
Chapter 198 - The Part

"It\'s the same for me," Kyle countered. If Chad could be magnanimous, so could he, "I can rub off people the wrong way."

Chad smiled at that but didn\'t say anything else. He knew Kyle hadn\'t done anything but was merely giving Chad some leeway. Chad\'s respect for Kyle grew at that point. He had been impressed before, but now, it was borne out of real respect.

"Right, down to business," Chad said, all business-like, "As you guessed, this is going to be another John Wick movie. I had actually said that if the three did well, we would consider a fourth one - possibly even a fifth, if the response continues to be good."

Kyle nodded and Sam was internally fangirling though his facial expression didn\'t change a bit. John Wick was one of his ultimate favourite movies and he actually imagined himself as one of John Wick (if not John himself) whenever he did his shooting practice.

"This movie," Chad began slowly, "Is going to have a slight twist. You are going to play John Wick\'s son."

"Wait, what?" Kyle sat up straighter in his chair, "How is that possible? John Wick never had children with his wife, who had died in the first movie."

"Ah, that\'s the twist," Chad said with a smile, "You\'re a test-tube baby, created and raised from the labs to be the ultimate killing machine. After your father, of course."

"You see," Chad said, getting all excited, "John has always been the top, and one that the organisation could never really let go. So they had contingency plans - any girls that John had ties with, they got her eggs and started making babies. The organisation already had John\'s sperm, which was part of the whole \'medical check-up\' that he did when he first began."

"A surrogate mother would be used to carry the fetus to term. These women were killed, of course, while the babies would be raised by the organisation from birth," Chad stated with a smile.

"So I have lots of half-siblings then?" Kyle asked curiously.

"Nope. The moment John married his wife, all the others were killed. They were useless," Chad said, "John had always been detached and cold, so for him to get married meant that only that person was special to him. Thus, only you were allowed to live."

"Whoa. That\'s harsh," Kyle said.

"Yes, and that also shaped your cold personality. You grew up with your siblings and you were the youngest. You were doted on, for some reason and you were the best. Yet, when the others were killed, you were also told of the reason," Chad said, "So you got this hatred for the organisation and the father you never knew."

"Why is my character so special?" Kyle asked, getting more and more intrigued.

"To control John," Chad asked back, "Imagine knowing that you have a son - that is already mind-boggling. Imagine if that boy is the only legacy your beloved wife left behind for you. It\'s better than a dog, right?!"

"Yeah, and John went ballistic when his dog was killed in the first movie," Kyle nodded, stroking his chin.

This was certainly exciting and Kyle\'s eyes twinkled just thinking about it. Okay, so this movie was much more interesting than he first thought.

"John is now the biggest thorn in the organisation\'s side," Chad continued, "Not only did he escape them, he broke a sacred rule AND worst of all, he is killing off all of those who are after him for it. The only way out that they can see now is to use you, his son, to get him back to the organisation and under their thumb."

Kyle laughed, "Stupid leaders then. The way John thinks, once he found out about his son, he\'d save his son, wipe out the entire organisation with his son fighting alongside him, then they both go back and try to be a normal family. John learning how to be a father and the son, learning how to accept one."

Chad looked at Kyle in disbelief.

"How did you know?"

Kyle shrugged, "Just a wild guess."

Chad shook his head. A wild guess?! The writers had been racking their brains on how to get the perfect ending, that was open enough to hint at yet another movie while wrapping up the whole \'contract\' business. Kyle just heard the outline and came up with the ending within a minute.

If only all his writers had those \'just wild guesses\' like Kyle.

"So, are you in?"

"But you haven\'t seen me act," Kyle pointed out, "Why are you so sure I am for the part?"

"Acting can be learned but what you have is that something which this role needs. That part, which can\'t be learned. So I\'m trusting my instinct here," Chad explained.

"Can I do my own stunts like Mr. Reeves?" Kyle asked excitedly, "Do I get to use weapons?"

"Well ... we\'ll come to that when we come to that," Chad said, "You\'ll be training under our stunt coordinator so that the fight scenes would look realistic. Keanu himself couldn\'t fight at first, but now look at him."

"Erm, I do know self-defence and how to shoot," Kyle revealed, "So if the stunt team clears me, I can do my own stunts, right?"

Chad looked at Kyle in shock and cleared his throat.

"Yes," he said reluctantly, not really believing that the stunt team would clear him. It was dangerous to be done by an amateur, but he couldn\'t deny that the effects would be far better if the actor himself did the stunts. They could focus on the face rather than just the body frame.

"Great," Kyle said, "You can discuss the contract details with my agent then. I trust him."

"As for your parents?" Chad asked worriedly. Would the Smiths actually agree to this?

"Once the contract details are ironed out, I\'ll talk to them," Kyle assured them, "Dad\'s a huge John Wick fan so I believe it wouldn\'t be too hard to convince him."

"Okay," Chad said, "I\'ll leave my PA with your agent and they can trash it out about the contract. For now, shall we meet the stunt team? We also need to check you out to plan the fitness training regime for the movie."

"Sure," Kyle said as he followed Chad out, Sam following closely behind. Kyle could already hear Agent Oreo firmly stating the fee and clauses of the contract as they walked out the door.

"Julius!" Chad shouted as he brought Kyle over, "This is the young man that is going to play Keanu\'s kid."

Julius looked at Kyle closely, and then said, "Strip."

"Excuse me?" Kyle glared at him.

"He\'s a man of few words," Chad apologised for him, "He needs to see your body physique in order to plan your exercise routine."

Chad turned to face Julius and growled, "Explain things properly, damnit! Remember that he\'s still a minor!"

"Yeah yea," Julius said, waving his hand dismissively, "Look, kid. This is me. Get used to it."

"It\'s fine," Kyle said, "So long as I know where you stand. Just the shirt? If you\'re going to ask me to go buck naked, you\'ve got another thing coming."

"Yes. Shirt," Julius said impatiently, "Age?"

"14," Kyle answered as he took off his T-shirt and handed it to Sam.

Everyone around just paused what they were doing the moment Kyle started lifting his shirt. It was as if everything was in slow motion, from the way he gripped the bottom of his T-shirt, lifting it up and revealing that tight abdominal muscles ... to the firm chest ... and the way his arm muscles were showing slightly as he pulled his arms over his head.

Such a tantalising strip tease.

Julius couldn\'t believe it.

He came over to Kyle, grabbing him by the shoulders and turned him left and right. He felt Kyle\'s arms, back and started rubbing on his abs. Kyle gave him a weird look but allowed it ... for now.

"It\'s not coming off!" Julius exclaimed excitedly. He had thought Kyle had \'painted\' the lines with make-up.

Running his hands all over Kyle\'s abs, he was mesmerized as he shouted, "It\'s REAL!"

Julus kept on running his hands on Kyle\'s body when he suddenly felt his hand being held, twisted and he found himself being flipped and was now on the ground while Kyle had his foot on his stomach.

"Stop. Touching. Me," Kyle growled, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"OMG. YOU ARE PERFECT!!" Julius squealed, even though he felt like shitting in his pants from the sheer pressure Kyle was giving him.

Kyle leaned back, rolled his eyes and lifted his foot of Julius\'s stomach.

Julius got up quickly, saying, "I\'m really sorry. I got carried away. It\'s just that ..." he gestured to all that was Kyle, "that is just so magnificent. I can\'t believe you\'re only 14!"

He turned to Chad, his eyes all glazed over and gushed, "Just where did you find this gem? He doesn\'t need any exercise routine. From the looks of it, he already has his own so he just needs to stick to that himself."

He looked back at Kyle, who was putting back his shirt (much to the dismay of everyone watching), and said under his breath, "He\'s just perfection."

Chad nodded absent-mindedly.

When he had seen that black-and-white photo, he knew that the kid was fit but he didn\'t think that the kid was THAT fit. Or that he managed to maintain it. He started getting excited and grabbed one lady that was nearby.

"You took a picture of him shirtless, right?" he hissed.

The lady\'s hand shook but she nodded, nonetheless.

"Good, send it to me now," Chad commanded. Once he got the pictures, he sent it to the writers of the movie.

The chat exploded.

\'Wait. Who is this kid?!\' - X

\'John Wick\'s son\' - C (Chad)

\'Gosh, he\'s perfect\' - A

\'Write more fan service moments\' - C

\'Got it. This will certainly appeal to the younger audience\' - X

\'Frontal nudity?\' - A

\'Are you crazy?! He\'s 14!\' - C

\'....\' - X

\'....\' - A

\'Can we at least have back view?\' - A

\'NO\' - C

\'Just a .. \' - A

\'NO\' - C

\'K. FINE\' - A

\'We\'ll add in the appropriate sexy-within-limit scenes\' - X

Chad closed the chat with satisfaction.

The kid was more perfect than he initially thought. And that move. Kyle certainly hadn\'t been lying when he said he knew self-defence. That move actually took an expert in surprise - and even better. That intense dark aura that Kyle gave as he had held Julius down.

Kyle Smith was John Wick\'s son to a T.

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