
Chapter 171 - Giving A Gift?

So he made a decision that the best way to get to her heart was to woo her slowly yet hint that she was the one.

Would she get it? Would he succeed?

Right now, all that Sam could see was that she had no feelings for him. After all, she could ask that question while looking like she was really interested to know - rather than being fearful or apprehensive of his answer.

Sam sighed inwardly. Looks like he had a lot of work to do.

"Well, you do, right?" Betty pressed on when Sam didn't answer.

She studied his face, and it seemed like he was having difficulty in answering so she leaned forward and whispered, "You can tell me, I won't tell anyone."

Betty crossed her fingers behind her back and prays that he never finds out.

Sam looked at her in puzzlement and asked back, "Why are you so interested, anyway?"

"Oh ... no particular reason," Betty replied, "I just like hearing romance stories. Maybe I can even help you, if I know the person."

"Why? We hardly know each other," Sam pressed on, hoping to hear something like she viewed him special or she liked him (as unlikely as that was).

Betty blinked. Sam was right.

What answer should she give? It was true that they hardly knew each other and at the most, they were only an acquaintance. They haven't even reached the 'friend' level yet. She got so carried away that she was intruding into his personal space. This went beyond 'acquaintances' level.

"Oh," Betty said, "That's true. I'm sorry. Am I being too nosy? It's just that Beatrice has been telling me so much about you that I felt we have already been long-time friends."

"Beatrice talks about me?" Sam was surprised.

"OH! Yes, of course. You and the other Elite Five, Sage Class, Student Council," Betty hurried to explain, "Not just you, specifically. No no no no."

Beatrice would certainly kill her if Sam suspected that she had, in fact, been talking non-stop about Sam ever since she realised her feelings.

"Ah," Sam said, nodding.

Betty studied Sam's profile again, and steeled herself to press the issue even though the window of opportunity appears to have closed, "So ... could you at least give a hint?"

"A hint about what?" Sam asked.

"About the girl you like?" Betty prodded.

Sam's lips curled up a bit into a smile and he put his hand on the paper, looking at her intently, "You first. Do you have someone you like?"

"No," Betty answered, avoiding his eyes.

She has a crush, yes but it's not 'like' in the manner Sam was asking so she wasn't lying, right? What's the point of talking about a crush when it wouldn't amount to anything, right? When she's not planning to act on it.

Sam nodded, relieved.

It was better that she was a free agent so that he can pursue her without any guilt or worries.

Sam looked at Betty and pondered. She was such a sociable and open person. When she likes someone, he feels like she would not be shy and hesitant like him, but instead, hop right to the guy and confess openly.

With her lethal cuteness and straight-forwardness, what guy would reject such a confession, right?

Sam felt that he couldn't be complacent. He had to step up on it. He can't let her fall for someone else, or have someone else approach her first. Would she be the type that accepts any confession from a guy?

Sam got worried.

"If a guy confessed to you, would you accept?" Sam asked, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. As if her answer wasn't crucially important to him.

Betty put her hand on her chin, thinking hard.

Sam looked at how her face scrunched up and held himself back from pinching her cheeks. He quickly looked away and berated himself for being so weak.

"It would depend, I think," Betty answered slowly, "I mean, it takes a lot out of a person to confess, right? If he's a nice person, I would probably say yes."

"Even if you have no feelings for him?" Sam asked in surprise.

"Well, why not? I may not have feelings for him then but that's what's dating is for, isn't it?" Betty asked back, "To get to know him and perhaps, my feelings will grow? I have never been in love before so I wouldn't know."

Betty started stretching at the table, crossing her arms on it and putting her head upon her crossed hands, "I think it would be wonderful. Going out with a boy who likes you and just finding out whether you're compatible or not."

"After all," Betty continued, as her eyes had that dreamy far-away look, "Matters of the heart cannot be explained. Why should I reject a person's sincere feelings if I have no negative feelings for that person? If I didn't like him, then, of course, I'd say no but if he's nice or he appears nice? Why not?"

Sam couldn't quite wrap his head around her way of thinking. It didn't sound wrong but it wasn't quite right either? Or was his view based on the fact that he didn't like the thought of her going out with someone else?

"So as long as the person is nice, you'll say yes?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"Probably," Betty said with a smile.

"So if I confessed to you, you'd say yes?"

Betty was shocked senseless and laughed out loud to cover the way her heart suddenly started to beat so fast. Why did he have to ask that, while looking at her all serious?! She kept hitting him on the shoulder as she laughed. Even to her ears, her laugh sounded weird.

"Oh, Senior Sam, please," Betty said after she managed to control herself. She wiped the tears in her eyes, sniffing as if it was the laughter that made her tear up, "I never knew that you're such a joker."

Betty patted her chest, swallowing the lump in her throat. Having your crush say that, while looking at you, was truly dangerous to the heart. For a brief moment, she had been happy before reality came crashing down on her. The pain came.

Betty looked at Beatrice and her resolve hardened. No one must know of her attraction to Sam. Her growing attraction.

She would rather die than hurt Beatrice in any way. Although she couldn't help how she felt, she could certainly control what she did with those feelings. She chose to ignore them. How can she be selfish at times like this? Beatrice, who means the world to her or Sam, who was most likely a passing interest?

The choice was clear.

"Your turn," Betty said to Sam, smiling as sweetly as she could, "I shared, so you need to share, too. It's only fair."

Sam sighed, feeling the window of opportunity was lost. His courage went out of the window, too. At that time, the flow seemed good and he almost did confess but he was still hesitant. He tested the waters and got shot down.

Times like this, he wished he was more impulsive, like Betty. If he had, would she have agreed? Would she have been his girlfriend by now?

It appeared that Betty saw him as nothing but 'Beatrice's friend'. He had to work hard to have her change that perception and get into her radar and to have her view him as a 'guy' that could actually be interested in her.

"Yes, there is someone who caught my eye," Sam admitted.

"I could have guessed that," Betty said, "Who is she?" Even though she had known that such a person actually existed from Sam's words and actions so far, having it confirmed was better.

"Oh, someone," Sam said evasively, "She doesn't know I exist, though."

"Really? So ... you don't know her yet? But you already like her?" Betty gasped and was, at the same time, worried. So it wasn't Beatrice.

"Oh, I know her," Sam replied, "But she sees me as nothing more than a friend."

So it could be Beatrice! Betty thought with glee.

"So what are you waiting for? Just go for it!" Betty said.

"You sound like Xing Han," Sam mused.

"Huh?" Betty blinked, "The one who kept holding my hand and wouldn't let go?"

Sam gritted his teeth at that memory, even though he knew that Xing Han was just messing with him. To change the subject, Sam asked said suddenly, "You're a girl ..."

"Yes, thank you for noticing," Betty said wryly, interrupting him.

Sam sighed, shaking his head, "As I was saying, you're a girl, so what should a guy do to get a girl interested? Since you're all into romance and stuff."

"Well, that's easy," Betty said, leaning back on the chair, "Find out her likes and dislikes. Get to know them and in turn, that would let you know her. Be attentive."

"What about giving gifts? I always hear about girls wanting guys to buy them things," Sam queried.

Betty's nose twitched and she scoffed, "Hah. That's just them using the guys."

Betty thought of Beatrice, who wouldn't ask for such stuff from anyone, let alone the guy she likes.

"But if a guy does give something, say, for her birthday ... or Valentine's Day. Would she feel uncomfortable? Especially if they don't really know each other well enough yet?" Sam pressed on.

Betty thought hard. Would Beatrice mind it? Of course not!

So she replied with confidence, "Why should she? I'm sure she will be very flattered and it will most likely pave the way!"

Sam nodded and started thinking hard. This would be a good first step then.

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