
Chapter 861 - An Unexpected Revelation

Chapter 861 - An Unexpected Revelation

Kyle took some time to gather his thought and get his emotions under control.

He looked at the medical report again.

There wasn't much on it, really, as it was just an evaluation of Lianne's condition. There was also a referral letter attached to it for the pediatric cardiologist, as to the initial findings.

The GP (general practitioner) had noticed a murmur when listening to her heartbeat. Nothing else was added to that, but as it was then directed to the pediatric cardiologist, it can only mean that there is something wrong with her heart, and it was something she was born with.

But there had never been any indication whatsoever of her having anything wrong. If there was something wrong with her heart from birth, why now?

Suddenly, he thought of how Lianne had been born.

It was something completely unexpected, really.

He had gone for the routine check-up and had told the doctor that she (Kylie) noticed that the movements of the baby weren't as vigorous as before. Due to that, they had monitored her heartbeat and noticed that it was rather weak.

Hence, a normal check-up ended Kylie being warded and the fetus's heartbeat was monitored. After 6 hours, it was decided to induce birth, and Lianne was born prematurely.

However, there didn't seem to be anything wrong with her then and she wasn't even placed in the ICU. Four days later, they were discharged, and though smaller than usual, Lianne was fine.

Lianne did have jaundice, which is a rather common occurrence even in healthy newborns (whatmore for a baby that was born prematurely). This occurred because their kidney function was still rather weak and underdeveloped, thus they are not mature enough to get rid of enough bilirubin.

Her jaundice, however, wasn't serious and did not even require phototherapy, which was a treatment where the baby is placed in a cot with a light shining on them. This was a special type of light that would lower the bilirubin levels in the newborn through a process called photo-oxidation (which adds oxygen to the bilirubin so it dissolves easily in water).

Lianne had been subjected to the home remedies which had worked very well.

First, it was the old 'bathe in the morning sunlight' routine whereby just at sunrise, and while the dew was still fresh on the leaves, Lianne would be sunbathing for 10-15 minutes before it got hot.

Secondly, she was b.r.e.a.s.tfed more frequently. Kyle had been careful of his diet to ensure that the milk supply wasn't just plentiful but also nutritious.

Whatever it was, Lianne hadn't needed any intervention. Every week, she had to go for a bilirubin blood test to check the health of her liver and monitor her jaundice. Each week, the heel of her foot would be pricked. Each week, the results showed she was recovering well.

Within a month, she was all cleared of jaundice and no other health issue ever arose.

Why wasn't it caught then?

Perhaps that weak fetal heartbeat was a sign?

Yet, despite repeated visits to the hospital - for jaundice and immunization shots - it was never discovered?

Lianne was also able to participate in the normal school sports activities such as cross-country runs and there had never been an issue?

Why now?

All these questions swirled in Kyle's mind. After some time had passed, his mind settled down.

No matter what, one thing was clear.

Something *was* wrong.

Rather than get lost in the past and getting upset or worried over things that you have no control over, it's best to look at the present and work towards the future.

Even though it wasn't discovered then, it is discovered now.

That is what is important.

For that, Kyle is deeply grateful that Zero found out. Why he even had Lianne gone for a check-up, did not matter. What's important was that Zero found out and had come to him about it.

Kyle was happy about this. Zero and Lianne have a bond that would serve her better in the future. Kyle had always been worried about this part: who could Lianne confide in.

Other than her mother.

As close as she is to Lianne, there are surely things Lianne would not be able to talk to her about. Now that Lianne has Zero, Kyle felt calmer.

So now, how to handle this issue?

[Kay] Kyle called out to his sister.

[Yes, brother?]

[I need to take some time off for personal issues. Can you handle everything for a week?]

[Of course I can] Kay said [But what's wrong?]

[Lianne … ] Kyle began and he suddenly found his throat constricting and his eyes tearing up. Even though he didn't need a vocal chord to mindspeak with his sister, he still needed to be calm to do so.

He choked.

His emotions stirred up within.

Thinking of it was one thing. Having to say it out loud was hard. It hit him harder than he thought. It was completely unexpected.

Kay felt his despair at that point and she panicked. Pushing down the erratic feelings, she projected calm ones instead.

[It's suspected that Lianne has something wrong with her heart] Kyle said softly, slowly while taking deep breaths.

[What?!] gasped Kay.

[I need time to break this to her and get her for testing] Kyle told Kay.

[Take all the time you need, Kyle] Kay said [But what about Stephan?]

Kyle looked out the window, his mind swirling still when he came to a decision.

[That, too. That's why I need at least a week]

Kay was silent, understanding what her brother was intending to do.

[Good luck, brother] Kay said [I'm here for you]

[As I, you] Kyle said.

Instead of feeling appeased, however, Kay felt guilty.

As they broke their mind-speech, Kay looked out the window as well, thinking hard while playing with her wedding band.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Stephan stood still, staring intently at Kyle in front of him.

It was a sudden shock to have the CEO call him up but remembering the ties he had with him besides work, Stephan calmed down.

Then, got even more shocked when Kyle told him that they needed to talk, and asked to talk at Stephan's house.

Despite the shock, however, Stephan complied and drove them back to his home. Even though it was still office hours, who would ask or say anything when it was the CEO himself that took him out?

So now, here they were.

In his home.

This was the first time Kyle was here since he came, and he wondered just what was it that he had to see him about. It surely wasn't about work, for he would have been called to the CEO office for that.

Kyle looked about in the apartment. There wasn't much furniture, really, but just enough for a family of three. The basic necessities.

Stephan had always been like that.

Never one to buy unnecessary things.

"You haven't changed," Kyle said, looking around, "The apartment is furnished only with practical things and not decorated as a home."

Stephan's eyes narrowed, feeling a bit miffed, "How I decorate my house is my business."

"Oh, I know," Kyle said with a smile, "Don't mind me. I was just making a casual observation."

His eyes went to the wall and tv cabinet, then said, "But a few pictures would be nice. Family photo on the wall, some floral table coverings for the tv cabinet. Nothing too much but enough to make the house, into a home."

Stephan's heart made a sudden jerk.

The words Kyle used seemed to repeat in his mind, and in his memories, the exact same words were said.

But it was his late wife who had said them.

"Sometimes, the simplest of things can transform a cold living room into a warm loving home," Kyle continued, then turned to look at him.

"Transform," Kyle repeated, bringing his hands together, the tips of his fingers touching each other before he spread them out.

The words. That gesture.

Stephan's face paled.

It was one thing to say similar words but that extent? Then making that motion?!

"Who are you?" he asked, his eyes wide.

Kyle didn't answer at first, letting Stephan come to his own conclusion.

He could tell that Stephan was struggling with it, so after a couple of minutes, Kyle said, "I know we don't know each other well but if you give me a chance, I promise you that I will make you happy."

When Kyle said the words Stephan had said to the woman that he eventually married, Stephan fell down to the floor on his knees.

His face was deathly pale, his c.h.e.s.t was heaving while his face was streaked with tears, "No, it can't be. No, no ... it's ... it's not possible."

Kyle sighed and he tilted his head a bit, saying, "Why? Why is it not possible?"

"Open your mind and think, Stephan. Why do I know the words?"

Stephan was still shaking his head.

"I, as Kyle, have never met your wife, yet I know everything that she has ever said when you got your first house. And even what you said to her when you proposed," Kyle continued.

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth," Kyle said, "Isn't that your favourite quote from Sherlock Holmes?"

"Kylie?" Stephan managed to gasp out, not able to deny it any longer.

Kyle gave a wry smile, "Hello Stephan."

Stephan's eyes rolled back and he promptly fainted.

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