
Chapter 695 - Conflicted Thoughts

Having Sayuri with him was far better as well.

He could have become a foster parent by himself as a single and unmarried person is allowed to be one. There were a few criteria, of course, such as the financial ability to raise the child.

The other criteria were: having a passion to foster parent, a lifestyle that is able to raise a child (and this does not only mean being financially capable), flexibility in the working environment, and he needs to have a proper support system.

All of these criteria were things that Kyle could easily fulfill. Although he would be busy while working, he knew enough about how to manage his time so that he could be home when needed.

Flexibility in the working place? Well, being the boss also meant he had the power of control. He could just not go to work and dump it all on Sam instead. It was workable.

As for the support system. He had his mother who was a stay-at-home mum and a twin sister that he could turn to at anytime. With Sayuri, the responsibilities of raising a child would be shared and lessened.

Of course, he wasn't going to raise Kyle Jr by himself. There was still Derek and Samantha, which will still be a huge part of Kyle Jr.'s life. As a foster parent, his purpose was simply to give Kyle Jr. some sort of stability and routine while his mother was being treated.

He would care for him as if he was the father, but he had no legal rights as a father. Kyle felt that, although he was being a bit unfair on Sayuri upon making her an instant mother … erm, he had already made her one anyway.

Kyle knocked his head, feeling the surge of emotions whenever he thought about Sayuri carrying his baby. The sense of wonderment, the excitement, the joy … and most of all, the feeling of gratefulness filled him up all at once.

Memories of him being pregnant in his past life, and the current experience right now, were so different yet in some sense, the same. Before, he felt the connection intensely on an extremely personal level while now, the connection was at a whole new different level.

It was a complex feeling for it now encompassed the new life … and the person carrying that life.

Kyle sighed.

He knew he had better get into control of these strange and uncontrollable feelings within him. He noticed that he was looking at Sayuri differently nowadays, but that was all because she was pregnant with his baby.

The last thing he wanted was to give her the wrong signals. Knowing that she was in love with him filled him with a sort of feeling that he couldn't quite describe. If he had absolutely no feelings for the person, it was easy to reject the said person.

He had done it countless times with all those confessions while he was in school.

When a person you like, but not love, confessed?

You didn't really know what to do.

Or feel.

Worse, that person you like is pregnant with your baby.

Kyle sighed again and went to change into his workout outfit.

He needed to run.

Or maybe he should call Big Bro Nic? Ice hasn't flexed his muscles lately and Kyle had all this energy to get rid of.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

"Kyle called you?" Xing Han asked, perplexed, "Not me?!"

Nitocris eyes' narrowed and he glared at his puppy.

The pouting puppy, however, was oblivious to the dark clouds that were slowly forming above Nitocris's head.

"Huh, he's been so quiet lately. Hardly have time for me anymore. Didn't call for ages. Then again, who am I? Huh. Just his BFF," Xing Han continued to complain, "And when he does call, who does he call? His big bro.. Mmhfmmmf"

Xing Han's tirade was cut off by Nitocris's lips, as he grabbed his noisy puppy by the back of the neck and pulled him close. He ran his tongue inside Xing Han's mouth wantonly, wanting to wash everything inside for it had been spouting nonsense earlier.

By the time Nitocris parted his lips, a thin line of translucent liquid joined their lips briefly before it broke. Xing Han was breathing heavily, his eyes glazed over while his pants were getting too tight.

Xing Han smacked his lips and licked them, making Nitocris claim them again while his hands were busy undressing his puppy.

? Several hours later ?

Xing Han ran his fingers along Nitocris's chest, tired beyond belief. His beloved had been rather vigorous earlier, hardly taking a break during their lovemaking. It was as if he was punishing him and at the same time, making his presence known and mark on him.

In retrospect, it had probably been triggered by him talking about Kyle.

Even now, his jealousy was a sight to behold and more often than not, he would express himself through sex.

Not that Xing Han was complaining.

"Why did Kyle call you?" Xing Han asked, hoping this question wouldn't trigger another round.

"He wanted a mission for Ice," Nitocris said.

"Oh?!" Xing Han exclaimed, sitting up, "What's wrong with him?"

Nitocris's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Who cares? He asked, I complied."

"I gotta go …" Xing Han began, rushing to get off the bed, only to find his hand being held back.

Xing Han glared at his beloved, "Cookie, enough."

"Ice is on a mission right now," Nitocris pointed out, pulling him closer.

"Oh, true," Xing Han said before Nitocris claimed him yet again.

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