
Chapter 53 - La Selle School

Since the programme was only open to 15 final year students, and you can imagine how fierce the competition was. There were only 15 spots, yet 100 final year students. When Principal Dobbins was in charge, there wasn\'t much anticipation or mystery as to who would be chosen. Only the top 15 students would go. So, even if you\'re good in sports, or did well at the interview, you wouldn\'t be able to go. Still, people kept on trying in the vain hopes that it might be different that year.

The student exchange programme was exactly as what its name suggests: a programme whereby the students from the participating schools would join the other schools for a term. There were three schools that Sakura Academy had a MoU* with: Abacus High School in Country C, Mamamia in Country I and LaSelle in Country M. Five students from each school will go to each of the other three schools.

In other words, 15 Sakura Academy students would be chosen for the student exchange programme, with 5 going to Abacus High School, 5 to Mamamia and 5 to LaSelle. In return, 5 students from each of those schools would come to Sakura Academy. Thus, 15 Sakura Students go out, and 15 students from the three different schools come in.

They would attend classes like normal, and whatever subjects or credits that were obtained in the other school would be accepted and used in their own school. Essentially, you\'re attending classes like normal, but in a different school. The best thing? It was all fully sponsored.

The students would also be staying either with a foster family, or the dorms; depending on which school that they were attending. Abacus High School and Mamamia offered foster families to take care of the students, whereas LaSelle provided dorms.

This was the main reason why Kyle had chosen Sakura Academy. To be specific, it\'s because of LaSelle School in Country M. It just so happened that LaSelle school was in the same vicinity as Kyle\'s past life, so he could use the time there to get to know his kids before \'she\' died. What were the chances that out of all the schools in Country M, it would be LaSelle? It was actually his \'brother\' school.

Kyle watched with interest as the boys from LaSelle waved and smiled as they entered their classroom. LaSelle is an all boys school, and Kyle had attended an all girls school. Both of their schools were close by, thus LaSelle was "theirs". There was another girl\'s school further away and were regarded as their bitter enemies and rivals. Any girl from THAT school who dared to date a boy from "their" school ... well, you get the idea.

Kyle laughed inwardly when those memories came up. Being in a co-ed school was so much better. Girls can have lots of drama and back stabbing, and quite possessive or territorial over what they deemed to be \'theirs\'. Then again, girls in an all-girls school tended to be much more open about their thoughts and how they acted. Here, in a co-ed school, they seemed even more coy and manipulative. Of course, there were exceptions but it was something Kyle noticed. Then again, he was a guy now, so perhaps that\'s how girls have always been?

He shook his head. It\'s beyond him anyway. He hadn\'t been a typical girl then and he definately wasn\'t one now. Did he need to be bothered about how the female mind worked? While he had better understanding of the female psyche, he admitted that he was hardly an expert. He had just a better advantage than other guys in understanding women and perhaps a better resistance to their charms.

Right now, Kyle had one term to make some connection with the LaSelle schoolboys. He wanted to ensure that he had his networking in place before he, himself, went in the final year. He had absolute faith that he would be able to go, as he would be making the next 4 years at Sakura Academy gearing towards that goal. What was important now is to be able to set the foundation to do so.

The first step would be to join the Student Council. They were the ones in charge of organising the student exchange programme, while working hand-in-hand with the Principal. Previously, there wasn\'t much of a chance with Principal Dobbins in charge but now that she was out of the way .. Kyle smiled to himself. He had already planned to get rid of her to smoothen his path, and he had to thank her for making it easier for him. By latching on and playing on her prejudice and hatred, he managed to oust her faster than he anticipated.

Initially, all he wanted to do was get her fired but, well. She dug her own grave long ago, so now she had to sleep in it. In the file he had given Robins, he didn\'t provide all the evidence needed. This was because Robins and the police had to get it themsevles, as according to the tenents of the law. Anything he gave would not be admissible in the court of law, and would only result in the charges being dropped. Kyle didn\'t want that, so he only provided the details for them to work on.

The only exception he had was the bank account details. He knew that Robins couldn\'t use that bank statement, but unless he had some concrete evidence to show of Dobbins crime, the likelihood of Robins checking up on it was slim. Kyle couldn\'t take that chance. This way, Robins could get the evidence himself and then put Dobbins away for a long, long time.

Defaming a student or expelling them wasn\'t a crime but misappropriation of public funds was. The money that the Student Council held was funded by the District Office on a yearly basis, and they worked according to the budget given. Every single cent had to be accounted for. Dobbins had simply been too greedy .. and stupid. Why bank in the money when she could have just used it without leaving any trails? Kyle figured that she was that confident in never being caught. As the saying goes, "The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last."#

Kyle walked Kay to her class before heading off to his. As he walked away, he couldn\'t help but ask worriedly, [You sure about this though, Kay?]

[Of course, dear brother. Are you backing out now?]

[No, but ... well, heck. I know we agreed that we should use the most optimum method, but this still rubs me the wrong way] he admitted wryly.

[Honey traps are the best, and you know it. 17 year old boys, fresh for the picking]

Kyle shuddered [Please, Kay. When you talk like that, I get goosebumps. The imagery is quite unsettling]

[Hey, be nice. If you can use the honey game to get those hearts in the girl\'s eyes, so can I. Equal opportunities, remember.]

[I know, I know] Kyle muttered [I KNOW I promised you ... but somehow .. urgh. I can only promise I won\'t punch them in the faces. But if they step over the boundaries, you know you can\'t stop me then]

[Oh, come on big brother. This will be fun. I\'ve been itching to try out the moves and see those hearts in their eyes]

[Again, too much information] Kyle grimaced [Let me keep on thinking that my sister is still this sweet, adorable innocent angel ... ]

Kay laughed, making her classmates look at her weirdly. She looked up at them, raising a hand, apologizing "Sorry, sorry. Was thinking of something that happened last night." Luckily the teacher hadn\'t entered yet.

[I\'m supposed to be the angel on the streets but the devil in the sheets]

[KAY!!] Kyle groaned, entering his class with a frown. That illicited some weird looks from his classmates but he didn\'t care. He hung his bag behind his seat and plopped his butt down.

[I\'m just making you face the situation, dear brother] Kay answered innocently [Otherwise, I can imagine you coming over and ruin the whole thing just because the plan is working]

Kyle put his head down on the table, his forehead hitting the desk [Gah. I\'ll try.]

[You can\'t just TRY.]

Kyle gritted his teeth [Fine. Fine. I won\'t interfere]

[Good boy]

Kyle started banging his head on the desk, making everyone stare at him even more. No one dared to ask what was going on, however, as there seemed to be this dark cloud hanging over Kyle\'s head. Kyle, in the meantime, was deeply regretting ever coming up with this plan. It sounded oh so great before, especially when they were two years old ... but he never thought that his feelings for his sister and her wellbeing would go beyond normal.

He admitted he wasn\'t normal. His sense of protectiveness for Kay wasn\'t something he could control really. Most of the time, instinct took over and the emotions clouded his judgment. Despite all the training Master Shifu gave him - when it came to Kay, it went POOF. If there was a boy that gave a lustful look, he\'d hit them. If a boy somehow brushed against her, he\'d hit them. If someone made her cry, he\'d hit them. If she was hurt, he\'d panic.

Kyle groaned. \'I\'m dead\', he thought to himself.

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