
Chapter 792 - They Belong to You

Chapter 792 - They Belong to You

Beatrice found the old man to be utterly adorable and let herself be led around by him. His enthusiasm over everything and childlike innocence tugged at her heartstrings and she wondered about Zack and Yuri's childhood.

It was obvious that the old man loved his grandsons to death, and that made her impression of them even better.

It is said that to know a persons' heart best, you see how he treats the people around him. Not those who can benefit you or those who are 'above' you, so to speak.

She had seen how Zack and Yuri were when they went for meals. They were courteous to the service staff. She hadn't seen them at work, though, but she suspected that they were firm and fierce, but that was okay because that was most likely how they needed to exert control.

Filial piety was another thing that she was big on.

Parents aren't perfect and they make mistakes. It doesn't mean the child has the right to be rude or disrespectful under the context of 'you need to earn my respect'. True, one did not ask to be born but it doesn't detract from the fact that they were still born and raised.

It was not easy.

Beatrice doesn't deny that there are parents who treat their kids like a product, or commodity. Some kids even felt like they were born in order to take care of their parents when they got older, and resented their parents for it. Some parents were abusive as well.

She was thinking of those with a normal household and yet, the kids were not grateful or filial. Taking care of your parents as they got older was a natural process of life, and not a burden.

To her, it was a responsibility.

Thus, seeing how the twins were taking care of their grandfather warmed her heart.

She wondered about their parents, though, but she didn't ask.

If she did, it would have given the twins some hope and she wanted to still take it slow. After all, it was still a bit too much to take, being with two men.

Anton observed Beatrice eating the noodles, his heart content.

He liked this little girl more and more.

She was smart, down-to-Earth, simple yet profound and was taking his grandsons seriously. She wasn't leading them on but darn it!

Why have those useless grandsons of his not been able to capture her heart yet?

He had tested the water earlier with his cryptic words and not only did she understand the underlying meaning behind his words, but she had also responded to him truthfully. She wasn't hiding anything nor trying to act coquettish or 'hard-to-get'.

Not like some of the girls who had tried to hook up with his grandsons.

Not that any of them succeeded in capturing their hearts, despite climbing into their beds. Bedwarmers were one thing, marriage another. If the women were willing to hand themselves on a silver platter, the boys weren't going to reject it - but they were always clear about it.

So Anton was wondering about the little one that could captivate the boys so much, even though she didn't do anything.

He understood it now.

Then, he got agitated.

Such a gem wouldn't remain hidden for long. She would certainly be snapped up if they didn't tie her to them soon.

This cannot be!

Anton slurped his noodles, the soup flying about as the noodles were s.u.c.k.e.d into his mouth.

He was startled when he felt something soft wiping the side of his mouth, and looked up, to see Beatrice wiping his cheek and beard,

"Eat slowly, Grandpa," Beatrice said, putting down the napkin, "We have plenty of time. We wouldn't want you to choke now, would we?"

Anton's lips quivered a bit, his eyes watering. Beatrice panicked, seeing that and took his hand, "What's wrong?"

He placed his other hand on hers, patting it and then patted her cheek, "You're such a nice child."

He missed his wife dearly, and she was always the one that pampered him and took care of him. When she passed, it was like half of his life was gone. Luckily, his grandsons had been around to take care of him, but it wasn't the same.

That little gesture of Beatrice was something his wife would have done, and he suddenly missed his wife all over again.

Beatrice didn't move, just allowing him to do what he wanted for she could see that he was immersed in some memory. She saw as he took a deep breath and patted her hand again, before continuing to eat.

Chen smiled, seeing that determined look on Anton's face after he resumed eating.

The old man was up to something.

Chen shrugged.

His job was only to make sure Anton didn't overdo it and strain his health … or break the law.

After finishing the noodles, Chen took out Anton's medication.

Anton's face blanched as he saw them.

"I don't need them today!" he declared, pushing it aside.

Chen pushed it back, his face firm, "There is no such thing as not needing them, Sir."

Anton pouted as he looked into the container, to see the dreaded pills in all shapes and sizes, and colour.

"But I feel great!" he insisted, pushing it back.

"Then all the more reason to take them," Chen replied, pushing it over, "Skipping is not an option."

Anton was about to push it back when Beatrice took the medicine container. She took his hand gently, opening his palm and placed one pill on it, saying, "Come on, Grandpa. Chen says you need these. Take them, and I'll stay with you till lunchtime."

"You'll have lunch with me as well?" Anton asked, his eyes sparkling.

Beatrice smiled at him, nodding.

"Okay!" Anton agreed immediately and took his medicine with a smile.

After that, Anton brought Beatrice to a shopping mall.

Once they entered, Chen turned to Anton and said, "You wait here. I will get a wheelchair."

Anton looked at him and scoffed, "I don't need a wheelchair!! I can walk quite fine, thank you very much."

"I know you can," Chen said, "But if you walk, it means you will get tired faster. If you get tired faster, you will have to go back earlier."

"Okay!" Anton immediately agreed to the wheelchair and waited with Beatrice, who was giggling inwardly at Anton's antics.

Once Chen arrived with the wheelchair, Anton brought Beatrice all over the shopping mall.

"I rarely get to go out with someone other than Chen," Anton said with a happy smile, "Having some fresh, young blood is good."

"I'm not that old, Sir," Chen replied with a small laugh, pushing Anton slowly. Beatrice was walking beside Anton and he was holding her hand throughout. Luckily, Beatrice didn't mind so Anton milked it for all its worth.

Suddenly, Beatrice felt the grip on her hand tighten and she looked down at Anton worriedly, "What's wrong?"

"Just saw an irritating fly," Anton muttered under his breath.

Chen had also seen what it was that caused Anton to frown and he gently patted Anton's shoulder, saying, "Stay calm, Sir. Remember your blood pressure."

Anton scoffed and waved Beatrice's hand in his around, "I have a shield today! She will protect me from the buzzing."

Beatrice's eyes twitched. That as not much information now, was it?

Luckily, Chen came to the rescue, "The two overdressed girls heading this way were once Sir Zack and Yuri's playmates."

Beatrice glanced at Chen with a raised eyebrow.


She looked at the two girls that looked like they were going to a fashion show, rather than hanging out at the normal mall like this. They had a gleeful expression on their faces seeing Anton and was heading over as quickly as their stilettos allowed them.

"They also happen to be distant cousins," Anton said, "The boys' first mistake, and the last, I might add."

"Oh?" Beatrice said, and Anton looked at her, judging her reaction.

"They were childhood playmates that turned into something more when the girls basically flung themselves at my boys," Anton said with a snort, "Shameless hussies. The boys weren't that great either to have succ.u.mbed but at least, they broke it off properly. The girls never gave up though."

Beatrice nodded, understanding even though she found that she didn't like it one bit.

The twins had never hidden the fact that they had women before, but knowing it was one thing and seeing their ex-lovers was another.

Anton continued, "They have you now. They never have given their heart to anyone but you, you know. I know my boys."

Beatrice looked down at Anton, who was looking at her worriedly.

The uneasiness in Beatrice's heart dissipated seeing that. Grandpa had been brutally honest, not hiding a single thing even though it may sound bad.

"Their heart belongs to you," Anton said, "Never to those girls. Never have, never will."

Beatrice smiled.

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