
Chapter 571 - Board Meeting

Philip laughed to himself, thinking that the unsuspecting Patrick was going to go down before he even knew what hit him.

Once seated, Patrick gave all the major shareholders a stern look, "Just what is it that this emergency meeting was called so suddenly?"

The oldest shareholder, Luther, cleared his throat. Obviously, as the oldest one there, people tended to give him some face and form of respect.

"Patrick," he began, a bit nervously but soon gathered courage upon seeing everyone around, "All of us here fully acknowledge and accept you as our CEO, but the same cannot be said for your son, the heir."

Patrick tilted his head, not saying a word and Luther got braver, "We are here to oust your son as the Heir, and replace him with Philip."

Patrick started playing with his pen, twirling it around in his fingers as he listened to Luther. The moment Luter\'s lips stopped moving, so did his hands - to throw the pen straight at Luther\'s forehead.

"You dare?!" both Patrick and Luther shouted at the same time.

Philip, sitting by the said, was gleeful at this turn of events.

Patrick got physical, earning the wrath of the other shareholders and sealing the deal. Philip had already planted the seed of doubt within them, telling them that Patrick would always choose his son over them.

His aggression against them clearly showed this.

Luther stood up, pointing a finger at Patrick, shouting, "How dare you hit me! I merely make a suggestion and you turn violent! It\'s obvious that you are no longer fit to be the CEO."

"Oh?" Patrick said languidly, the anger in his face completely gone at this time, "And you, alone, is enough to determine this?"

"He is not alone," another replied and this was soon followed by three other voices.

"Ah," Patrick looked at them, and at the remaining members of the board.

In the Smith Industries, there were 13 board members, and all were shareholders. This was to ensure that the board of directors would be more involved in the company, rather than be a \'ghost\' partner that simply raked in the profits.

"Do all of you feel the same way as well? Patrick asked.

"Four out of 13 say I am to let Philip take over as Heir," Patrick continued, "As according to our rules, since the Smith Heir has passed the test, two things are needed."

"One: a majority vote, and two: reasons why it should be so," Patrick finished.

"So before we even go and take this to a vote, on what basis is the Smith Heir to be replaced? By one who failed the test, even," Patrick said, rubbing it in.

Philip gritted his teeth, since Patrick touched on his sore point, "I am still more deserving than Kyle."

"Really?" Patrick drawled, "Do tell, my \'dear\' brother, how a failure is better than my son?"

Philip hissed, "There are just so many reasons. The main one being your son has been missing for years now and he hadn\'t even finished high school. How can such an irresponsible person be our CEO?!"

Murmurs of agreement were heard in the room.

"Didn\'t finish high school?" Patrick asked with surprise, "Just what nonsense are you spouting? Not only did he take the DSE, but he was also the top scorer of that year!"

Philip was taken aback for a while but recovered.

He had dug around but he couldn\'t get any information about Kyle taking the DSE. The Principle at Sakura Academy had been tight lipped, and the hackers he had hired didn\'t find Kyle\'s name in the system at all.

Philip was surprised that Patrick would blatantly lie to cover his son\'s irresponsible ways, but that was even better. Now he had clearer evidence to show how low Patrick had fallen.

Philip laughed out loud at that, and his gaze swept the room, "I thought only Kyle was the one who didn\'t deserve the seat. Looks like Patrick is also one that should be replaced."

Patrick\'s eyes narrowed.

"He has physically assaulted one of our oldest board member, and now, he\'s trying to fool everyone about his son\'s capabilities," Philip went on, unperturbed by Patrick\'s death glare.

He was feeling the coldness, but he was a Smith as well and he could soldier on.

Patrick had to admit, Philip did have balls.

Too bad Philip was all brawns and no brains. Patrick knew he was being a bit unfair to Philip for the latter did have some brains. Not much, but still …

"Kyle has gone MIA for years," Philip went on, his voice getting louder, "He\'s too immature!"

Patrick hissed back, "Kyle is not missing! He is studying! And mind you, Kyle\'s performance has been impeccable throughout his training. How dare you question his position!"

Yet, despite what Patrick said, he could see how the others were being swayed and he was angry beyond belief.

It was true what they said.

You could take twenty years to build a good reputation, but only one bad incident to wipe it all away. People tended to remember you forever for the bad you had done, rather than all the good that you\'ve achieved.

Philip laughed, waving his arms at the board members, "Not missing? Really? Then I dare you. If Kyle can walk right through that door, right now, I will take back my words."

"I believe, taking back your words is hardly enough," came a voice from the doorway, "Too lame."

Everyone\'s head turned towards the sound, wondering who had the audacity to crash a private board meeting?

A young man stood there, radiating power and strength. Everyone\'s eyes popped open.

It was Kyle.

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