
Chapter 444 - First Kiss

"Just what did I say?" she gasped, patting herself on the chest, "I'm so sorry. I ... I didn't mean that. No, I did mean it but not in the way it sounded. Wait, I mean ..."

She found herself feeling very muddled and head was fuzzy. Probably due to the alcohol that she had consumed.

Kay just smiled gently and reaching over to her, patted her hand.

"I know," she said, "You just want a quiet place to talk."

The lady blinked her eyes, and slowly nodded.

"Come on, don't worry," Kay said as she got up and took the lady's hand, "You're in no shape to drive anyway. Let's stop drinking, get some food and just hang out in the hotel room. Once you've sobered up a bit, you can go home. If not, stay the night."

The lady shook her head and said softly, as she allowed Kay to bring her away, "I can't stay the night."

Kay didn't ask, but simply nodded. Neither could she, really. Xing Han would freak out if she had disappeared, too.

It was quite easy to book a room - the Rock Cafe was connected to the nearby hotel. The entire stretch of road was filled with hotels, as it was within the City's 'Golden Triangle.

The Golden Triangle is actually a large area within the city. Three major roads formed the point of the 'triangle', the 'border', so to speak. Within the Golden Triangle is the commercial, shopping and entertainment hub of the City.

Hence, hotels were in abundance for tourists like her.

It was relatively easy for Kay to get a room. The lady wanted to pay but Kay pushed her hand aside and said, "This is on me."

Kay whipped out her own credit card, and the hotel clerk's eyes immediately lit up. Country Tz's black credit card was famous throughout the world as having an unlimited credit limit and can be used anywhere.

Anyone in the service industry knew of the existence of the card though very few could actually see it, let alone hold it. She took the card with shaking hands and immediately gave her the room. Though it was unusual that the room that she booked was not the VIP room, did it matter?

Once they reached the room, the scene was rather awkward. The lady was fidgeting and was wondering what on Earth possessed her to say those words, and then follow the young lady up? Why did her feet not obey her brain?

No, that was wrong. Her brain was telling her to follow.

She watched at the breathtakingly beautiful, and young, woman walk elegantly in the room, looking through the small kitchenette.

"You drank quite a lot just now, so it's best to drink a lot of water," Kay said, coming over with a glass of water.

"It's a pity I can't make?Yakamein," Kay said, "It's a scientifically proven method for a hangover."*

"What's that?" the lady asked, taking the water and drinking it gratefully.

"It's a special soup which can have noodles, meats such as beef, chicken or shrimp, onions or chopped scallions, a sliced hard-boiled egg and a spicy and salty broth with soy sauce. It's from Country K, and also known as hangover soup."

"You mean it really works?"

"Yup," Kay replied, "Though I never did try it yet."

Kay wasn't really worried about getting a hangover as she?had chosen drinks that were low in congeners, a substance that is known to exacerbate hangovers.

Drinks that were high in congeners were darkly coloured drinks such as bourbon, scotch and tequila while colourless drinks as vodka, gin and rum were low in congeners.

Also, she had been drinking alcohol and alternating it with water and had been snacking on the peanuts. It wasn't to say that she wasn't slightly tipsy, though.

Her actions this night proved it as she was less inhibited as usual.

Or perhaps it was just her wanting to let loose due to the frustrations that had been piling up.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" the lady whispered.

Kay tilted her head, her hair cascading down the side of her face as she thought about it.

"I can't explain it," Kay said, "There is just something about you that wouldn't let me leave you alone. You looked so miserable, really."

"You're so young and beautiful," the lady said, "You should be down there, dancing away and having fun rather than taking care of an old lady like me."

Kay shook her head, putting a hand on the lady's chin and made her look up.

"Look, why are you constantly putting yourself down?" Kay asked, "You are a beautiful woman, in your own way and in your own right."

The lady scoffed, turning her face away, "You don't have to lie to be nice to me."

"I'm not lying," Kay insisted, forcing her to look at her again, "Do I look like I"m lying?"

Kay waited for an answer, but it was obvious that the lady wouldn't say a word. Sighing, Kay then thought that actions would speak louder than words.

The lady obviously felt ugly, and unworthy of attention - more so by a so-called 'beauty' like Kay. Thinking back on?what Kyle had said so long ago, Kay brought her face closer to the lady in front of her.

Kay could see the lady's eyes widening a bit in wonder but didn't pull away.

Smiling softly, Kay closed her eyes and gently placed her lips on hers. When there was no reaction, she began giving soft, slow pecks on the lips. Bottom lips, upper lips ... just brief but repeated and constant kisses.

The lady soon began responding and returning Kay's kisses. It was all innocent kisses ... until Kay felt something slippery brushing past her lips, entering her mouth.

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