
Chapter 45 - The Start Of The End?

"Cheeky brat," mumbled Master Shifu but when he turned, he smiled. He was going to miss having the two of them in the house. It had been so much more livelier. He sighed, thinking of how it had been before his son had died. It wasn't like this, as he had been so busy with work and hardly came home. When he did, things weren't bad but it wasn't exactly warm like a family setting.

He had loved his wife - and if he was honest, he still did - but he wasn't open about his feelings. Perhaps, if he had been, they wouldn't have divorced. He had taken all the blame and hurt within himself, shutting her out and didn't offer any support to her either. He had failed his son, and through his grief, he had failed her. She was now remarried, and though it had shattered him when he first found out about it, he was truly happy for her.

She deserved someone who could love her the way she should be loved.

He sniffed a bit, blaming the onions he was cutting at that moment. Shaking his thoughts out of the past, he began cooking.

Kyle and Kay were in the living room, "watching" television. Some sort of movie was on, and they were sitting shoulder-to-shoulder. They weren't sitting on the sofa, but chose to sit on the floor and leaned on the sofa.

[How are things, Kyle?] Kay asked, as she snuggled closer to him, leaning on his shoulder. Kyle put an arm around her shoulder, bringing her close and letting her head settle comfortably on him. Kyle knew that Kay had picked up on his unstable emotions that he had been under for the past few days, but she had not asked him then. She waited for him to talk to her, but he guessed she couldn't wait anymore and directly asked him.

[Things are fine, Kay. Don't worry]

[I can't help BUT worry when you shut me out like that] Kay complained, snuggling more into his chest, [don't you trust me?]

Kyle sighed, and kissed the top of her head while rubbing her shoulder [It's not a matter of trust, Kay. You know that I trust you with my life.]

[And you know I'm not talking about you putting your life in my hands, Kyle. Talk to me. You can't just bear it all by yourself]

Kyle leaned back on the sofa, his eyebrows scrunching as an intense car chase scene was shown on television. Tom Cruise was in a car, with his partner, as they rushed to catch a terrorist that had a briefcase controlling device. The television emitted loud crashing sounds and he felt that the sounds reflected the chaos that he was feeling inside.

[There are some things that one just have to bear it by themselves, Kay] Kyle explained, and she listened intently, [If talking about it would help ease the pain, believe me, Kay. You would be the first person I turn to. But right now, it's not a matter of struggling through the feelings but rather, dealing with it.]

He hugged her closer, saying, [Just ... being like this already calms me. That is all I need right now, Kay. Trust me.]

Kay nodded, and they just sat there silently. Neither saying a word and Kay was appeased. She was worried that he didn't want to burden her with his dark thoughts; but now that she knew that it wasn't the case, she was content.

As for Kyle, he breathed in Kay's unique lavender scent and did feel calmer. This bond he had with his sister was so pure and free from any sexual connotations that it felt surreal. They were two pieces of a whole, despite the fact that they weren't identical twins. Their feelings for each other was beyond sibling love, but it wasn't romantic love at all. It was a bond that could never be severed and no one could ever hope to try and come inbetween them.

He wasn't sure if anyone could actually understand that, and he knew that his mother still worried about them. They were worried that they were more than just 'siblings' (which they were, but not in the way their parents thought), or whether their bond would repulse anyone to get close to them. The fact that neither he nor Kay ever showed any interest in anyone made their parent worry even more. So, actually, that was the real reason why they had set the "get engaged by 18" rule. They wanted to push them to think of people other than each other.

Kyle took a deep breath and sighed. His emotions *was* very unsettled right now and he knew he had to learn to control that better. Kyle was proud of the fact that he can control his emotions pretty well, as he truly wasn't bothered by all the drama and things around. He could handle anything thrown at him ... but don't touch his bottom line. He had four triggers: his sister and kids, his brothers and his parents.

Yes, in that order (sorry Mum and Dad). His eyes narrowed as he thought back of some things, and held Kay tighter.

"Kyle! Kay! Dinner!!" shouted Master Shifu from the dining table.

"Coming!" both of them cried in unison and hurriedly went to join Master Shifu to eat.


Ali was at the back yard, being the perfect host. He greeted everyone politely, he gave each of his 10 bride candidates a gift and always had a smile on his face. When the clock struck 11pm, and as the last family went out the door and through the gates ... he ran up to his room. Throwing off his clothes and chucking them to one corner, he groaned as he flung himself on the bed.

That. Had. To. Be. The. WORST. Holiday. EVER.

When he imagined that he would need to go through this at each school break until he chose his bride made him put the pillow over his head. Not a single person stood out from the rest, and not a single person piqued his interest. His parents had tried to get some sort of answer from him, and when he couldn't give one, they just patted his shoulder with a smile.

When he thought of what his father had said : "It's okay. You're still young and getting to know them. You still have time" and his mother, "Just choose the nicest one. You can always fall in love after marriage. Like what happened between your father and me"

He buried himself deeper into his pillow. He couldn't wait to see the others again and cleanse his mind of all of this nonsense.


Xing Han was at the airport, hugging his mum who was busy crying and telling him to keep to his diet and keep exercising. His dad was just standing sternly at the side, and awkwardly patted him on the shoulder when his flight was called.

"Remember. Study hard. You carry the Tan name."

"Yes, Father," Xing Han said seriously. He picked up his hand luggage and walked into the lounge as he gave a final farewell to his parents. The moment they were out of sight, he broke into a huge smile and ran.


The next day

It was the first day of school. The once quiet area was now bursting with people. Everyone was waiting for all their friends at the school gate so that they could enter the Hall together. Kyle, Kay, Xing Han, and Sarah were already waiting, with Xing Han complaining constantly to Kyle about the torture he had to go through during the holidays.

Finally, Kyle put his hand over Xing Han's mouth and said, "Enough. Now that you're back, you can eat to your heart's content."

Xing Han rubbed his belly, "You hear that? Soon, we can have meat. Burger. Steak. OOooooh"

Ali came running to them, glomping on Kyle as he then ruffled Xing Han's hair. "Man, is it SO GOOD to see you guys!!"

Sam just sauntered in quietly, and nodded as he said, "Indeed."

"Come on then, " urged Kyle, "Time for Principal Dobbins 'inspirational' speech"

"It's weird though," commented Xing Han.

"What is?" asked Sam

"There seem to be some news reporters around this time," he replied, pointing at some news van outside the school gates, "Is there some sort of special announcement that's going to be made?"

"We'll know when we go in, wouldn't we?" said Kyle.

Xing Han shrugged, and so they all went in.

Principal Dobbins was smiling from ear to ear, as she looked at the back row of the Hall and saw the four reporters there. She had called them over, hinting to them that she was going to reveal a huge secret about one of the Sakura Academy student. When they heard it was about Kyle, they just had to come.

Kyle was a mysterious enigma. His reputation seemed impeccable, and his parents shielded them from any news being reported about them. The fact that this Principal, from a rather normal school, would dare to drop the bomb meant that she was confident in the news she held. The impact is probably going to be so huge that no matter what the Smiths did, the damage would already be done. So they came. Mainly out of curiosity, and also to see just how good a scoop they were going to get.

Principal Dobbins hugged a sealed brown envelope close to her chest. Looking at her watch, she stood up straight and walked onto the stage. The smile on Principal Dobbins face grew wider.

It was time. The start of the End.

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