
Chapter 237 - Destined One

"Feeling better?" he asked, looking at Ali and ignoring everything and everyone around them.

"No, not really," Ali said with a sigh, leaning on the park bench as well.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Do about what?" Ali asked, pretending not to know what Kyle was talking about. Just how did Kyle know anyway? Ali mentally scoffed at Kyle in his mind.

"About the sudden realisation of something so humongous, that it caused your soul to be screaming out in pain and sending you into a maze of confusion?" Kyle asked.

Ali slowly turned to look at him, surprised, only to see that Kyle was looking at him seriously. Such an intense look, from Kyle, was something Ali was not used to so he quickly averted his eyes.

"Nothing," Ali answered simply, his eyes seemingly focused on a pair of swans in the distance.

"Did you know that swans mate for life?" Ali said suddenly, "Just like wolves. Only one mate for them. I've always loved that idea."

"Don't we all?" Kyle answered wistfully.

Yes, isn't that the dream of every person? That's probably why there's so many stories and fantasies about "the One". That there is that one perfect person, just made for you - like how Eve was made for Adam.

Even the Chinese culture had the 'red thread of Destiny (or Fate)' whereby your soulmate had been destined for you since birth and you were joined by this single, red thread.

Of course, the red thread was invisible. Regardless of time, place, and circumstance - you will meet your destined one. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break.

"In my religion - or culture - it's hard to separate the two, really," Ali began, "We believe that our soulmate is already destined by Allah. No matter what, if that person is meant for you, then you will eventually be with that person."

"There was just so much in that one powerful phrase that made me clutch at and rely on, really," Ali said, "To have that one person who had been created, just for you and vice versa. Just like how Eve was created for Adam."

Ali gave a big sigh, "There's so many misunderstandings and twisted ideals from that. Just because we're allowed to marry four, for example, doesn't mean we're supposed to. It was different in the times of my prophet, as women needed men in order to be protected; and there were more women than men."

"Did you know that my prophet's first wife was older than him, well versed in business and was married before? Yet, nowadays, men marry women far younger than them for their ego, make them stay home and insist on virgins," Ali continued on, "It's so rampant that it became the norm, yet that's not what it's all about."

"It's about marrying the woman destined for you. The one that makes you happy," Ali said softly.

"My parents aren't forcing me to marry anyone and letting me choose. Perhaps that's a weird concept for you since the candidates are chosen for me rather than I go out and find someone."

"Yet, why is it?" Ali asked seriously, "Just how do we meet 'the one' anyway? It could very well be the person amongst those that they selected for me, right?"

Kyle kept quiet, letting Ali ramble on.

It was what Ali needed.

His thoughts were all jumbled out right now and the sudden knowledge of his love for Sophia had hit him quite hard. If he can't figure this out, he may do things in the future that would be detrimental to him.

Love is a powerful emotion.

It can raise cities or it can raze it to the ground.

Which one will Ali choose?

"If the person is meant for you, then you will eventually be with that person. However, just who is your chosen one isn't clearcut and there will be many tests to your Faith before you find that person," Ali muttered, "Is Sophia the one?"

Ali looked back out into the distance, his eyes watering.

"I have never, in my life, felt so strongly for a person before," Ali whispered, "But she isn't of the same Faith."

"So?" Kyle asked, deliberately prodding him, "Either get her to convert or you do."

Ali glared at him, his eyes flashing angrily, "That's not funny."

Kyle shrugged, "It wasn't meant to be."

"Do you honestly think my faith is just for decoration? One can simply convert just to get married or worse, I change my faith because I fell in love?" Ali said, his voice getting louder, "Do you think my life is a joke?!"

Kyle wasn't fazed and looked at him steadily, "Then what is the problem?"

Ali was in the midst of another tirade when that question stumped him. His mouth was still open, when he stared at Kyle, incredulous.

Instead of answering that question, he suddenly asked, "You know, I've always wondered something, Kyle," Ali said as he looked at him.

"On that fateful day that we met. Why did you save me? Why did you stand up to those bullies who were stomping on my food? Weren't you afraid of me? After all, the media has kinda brainwashed everyone into thinking every single Muslim is a terrorist spy, ready to obliterate everyone or subdue them."

Ali could remember that fateful day like it was yesterday. Retsu Primary School. He had only been 7 years old.

?? Flashback ??

Ali looked around him, amongst his classmates.

As expected, everyone was basically ignoring him. His parents told him to be strong and not create problems so he took his lunch box and walked out of class. It felt suffocating to eat in the room when everyone was either staring at you like you were some exotic animal or ignored you completely.

He avoided all the crowded areas and was looking for a nice, quiet place to eat when suddenly, he felt his back being pushed.

He stumbled, but he still managed to hold on to his lunchbox.

He turned around to see five guys just standing there, laughing at his discomfort. They were older, and bigger, and obviously used to being 'in control'. Ali decided to ignore them and continue walking but of course, they didn't let him.

"Hey, are you ignoring us?!" one of them shouted, presumably the leader.

Ali didn't answer for he knew anything he said would be twisted anyway. It was best to just get away.

He was pushed again, this time, harder until his knees hit the ground. His lunchbox flew out, spilling its contents. The guys found it hilariously funny, and started kicking and stomping on the food while calling him names.

Ali saw red at that.

Seeing his precious food, that had been made by his mother for him, be kicked around like that ignited a fury within him that he couldn't contain. He didn't care if they bullied him, made fun of him or even called him names but you do not waste food like that.

Food is a gift from God.

Food made by his mother was even more precious.

He had to keep telling himself to be calm.

Ali knew he could beat the kids up, but he had to maintain his calm. He remembered how his mother had kept telling him with concern on her face, 'Never fight, always seek peace. Do not show them aggression. It would only fuel their misconceptions.'

He must obey, he must obey ... his mother would be so disappointed in him if he lashed out. With the training he got, there would not be any problems to fight. But he could not. He must not.

Yet ... seeing them doing that just ate at him. He clenched his fist, so focused on trying to calm himself down and stop his roller-coaster of emotions going about in his head that he never realised that one was sneaking up at him to hit him at the back of his head.

It was only when that fist seemed to hit something that Ali broke out of his stupor.

And he saw one of the most popular kid in school, Kyle, clenching the fist of the guy that had tried to hit him.

Kyle didn't say a word at first. He merely stood there, so powerful and scary that even the bullies were stumped. The guy who's fist was still held firmly in Kyle's grasp was starting to shake.

Kyle looked at each and every one of the boys there, released the fist and said one word.


They ran off, their survival instinct kicking in. Not a single person dared to stay and felt the amnesty given from that one word. Who was stupid not to take it?

Ali blinked, looked at Kyle in confusion as Kyle went to the stomped food. He carefully and meticulously picked up each scattered remains and placed it in the lunchbox.

"This cannot be eaten anymore," he said softly, "Come. You can share my lunch. There's plenty."

Ali got up, brushing the dirt off his uniform and he gave a weak smile to Kyle, taking the lunchbox, "It's okay. I appreciate it, but I'm fine."

Kyle smiled, patted Ali's shoulder and said, "Don't worry. It's just an egg sandwich. No meat or any pork derivatives in the dressing either."

Ali was shocked. One, at the fact that Kyle knew about his dietary restrictions and two, for actually using the word 'derivatives'.

As he slowly followed Kyle like a robot, Ali remembered how powerful Kyle was in scaring away the bullies. He looked at that strong back, then at the lunchbox and there and then, he knew.

That was a person he was willing to follow for life.

?? End of Flashback ??

As Ali looked at Kyle now, 7 years later, he knew that the decision he made then had been spot on and he never regretted it.

But he still wondered, though he never asked then. He had never met Kyle before that day - why did he help?

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