我的好妈妈韩国 在线看

Chapter 198 - 75

Chapter 198 - 75

"Seek to be whole, not perfect."


Zamiel watched Heaven stuff the food in the in her mouth. She ate without breathing in between and even used water to help swallow the food without chewing it completely. Watching her eat like that was both worrisome and satisfying at the same time. He just hoped she wouldn't choke on it.

"Take your time." He told.

She looked up at him and swallowed what was in her mouth. "I don't have time. I want to see mother before I go back to Valish. I am sure she has been worried."

Heaven always had her mother in mind. She was very protective of her. Zamiel didn't know anything about having parents, but he knew mother's held a dear place in many people's hearts. He wondered what it would feel like to have one.

She stuffed the last bit of meat into her mouth and then looked at him. "Why are you not eating?"

He was an ancient demon. He could last many years without food, so he only ate for pleasure most of the time.

"I am not hungry."

"But this tastes so good." She said with dreamy eyes, picking up the potatoes.

He chuckled. "I eat it often." He told her.

"Yes, but you can't get enough of things that taste good."

"True. I can't have enough of your lips."

Heaven stopped chewing and gazed at him while her cheeks turned red. Then she swallowed hard. It looked almost painful because of the large pieces that she stuffed into her mouth.

He wanted to laugh at her reaction, but handed her a glass of water instead. Heaven took it and gulped the water down quickly. He knew he should slow down with how he spoke to her. She never had a male speak to her like that before.

Putting the empty glass down carefully, she looked up at him with a hint of shyness in her eyes. "I can't get enough of you too." She admitted.

Zamiel was taken aback. He didn't expect that answer from her. She just shot an arrow into his heart and he knew it would stay there forever. That mix of shyness and boldness was alluring. She made him feel restless.

And then she did that thing, where she leaned down a little so her hair would cover her face when she felt shy. Then when she calmed down, she would tuck the hair behind her ear. But this time she didn't stop there. Her hand went down to her neck, and she rubbed it. She had been doing that during the whole mealtime.

"Did you hurt your neck?" He asked.

She shook her head. "No, it just itches." Removing the hair from her neck, "is it red?" She asked him.

Zamiel's gaze fell on her neck and his eyes widened in surprise. What...how?

Right in the crook of her neck, there was a mating mark. It was exactly where he had marked her the first time. How was it possible? He thought it faded away.

"What is wrong?" She asked when she saw the look on his face.

Zamiel stood up from his seat and went to take a closer look. No, his eyes were not playing tricks on him. It was a mating mark, and it didn't look like a new one. It looked like it had been there for some time.

"You have a mating mark here." He said touching her neck.?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #’s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-75_51378642730672570 for visiting.

"That is not possible." Heaven said confused. "The mark faded a long time ago."

"It is there, Heaven." Zamiel repeated.

Heaven stood up from her seat and stalked to his room. Zamiel followed her. She went to the mirror and leaned closer, baring her neck. When she saw the mark, her eyes widened and then she frowned.

"How?" She began.

Yes, how? He was also curious.

Thinking carefully about it now, his urge to renew the mark was gone. He had been so occupied with the nightmares and how to get rid of them; he didn't pay attention to his urges. The annoying, painful feeling that forced itself on him was gone.

What was happening?

Zamiel went over and took her hand. "Come, we need to see your grandmother." He said.

Heaven stared at him, surprised. "You want to see my grandmother?" She asked.

"Yes. I already visited her once and …"

"You did what?!" She cut him. "You visited my grandmother." She repeated in disbelief.

Why was she surprised?

"Yes." He replied simply.


"I needed advice from her."

Heaven blinked a few times in disbelief, then her eyes softened.?"Oh Zamiel," She wrapped her arms around him. "I am so proud of you."


Oh, it was the witch thing.

He was still not comfortable with her grandmother, but he tried to stay open-minded.

Heaven pulled away. "Advice for what?" She asked curiously.

"That is something we need to talk about. But let's find your grandmother first. She will explain everything."

Zamiel teleported them outside her grandmother's house. He listened after life. She wasn't in her home.

"She is not here." He said.

"I think she is with mother." Heaven spoke. "We should go there and I get to see mother as well."

Zamiel nodded, and they went to the castle. They teleported to her mother's garden, since Heaven wasn't supposed to be seen by anyone else. She was still supposed to be in Valish.

When they arrived, they found Heaven's grandmother sitting alone at a table in the garden. She sensed their presence and looked their way.

"Heaven." She stood up from her seat.

Heaven went to her grandmother and gave her a hug.

"Your father told me what happened. I am so proud of you." Her grandmother said, hugging her back.

Then she turned to him. "Zamiel, welcome." She said motioning for him to come and sit.

Zamiel went to the table and greeted her.

"Where is mother?" Heaven asked.

"She will be here soon. Please sit." She told them.

Her grandmother looked curiously between him and Heaven. "Did something happen?" She asked.

"Something strange." Heaven began. "Look at this."

She bared her neck again to show her grandmother.

Irene leaned closer to take a look. "That looks like a mating mark." She said simply.

"Yes. But… the previous one was gone and Zamiel didn't renew it."


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