
Chapter 126 - Men In The Shadows

The nurses were experienced and had been through many situations when it came to giving a sponge bath. Most of the time, there was not a problem because sponge baths are given to those who are generally incapable of movement.

Some resisted and scolded them for it, hiding their shame with a brusque manner. There were the rare few that actually enjoyed it, being pampered by them. Kyle was different than most of the patients that they needed to give a sponge bath to.

He was not sickly and clearly fit with the only problem being him unable to move his foot. They watched in silence as he took on towel and placed it over his groin area. They waited patiently as he lifted his butt a bit to take off his pants and slide it down his legs. He was careful not to dislodge the towel.

To their surprise, he managed to actually push his pants all the way down to his ankles. He was that flexible! Initially, they thought that he would only be able to reach up to his knees only.

Wren and Zara quickly went to the foot of the bed. Zara's hand slid under the pants to hold firmly the back of the ankle (Achilles tendon, just above the heel). She used her palm to stablise it in order to minimise movement. With the ankle brace, it made the job easier.

Still, Kyle had to suppress a slight shudder when her hands basically caressed his skin as she was getting into position.

Zara carefully lifted his leg while Wren pulled the pants cleanly off the foot.

The other side was easy enough to do and once done, they closed the curtains around the bed to allow Kyle privacy. Kyle made sure the curtains were tightly shut before he proceeded to take off his shirt and start washing up.

Unknown to Kyle, the two nurses were giggling behind the closed curtains.

"Did you see it?" Wren whispered.

Zara bit her lip and nodded. Then she brought up her hand with her thumb and ring finger touching before separating it to show a certain length.

Wren nodded in agreement then said softly, "And it's still growing."

Both of them blushed a bit when they started imagining a much older Kyle.

Silly Kyle.

He was so embarrassed by the whole incident that he forgot one small detail. The towel only covered the top part of Kyle Jr from any prying eyes - so long as they were beside him. The nurses were at the foot of the bed and had a clear view of what was underneath the towel. More so because Kyle's legs were slightly spread apart and when the leg was lifted, it gave a much clearer view to the nurses.

Of course, the nurses were extremely professional and did not let that slight distraction affect their work. Their faces were also well controlled and did not show like anything was amiss.

It only meant Kyle kept giving 'free shows' for the next few days.


Kyle had to admit, the sponge bath did make him feel much more refreshed. He was also glad that he made his Mum circumcise him when he was younger. It had been slightly painful after the procedure but it made cleaning Kyle Jr much easier. All that foreskin and having the clean underneath it and so forth was rather time-consuming. It wasn't that difficult for a girl to clean her lady parts properly.

Kay came over at 10am, bringing some fruits and her laptop. The others went to Company LV and would be dropping by later in the evening to have dinner together in the hospital room with Kyle. Kyle's parents had to go off again, but they would only do so after being reassured by Kay that she would always be here. Kyle wasn't sick anyway. Just needed time to recuperate.

Kay immediately hopped onto the bed and sat down next to Kyle. She took out her phone and started Skyping with their parents. This was one of the things Kay needed to do in order to get their parents out of the way. Skype them every day, once in the morning and once at night.

Once that was out of the way, Kay became serious.

"Two MIBs are stationed outside your door for added security," Kay began, "Officially, their names are in the Smith Industries database as having been employed for years now. No one is really going to check and Dad has too many people under him to realise anyway."

"Yeah," Kyle said, "That's one weakness we have to plug but for now, it's working for us. So long as MIB goes through the Smith Industries list periodically, there should not be anyone who can slip in unnoticed by us."

"As for the ones responsible behind the attack," Kay said through clenched teeth, "We don't have anything much yet. On the plus side, they can't get anything from us either."

"Zero reported that there had been a few attempts to hack into the mainframe since the accident, but our newly improved firewall has successfully blocked it," Kay said smugly.

"We managed to trace each attack to its source but by the time we reached the place, it was already emptied out by the time the agents arrived. The equipment was all smashed and its internal compartments were burnt out. MIB is trying to retrieve some data but so far, no success."

Kay showed him a map of the area and several circles on it. Each was widespread and in completely different areas.

"After the third attempt, they've gone silent," Kay reported.

"What's the chances that the ones behind this attack is the same as the one against Dahlia?" Kyle asked.

"I would say, 90%" Kay answered.

"Then get MIB to find a person who is violent, vindictive and petty," Kyle began and Kay interrupted, asking, "Isn't that describing everyone in the Underground?"

Kyle looked at her with a smile, "Yes. That's why you need to add on two more factors. One, he's not some flunky but quite high up. Either sector boss or area boss. Second, someone who is superstitious. Or more specifically, relies heavily on feng shui."

Kay looked at him in puzzlement, "Why feng shui?"

Kyle started typing on the laptop and after a while, showed her a calendar. He pointed to the two dates - the Mall T incident and yesterday.

"If it happened once, I would say it's a coincidence," Kyle said, "If twice, then no. This guy makes his move on auspicious days. He may be Chinese, he may not be. What is certain, is that he is a believer of Feng Shui."

On the laptop screen, it was Feng Shui calendar, with several dates being highlighted as being a 'good' day and some were 'very good' days. Feng Shui is a system of laws considered that is said to govern the flow of energy (chi). Every momentous move needs to be done during good days and any building would need to comply with the feng shui placement.

"I believe that when things didn't work out for him the first time, he was not only livid but also considered me as the unexpected factor which soured his good feng shui," Kyle explained, "All the signs indicated that it was a good day to do what he wanted yet, I foiled it. Hence, he needs to get rid of me so that I won't disrupt his future plans."

"So you're like the anti-feng shui guy?" Kay asked.

Kyle shrugged, "Something like that, I suppose. All of this is conjecture but I do believe that the criteria I set out would pinpoint the mastermind. Also, get a Feng Shui Master to analyse the dates properly. See whether he can get a general idea of the perpetrator's zodiac sign. What I've shown you is just the basic generic calendar but he would most likely use a calendar based on his actual sign."

"On it," Kay said, "Agent Oreo is in charge of this operation."

"Which reminds me, how's Kitten Oreo?" Kyle asked.

Kay's face brightened up immediately and Kyle groaned internally. He was right. Oreo was here to stay.

.:*?°☆...:*?.IN ANOTHER PART OF THE CITY (R18) *?°☆...:*?

Nitocris sighed.

Boss was not happy. Not only did they fail to break through the firewall, but three of their operations hideout also had to be destroyed because it had been compromised. Nitocris had wanted to stop the moment the first one had been tracked but noooooo. Boss felt he knew better.

Right now, what Nitocris found displeasing was not his temper tantrum but the fact that he was blatantly abusing May right in front of him. He didn't care about the abuse, but he did mind having to watch it.

She was dressed in a flimsy negligee that hid nothing and was forced to stand beside the Boss. She had on a collar and Boss was holding onto the leash in his hands. Each time she whimpered, he would pull on the leash, choking her.

She tried very hard not to make a sound but everything that Boss did just terrified her. Tears were streaking down her face but she didn't dare wipe them and she was completely focused on trying to keep her voice down.

"This boy has made me suffer such a big loss!" growled the man, clenching his teeth, "I knew he was trouble!! We have to step up on this."

"Yes, Sir," Nitocris replied.

Boss pulled on May's leash harshly, making her stumble and fall. He grabbed her hair on top of her head and forced her face towards his crotch. With trembling hands, she began unbuckling his belt and proceeded to release his bulging manhood from the confines of his pants.

Nitocris said as normally as he could, "If that will be all, Sir ..."

"No, that's not all," the man said, staring at Nitocris in the eye, "Tell Drako to begin the next phase."

Nitocris nodded, trying hard not to clench his teeth at the scene in front of him. The desk in front of the Boss hardly covered what May was doing, not to mention the loud slurping sounds he had to endure.

Nitocris knew that the Boss not only liked to destroy the innocence of girls, he also enjoyed taunting him with it. The Boss never crossed the line though, for Nitocris was spared the full show - but was shown just enough to make him want to puke.

As the Boss's facial expression was becoming more engrossed with May's actions, he waved Nitocris away, saying, "Tell Drako to be prepared to take action himself. I do not want him to escape a second time."

"Noted, Sir," Nitocris said as he turned to go, closing his ears to the grunting noises Boss was now making. He couldn't get out quickly enough.

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