
Chapter 134 - Second Seed Sprouts Early

The 1-bedroom Suite was complete with a living room, dining room and a kitchenette. Right now, they were pigging out on pizza in the living room. There was beef pepperoni pizza, 3-cheese pizza, beef extravaganza pizza ... and the dreaded Hawaiian pizza.

Xing Han picked up a slice of Hawaiian pizza and looked at the pineapples on it in disdain, "Just what human being thought that a pineapple would go well on a pizza?!"

Kyle took the slice from his hand and replied, "A genius!"

"Pineapples do NOT go on pizza," insisted Xing Han, taking a slice of the beef extravaganza pizza - which had beef pepperoni and minced beef generously scattered on it, "THIS is what a pizza should look like."

Kay rolled her eyes, "Are you guys seriously going into that pineapple debate each and everytime we get pizza?" Kay was munching on the cheese pizza, having fun pulling the cheese at the same time.

"It\'s Xing Han," Sam replied solemnly while eating the beef pepperoni pizza, "He can\'t accept that Kyle actually likes it."

"It\'s the one flaw of my otherwise perfect BFF," Xing Han lamented.

Kyle just grinned and took a big bite of the pizza in front of Xing Han\'s face, making sure he saw the pineapple as well.

"Go! Go away you vile pineapple pizza eater!" Xing Han said, putting his hand in front of him like it was a ward that repelled curses.

"So, Kyle," Ali began slowly, wondering if this was the best time to raise it, "Any news on the attackers from before? Team Zero wouldn\'t talk about it."

"Oh, about Team Zero ..." Kyle said a bit hesitatingly, a bit worried that Ali might have felt offended. After all, they had already revealed Team Zero\'s true worth yet they wouldn\'t share any information with Ali or the others.

Ali waved his hands in front of his face, "No, no. Don\'t worry. I know that they can\'t divulge things. That\'s why I\'m asking you instead."

Kyle nodded, taking another bite of his pizza, "Well ..."

"Euw, please Kyle. Swallow first before talking," Ali scolded.

"You mean THIS" Kyle asked, opening his mouth and showing the chewed up pizza in it, "bothers you?"

"That\'s it!" Ali put down his pizza and lunged at Kyle.

Kyle nimbly avoided the attack, putting the pizza in his mouth as blocked Ali\'s punches and kicks with his hands. After a few minutes of this, Kyle stopped the \'fight\' by sending him a kick that stopped one millimeter from Ali\'s face.

Ali stared at the foot, then tipped to the side a bit to see Kyle taking a bite from his pizza. Kyle, upon seeing Ali stop, brought down his leg and sat down.

"You shouldn\'t have played while eating, Kyle," Kay scolded him.

Kyle grimaced and nodded, "Yeah, sorry."

He looked at Ali and with a raised eyebrow, he asked, "Satisfied?"

Ali sighed and sat back down, taking the cheese pizza, "Fine. You can fight. Next time, we spar for real."

"As for your question," Kyle said, leaning back on the sofa, "He\'ll be making his move tomorrow. What, though, I don\'t know yet."

"So, what? You\'re just going to wait and see?" Xing Han asked worriedly.

"That\'s all we can do, really," Kay replied, "We do have two shadow guards with us, so that lessens the risk. Team Alex, too."

"They\'re here as well?" Sam asked curiously, "Aren\'t they just the offense and defense for the company and business?"

Kyle shook his head, "No. It\'s offense and defense for us."

"The company and business is a part of us, you see. However, their role isn\'t focused on that aspect alone. Their role is actually for us, to be by our side and protect us in whatever we do. Thus, that includes business - and protection," Kay explained.

"That\'s .... a lot to place on just a small group," Ali commented with awe.

Kyle rubbed the back of his neck, "That\'s because ... they\'re not the only group that we have. They\'re just the only group we show."

Ali, Xing Han, and Sam stared at the Smith twins at the new revelation.

Sam\'s mind started thinking again.

The more he learned about Kyle, the more convinced he was. He had gone back to mull over several matters and even discussed it with his parents. He hadn\'t quite made a decision yet, but now, with what Kyle had just said, he knew. This was the path he wanted to take.

"Kyle," Sam began and hesitated a bit.

Kyle waited, knowing that Sam had something important to say from the expression on his face. He was patient, waiting for Sam to gather his thoughts and form the words - and perhaps, courage - to do so.

"I want to be your assistant, permanently," Sam said, "And ... like Team Zero or Alex, be your offense and defense."

Kyle looked at Kay, quering for her thoughts and she nodded.

Kyle turned back to look at Sam. This was a surprise to Kyle. He didn\'t think Sam would be so decisive and immediately jump on the door Kyle had deliberately shown him. He had to thank the lift incident for this. In fact, there were many things he was grateful for, due to the lift incident.

First, it was a tight slap to his face to get him to not be complacent. As a result, he trained harder and would never take things for granted. That, in turn, made him catch on the second attempt on his life easier and faster.

Secondly, it allowed him to introduce his other life to the Elite Five. Slowly, via Team Zero. He never intended to hide it from them but he couldn\'t quite figure out how to actually tell them about it. How to ease them into it. Having them see Team Zero in action was better than any speech he could have made.

Now, this.

Kyle, however, wanted to make sure. Sam saying this was way ahead of the time Kyle had planned but it was still good.

"Are you sure, Sam?" Kyle asked, looking at him straight in the eye. The others were silent, reading the serious atmosphere within the room.

"Yes," Sam said with conviction, "Like you said to CEO Charles. He needs a reliable, trustworthy executive secretary. So do you. I can be that to you, Kyle."

"Believe me, Sam, I\'d love nothing better but I need to know. What about your dreams to be in media?" Kyle asked., "We\'re only 13. No, wait. You\'re only 12 and you have so much more in your future. So much more time to consider and think about this."

The last thing he wanted was to take Sam\'s dream away from him. If there was even a shred of doubt or some inkling of him going to regret this decision, Kyle needed to know now.

For once Sam works for him, Kyle was never intending to let him go.

Sam was the perfect candidate as Kyle\'s assistant. Sam not only could read people very well, but he was also extremely passionate about robotics. That makes his worth to Kyle and MIB beyond measure.

However, what made him invaluable and irreplaceable was that he is someone that Kyle trusted explicitly. Kyle needed someone by his side that could help him in his role as the CEO of Smith Industries AND also MIB. Sam fit the bill to a T.

"You are my future, Kyle," Sam said, "I want to be by your side from now until you don\'t need me anymore."

"Okay, now that just sounded so wrong yet so right," Xing Han whispered to Ali.

"This IS what I want to do. Working for you, and with you, fills me with a sense of satisfaction that I never thought possible," Sam explained, "Just that one day as your assistant at Company LV made me thirst for more. You never cease to amaze me and I am so fascinated by it all. Seeing your double life whetted that passion even more. Believe me, Kyle. I do NOT regret this and will never regret this."

Kyle gave a big grin and shook Sam\'s hand.

"Okay. Welcome aboard, Sam," Kyle said, "I\'ll have my lawyers draft out a contract and you get your parents to sign it on your behalf. Once you\'re of legal age, we\'ll have a new contract that will set out your new job scope."

Sam grinned back, grasping Kyle\'s hand in happiness.

"Wow, Sam," Xing Han said, "You\'re working at the tender age of 12. What are the odds?"

Kyle took another slice of pizza and said, "For now, the focus is for Sam to finish schooling. During the school holidays, if I am working, then Sam will accompany me. You\'ll be paid a salary, of course."

Sam nodded, listening intently.

"There\'s not much to do right now though. It\'ll pick up in 2 years time as that is when Dad wants me to be more active in the main HQ," Kyle revealed, "So be prepared that you\'ll not be going home anymore after that, Sam. So I ask you again, for the final time. Are you sure?"

"Yes," Sam replied firmly.

"Great!" Kyle said, then asked, "You\'re mine now, and I\'m never letting you go."

"Okay, now THAT sounds really wrong, Kyle," Xing Han said with a pout, "So long as you remember that I\'m your first, okay?"

Kyle laughed then waved the pizza slice in his hand, "So who wants the last slice?"

[That was an unexpected windfall, brother]

[You said it] Kyle said with a smile as he took a bite of his pizza [Slightly different than what I imagined his role to be but this is even better. Will have to tweak his file to take this into account - and his robotics hobby]

[Never thought Sam was going to be the first, though]

[Agree with you on that, Kay. Thought it would be Ali]

Kyle sat back, chewing on the last Hawaiian slice of pizza and drinking milk. He observed the bunch of guys in front of him that meant the world to him right now. He smiled, thinking ...

Who would have thought, that the second seed would sprout so early? Would this mean that his future would be even brighter? Kyle couldn\'t wait to see how it\'ll be.

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