
Chapter 104 - Clean Sweep

In fact, if the wall was horizontal rather than vertical, he actually looked like all he was doing was simply going in one straight line on four legs. Like a spider. With four legs rather than eight.

Kyle was intently listening to Kay's countdown while going up and he timed it perfectly so that he would tap the panel at the 5.5 second mark. The moment he tapped it, Rylen next to him tapped his and they both let go of the wall, letting the harness and rope slowly bring them down.

"I can't believe it," Ken said under his breath. It was a full 0.5 seconds difference. Not 0.1, not 0.2 but a full 0.5. Every single milisecond counted and it could make or break a record. Kyle, who had not scaled this wall before, actually was much faster than Rylen who had been doing it for months.

Upon reaching the ground, Kay was the first to hug Kyle in happiness while Rylen came over and gave him a fist bump.

"That was awesome, man," he said with a huge grin.

Ken gritted his teeth. The twins were already admiring Kyle and took him in as one of their own. Ken wasn't happy. He turned his head to look at the place that he knew Cathy was watching and he ground his teeth even more.

<Damn it> Ken cursed. <It's okay. It's just speed climbing. Bouldering is a whole new level>

If Kyle could hear that, he would have punched Ken. Such a thought belittled his own team companions, making it seem as if they weren't as skilled just because speed climbing was deemed as 'easier'.

To Kyle, there was no such thing as an 'easier' competition. Each had its own type of difficulties and to degrade it like that was something Kyle could not stand.

You do NOT make yourself look or feel better by putting down someone else.

That would only make you a jerk.

"Okay, a ten-minute break and then the bouldering," Cole said.

"Which wall are we using?" Kyle asked.

Cole pointed to another section of the hall.

"It's not that high but it's sufficiently difficult," Cole stated, "This is something similar to the qualifying rounds. The objective is to reach the top. Should both reach the top, then the one who is the fastest."

Kyle nodded in understanding.

"However, unlike the actual qualifying rounds at the competition, you're not going to be allowed to watch each other climb," Cole said, "Otherwise, whoever goes first would be at a disadvantage."

"Sure, that's not a problem," Kyle agreed, "Just let me study the wall during the break, then let Ken go first. I'll turn around and not watch."

"No, it's best if you're blindfolded as well," Ken said when he heard that.

Kyle frowned a bit when he heard that, which was echoed by Rylen and Rxel as well.

"That's going too far, don't you think, Ken?" Rxel protested.

Ken shrugged, "I don't think so. He hasn't proven himself to me yet so why should I trust him? And if he really isn't going to look, what's wrong with wearing a blindfold then?"

Kyle gave a smirk at that then said as he started walking to the wall in question, "Whatever makes you happy, Ken."

"Oh yes, it would make me VERY happy," Ken replied.

Kyle just put up his hand and waved it, in a dismissive manner, without turning around. Kay walked beside him but she did turn to glare at Ken before grabbing onto Kyle's arm.

[Stupid Ken] complained Kay [Make sure you demolish him and wipe that stupid face of his].

Kyle laughed [Don't you mean wipe the grin off his face?]

[No. I want you to totally crush him. Make him lose face. Wipe his face off! Wipe it!!]

Kyle put an arm around her shoulder and hugged her sideways, bringing her closer to him. [My sister is getting to be so violent nowadays! Are you having your period?]

Kay just growled at him.

[Your wish is my command, oh dear princess. Would let me release some steam as well, I suppose]

Kay smiled widely at that and hugged him happily.

No one can insult her brother! Kay wanted Ken to be so completely embarrassed that he's going to find it hard to ever look at Kyle properly again. She knew that Kyle would have won the bouldering competition, but he would have timed it so that there wouldn't really be much difference between the two.

That would not be enough. The difference must be clearly shown. Kyle was the best! Not that stupid Ken who thinks he's all that. Wait until he sees how much faster Kyle was. Not only that, Kyle's technique would be so much more amazing to look at.

Ken was going to be gobsmacked when he sees Kyle's moves. Kay was going to make sure that Ken would never forget how great Kyle is. She was going to take a video of Kyle's climb and then make it go viral. Ken's face would surely go red in anger whenever Kyle's video pops up.

Kay started giggling just thinking about it.

Kyle could guess what sort of things that were going through Kay's pretty little head. Her expressions said it all. From anger, to a slyness then happiness. His sister was up to something. He just smiled, kissed her forehead and said, "Just don't go overboard, okay?"

"Never, dear brother. Never," Kay replied with an innocent smile.

Kyle held back a smile and took a peek at Ken, who was standing there smugly. Ken didn't know it yet, but his days weren't going to be rosy for the next few months.

Kyle turned back his attention to the Wall. It wasn't that high, just about 9.5 feet. At the foot of the wall were thick padded foam mattresses, which the climber would land on after jumping down from their climb. They would be climbing without any ropes and would only chalk their hands once before climbing.

Kyle noted the design.

From the start, it was a 45-degree angle with the first two holds being just above his head. The next hold was a foot away, right at the 45-degree point. Then, there was this huge star plastered on the wall with only two small holds on it. The next hold was at the corner of the wall above the star before the final hold at the top.

Looks so exciting. Kyle's eyes twinkled.

After the ten minutes were up, Ken handed Kyle a black blindfold and Kay took it from him with a huff. Kyle turned his back and Kay put on the blindfold on Kyle.

"You can't sit with him either," Ken said, "Kyle should sit alone." He didn't want Kay or anyone else to describe the route that Ken would be taking.

Kay pointedly rolled her eyes at him and said, "Whatever, insecure person. Kyle's going to beat you no matter what you do."

Ken laughed at that, shaking his head while he walked over to the Wall. He regarded Kay's retort as the sound of a delusional girl too blind in love to see the truth. He'll show her. He'll show Cathy. He was the best.

Before he started, Ken looked back to make sure Kyle was not facing him and no one was around him. His eyes landed on Kay for a second and she stuck out her tongue at him. She would have loved to give him the finger, but that would have been too crude. She was that annoyed at him.

Ken just snickered and started his climb once Cole gave him the green light.

Ken climbed slowly, taking each step carefully. The grips were not easy to hold and he took quite some time to get through the first hurdle: the 45-degree overhang. He used his arms to pull himself up while his feet were dangling without any secure hold. Eventually, after making sure his grip was secure, he reached over for the hold above with one hand.

Then, he brought his other hand up and both hands held on to that one medium size hold tightly. His legs were on the previous two holds below now. Sweat was already glistening on his forehead and one could see how his arms were strained from the prolonged activity that focused solely on his arms.

When he reached the two grips on the star, he almost slipped as the grips were really small. He had to only use his fingers to secure the grip. He took some time to stablise himself before he headed to the next hold and eventually, he reached the top. He breathed a sigh of relief and jumped down.

All in all, Ken had taken about 12 minutes.

Kyle grinned and got into position the moment Cole called him over. With the signal given, Kyle grabbed onto the first two holds. He then brought his legs up in front of him until he was upside down with his back to the wall. He then placed his feet into the empty space of the hold above.

The hold actually like a hollowed-out half boulder with the rounded part being at the top. Kyle's feet went into the hole of the half-circle and pushed his toes forward so that he could hang upside down just by his feet. He let go of the first two holds and brought himself up, to hold on to the top of the second hold.

His feet went out and simply 'walked on' the wall as he pushed himself up towards the two small grips on the star. He really did look like Spiderman at that point. The small grips didn't give Kyle any problems as he immediately headed to the next hold, and finally the last hold. He hung on there for a second before jumping down.

Kyle had taken only 5 minutes.

Kay squealed happily and rushed over to hug Kyle. Kyle looked up over Kay's shoulder and saw the completely frozen expressions of Cole, Rylen, Rxel, and Ken. The twins already had their mouths hanging wide open before giving Kyle a thumbs up.

Finally, Cole croaked out, "I believe no one would object if we just accept Kyle will win the next one as well, right?"

Everyone nodded.

It was obvious. Kyle had made a clean sweep.

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