
Chapter 179 - Valentines Day (III)

She could tell how much the confession had taken out of him and he was patiently waiting for an answer.

Tears pricked her eyes and she looked down, "I\'m sorry, Sam. I can\'t accept this."

Sam didn\'t move, shocked at her words. His mind couldn\'t quite process what she had said.

"But - " he began when she interrupted him, still not looking up, "I\'m really sorry, Sam."

Sam\'s hand was still holding out the gift, him refusing to move even though he was trembling inside. He kept saying \'Carpe diem, chase persistently, Carpe diem, chase persistently, Carpe diem, chase persistently\' as he stood there.

It gave him the strength not to just run off.

He had to see this through. He had to get answers.

Sam took a step forward, bending down a bit to try to get to see her face but she took a step back. That single step of hers to get away pained him far more than he thought it would. Sam saw as she took a deep breath and then finally looked up at him, her face in pain.

"I am sorry for hurting you, Sam, but I have no feelings for you," Betty said firmly.

"Am I a bad guy?" Sam asked.

"No," Betty admitted.

"Then why? Won\'t you at least consider me? You said that you\'d give any guy that confessed to you a chance, so long as he\'s a nice guy," Sam persisted.

Betty gulped. She wished she had never said that.

"So could you at least tell me why you\'re rejecting me without even giving me a chance?" Sam asked, looking at her in the eyes.

"Because I only see you as a big brother, and will never see you as anything else but that," Betty said, "I don\'t want to lead you on."

"You never know what time can do," Sam insisted, impressed with himself for still even trying. Guess the mantra was working, "You may see me as a big brother now, because of how we were like - but if you can give me a chance ..."

"NO," Betty said, almost shouting it, then turned her head, unable to look at him, "Please, Sam. Don\'t make this any harder than it already is."

Sam felt pain hit him like never before. He felt like his heart was shattered into pieces. Sam could see how much she was struggling with this and his persistence was only hurting her. He clenched his teeth, his grip on the paper bag getting tighter.

<Let her go>

"Alright, I understand," Sam said softly, "At least, accept this. No strings attached."

Betty shook her head, "I can\'t. I\'m sorry."

"I\'m sorry," Sam said, his voice soft and low. He hated making her feel so bad. He hated hurting her. He finally put down his hand and turned to walk away.

Betty looked up then and watched as Sam straightened his back and walked away without another word. He didn\'t even look back and as he passed by a dustbin, he threw the paper bag into it. She stood there, watching him go and when he finally turned the corner of a building and was out of sight, she fell to the ground.

Her knees just gave way and she sat there, her head bowed low and her hands on the ground as she cried her eyes out. Though her twintails covered part of her face, anyone who saw this scene could tell that she was crying. Her shoulders shook, her sobs were muffled but loud enough and the grass below her face was wet.

Beatrice was hidden in the bushes and had seen the whole confession scene.

When she saw Sam and Betty leave the Hall where Kyle was receiving the gifts for Valentine\'s Day Event, she found that her feet followed them. She hid, not wanting them to see her. She just had to know. Were her suspicions right?

Luckily the spot Sam had chosen had a lot of places to hide since it was behind the school building near the forested area. They were too focused with each other anyway to really take note of anyone following them.

As she sat on the ground, in the bushes, her heart was in her throat. When she saw Sam take out that paper bag and give it to Betty, she had to put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming out loud.

When she heard Sam saying "I like you", she felt like her heart stopped.

Tears fell down her face.

Conflicted feelings were eating up at her.

She didn\'t like it that Sam had confessed to another girl but she couldn\'t quite hate Betty for being the one he confessed to. She loves Betty but knowing that the one she was in love with, was in love with her closest friend, played havoc in her mind - and heart.

When she saw how Betty refused the gift, she felt relief. She applauded Betty when Betty gave the reason of not wanting to lead Sam on. She could see how much it had hurt Sam, but Beatrice consoled herself as this was for the best.

You can\'t force love and if the other party is not interested, why pretend, right?

When Beatrice saw Betty collapse on the ground, her heart went out to her. Betty was such a sweet, kind soul and very sensitive. It must have torn her apart to refuse Sam, who had only been very nice to her.

Beatrice took a deep breath and wiped her own tears. Right now, Betty needed her. She was about to get up to go and console Betty when she suddenly felt a hand go over her mouth and another around her waist.

Beatrice panicked and was struggling as she felt herself being pulled back into a very strong chest. She could feel the guy behind her, and his breath around her ear. She couldn\'t budge at all and ended up facing the ground while her assailant was pressed against her back.

Tears formed in her eyes. How did this guy come out nowhere? How come she did not notice his presence? Is this it? Is this person going to **** her?

"Calm down, Beatrice. It\'s me, Kyle," the deep voice said in her ear.

Beatrice stopped moving. Kyle?!

"If you promise not to scream or dash out, I\'ll let you go," Kyle continued saying, his voice sending shivers down her spine. She had never even held hands with a guy and now, she was being pressed down on the ground by one, with his voice in her ear?!

It was too much for her innocent soul.

"Nod your head if you agree," Kyle said.

Beatrice quickly nodded her head. <Just get off me already!!>

Kyle slowly got off her and released his hands from her mouth. He placed a finger on his lips and whispered, "I\'m sorry for that, but you can\'t go out right now."

"Why?" she whispered back.

"There is something you need to see first," Kyle insisted, as he looked towards where Betty was.

There were a million questions in Beatrice\'s mind. When did Kyle get here? How did Kyle get here? Why was Kyle here? What did he want her to see?

Beatrice couldn\'t understand.

She turned to where he was looking and could not see anything out of the ordinary. See what? Betty crying her heart out?

Beatrice looked back at Kyle, who just glanced back at her for a while, saying, "Patience."

There was something about the way he said it. Or perhaps it was due to how serious he was looking - very unlike any of the expressions she had ever seen on Kyle - that made Beatrice obediently sit back down and continue watching Betty cry.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Betty sat up straight, her chest heaving as she tried to settle down her violent sobs. She vigorously wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her uniform and took several deep breaths.

Though she was not crying as hard as before, tears were still falling from her eyes. Betty got up and slowly walked to a dustbin. She reached in and took out the paper bag that Sam had thrown.

Even from that distance, Beatrice could see the tender look in Betty\'s eyes as she held that paper bag like it was a treasure. She opened it and took out a small box. She caressed the top, her smile gentle even though the tears were streaking down her face.

Betty opened the lid and the music filled the area.

Beatrice, a lover of old songs, recognised the tune. Unchained Melody. It was lovely and haunting; and sad.

Betty sobbed again, closed it gently and kissed the music box. She held it close to her chest as she slowly walked away.

Beatrice watched as Betty disappeared in the distance, tears forming in her eyes as another realisation hit her. It was so obvious.

Betty was in love with Sam.

"So, now you know," Kyle said, looking at Beatrice seriously, handing her his handkerchief.

"Know what? That Sam is in love with Betty? That the feeling is reciprocated?" Beatrice said bitterly.

Kyle was quiet, still looking at her intently as he said, "Yes, but the most important part of it all?"

"What?" Beatrice almost snarled it out, refusing to look at Kyle.

Kyle nearly smirked at that. Seems like not looking at the face of the person who was pointing out truths run in the family.

"Why Betty rejected Sam even though she felt the same way?" Kyle gently prodded.

Of course Beatrice knew. Only an idiot wouldn\'t know. Betty rejected Sam because of her, Beatrice. Because Beatrice likes Sam. The thought only served to make her angrier.

"What are you going to do about it?" came Kyle\'s voice, breaking into her thoughts.

Beatrice looked up at Kyle, her eyes blazing.

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