyone was watching the entire scene in intense jealousy, especially seeing how Kyle was carrying his sister. The way he held her close, as if she was the most precious thing in the world, and the way his eyes softened whenever he looked down on her.

Ah. Their hearts melted. Yet, in pain. If Kyle was that way with his sister that he loved, what about the girl that wins his heart? They could just die imagining it!


The exams came and went, and many cheers were heard when the last paper was finished. They would have a two week break, and many were going home for the holidays.

"Are you going back, Kyle?" asked Charmaine, one of Kyle\'s classmates.

"Nah," he replied, "My parents are in Country I right now, so there\'s no point going home if they\'re not around. I\'ll be staying with my Uncle though."

Kyle was actually referring to Master Shifu, but it would be too troublesome to explain the relationship between them. And he didn\'t want anyone to know that he was taking martial arts anyway.

"Oh!! Where is your uncle staying?" she asked, as she sat down and listened intently. If it was anywhere near, she could ... \'accidentally\' ... pass by and bump into him. She got all excited just thinking about it.

"Oh, just ... eh, what about you? Aren\'t you going back home? I\'m sure your parents miss you a lot," Kyle said, diverting the question, "After all, you\'re so nice so I\'m sure you\'re a filial daughter."

Chairmaine blushed, and was glad that it couldn\'t be seen from her face. Flustered, she stammered, "Ah .. yes, I\'m going back home."

"How many siblings do you have?" Kyle asked, even though he already knew everything about her. And just like that, he controlled the conversation and she began telling him all sorts of things. He kept up with the appropriate look of wonder and smile, making comments and jokes once in a while. Soon, they were joined by Charmaine\'s friends, then the other classmates. The longer they talked, the bigger the crowd became and the more Kyle poured out the charm.

[Looks like you\'re having a whale of a time]

[Heeeeeeeellllllpppppppp] Kyle wailed in his mind while maintaining his smile [Another minute of this and I will seriously die. Each second, I can feel my brain cells crying out and dying a poor, lonely death]

[Oh come on, it can\'t be THAT bad] Kay mused.

[Really? REALLY?] Kyle huffed mentally [I have seen 30 flicks of the hair, 50 dips of the chest to show off their cleavage, 10 unbuttoning of the top button of their shirts, coy dewy looks in the eyes, god-knows-how-many licks of the lips as if they are all dehydrated and several accidental brushes of their boobs on various parts of my body!! How on Earth are 13-year-olds this brazen? Heck, how come there are so many girls sprouting chests all over the place??]

[Seriously] continued Kyle, [If my daughter turns out like this, I am seriously going to have to teach her a lesson or two]

[Er, you\'re a guy now Kyle and have absolutely no relation to her at all AND she\'s only five this year.]

[I don\'t care] Kyle huffed, holding back a shiver as a girl just happened to brush against him back, crushing a couple of developing soft orbs on it [Save me, damn it]

[Auw ... is that how you ask for help?]

Kyle gritted his teeth [Oh, my lovely maiden sister of virtue, kindly save your innocent and helpless brother from these vixens of torture]

[I\'ll think about it]


"Brother? Are you in here?" came a melodious voice from the doorway. Kyle shot up, smiling even wider and making the girls around them sigh. Though he smiled at them a lot, it was so different from how he smiled at his sister. It wasn\'t fair. They were also disappointed that it meant he was leaving them now.

"Gotta go, everyone," Kyle said as he picked up his slingbag, "See you after the break!"

He practically ran over to Kay, and took her bag from her, slinging it over his shoulder and own bag. [Come on, let\'s go let\'s go .. before they recharge!]

Kay giggled again, enjoying Kyle\'s discomfort. He was usually so calm and collected, so it was a huge bonus to see this side of him.

"Look! Look!" Kyle was saying, showing her his forearm, "The hairs are still standing!"

Kay looked. Indeed. They were. "What are you? Spiderman? Is that your spider sense tingling?"

"Ha ha. Very funny," Kyle said, shuddering when he recalled the experience. It was just the two of them this time, walking back to the dorm. The others had things to do, in terms of packing and finalising stuff before going home.

[Seriously though, brother. Are you repulsed by girls?] Kay asked curiously. Since it was a very private matter, talking out loud would be inappropriate.

Kyle frowned, thinking deeply about it. This really did concern him and it might turn out to be a huge issue in the future. After all, he was the heir to the throne, so to speak. He had been pushing it aside, and not thinking about it, but he knew that Kay was getting more concerned for him. The more he ignored it, the more she was worried. So he felt he had to start being serious about it now.

[Honestly ... it\'s hard to explain. I\'m not repulsed in the way that you mean. They\'re okay, I guess. I just can\'t stand their forwardness.]

[You don\'t get turned on when they\'re rubbing themselves on you and flinging themselves as if saying \'take me!!\'?]

[KAY!] Kyle gasped, [Since when did my pure, innocent sister be so .... so ...]

[Normal? Please, brother. I\'m sure even you were not naive and innocent at 13 in your last life]

[True. But still!! KAY!!]

[Answer the question, dear big brother. Does Kyle Jr stand at attention or not?]

Gah! Kyle cursed in his mind. He knew his sister wasn\'t innocent like that, but somehow, knowing it and listening to it were two different things. By then, they had reached the dorm. Kyle hurriedly gave Kay her bag and ran off to the boy\'s elevator. Luckily, one was already there and open, and he quickly squeezed in. He waved at her as the door closed.

[Wimp] she laughed at him.

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