我的好妈妈韩国 在线看

Chapter 215 - 92

Chapter 215 - 92

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you will be criticized anyway."


Heaven just lay still in bed for a moment, her body left in utter bliss. She could feel the sparks of pleasure going through her body, and her legs were still trembling slightly.

How could she feel like this just from being touched?

The ceiling seemed to sway as she stared at it, while catching her breath. Her heart was beating fast and loud in the silent room, as if she had been chased by someone.

Zamiel was lying on the side next to her, propped up on one elbow with his hand supporting his head. He watched her with satisfaction while she took her time to recover.

"Did you enjoy it?" He asked, his fingers traveling up her leg and thigh.

Heaven nodded as she turned to him. Her gaze fell right on his mouth, on the sharp tips of his fangs that peeked behind his lips. His eyes were locked on her neck before he looked at her.

There seemed to be some kind of pleasure in biting beside marking, and Heaven wanted to please him as well. She touched the other side of her neck where she didn't feel sore.

"You can bite me if you want." She told him.

A frown settled between his eyebrows. "Your healing seems to be slow. You need to recover first." He looked at the bruises on her body. "I will be more careful."

"I am fine. It didn't hurt at all." She said.

He brought his hand to her face and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. "You look tired." He pointed.

"I am." She admitted.

"What happened?"

Her lips curved into a smile. "First tell me what did I promise? And what did you promise?"

He smiled back. "Are you negotiating?"

"Well, you made me promise things when I was in a vulnerable state. That is called taking advantage."

Zamiel chuckled. "I don't need to get you in a vulnerable state to make you promise things." He teased.

She shot him a hard glare, which made him chuckle even more. "Don't forget that even if you are ancient, you are vulnerable with me." Even though she was being playful, she felt a sting in her heart when she said those words.

"That is not a threat coming from someone who promised to protect me, even in her vulnerable state."

Was that what she had promised him?

His eyes narrowed. "What is it with the protecting promises?" He asked her.

"I…" She sat up and turned to him before taking a deep breath.

Zamiel got himself up as well and sat facing her.

"I am afraid to hurt you. You know that." She spoke.

His eyes softened. "I know. And I told you I know you won't do it. You are letting the nightmares affect you."

Maybe she was, but there was this gut feeling that she couldn't shake off. Something inside of her was warning her.

"I feel like something bad is going to happen." She admitted.

Zamiel watched her for a moment before he spoke. "I am sure something will happen, but you can't let the fear of it happening prevent you from living your life. If you are scared and worried, it will make you more tired, and that will benefit your grandfather."

Heaven nodded. He was right. She was feeding her fear, making herself sick instead of recovering. She should try to not think about it.

"Rest now." He said, pushing her down playfully.

Heaven let herself fall back with a smile, then adjusted herself so she was lying right. Zamiel stood up and took his jacket off. He loosened his shirt and then got in bed with her, covering them both with the blankets.?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #’s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-92_51981970762168769 for visiting.

She snuggled against the warmth of his body, and he wrapped his arms around her. Even though she just wanted to enjoy this moment, she had to tell him what happened today with Zarin.

"Something else happened today." She began. "I find out Zarin joined my grandfather."

Zamiel pulled back to look at her. "Why?" He asked.

Heaven shrugged. "Grandpa made him promises that he would help him get me."

It was so stupid she shook her head. She felt anger rise within her again. She wanted to punch him, kick him and yell at him. She wanted to fight him. How could he cause his parents so much pain?

While she didn't even want to think about what would happen to her parents if the devil took her away, he went there on his own. She wondered what was going through his mind? Her grandfather would now exploit him in every way, and the Zarin she once knew would be gone forever.

Zamiel popped up on an elbow. "How do you feel?" He asked her.

Angry, was her first thought. She was angry. Angry at two people she called family hurting her this way, and angry for still wishing and hoping they would be better.

But she was also sad. Sad for the ones hurt and sad for the ones inflicting the pain. They were blind to the truth.

"I feel so many things." She admitted.

"I don't want you to think it is your fault." He told her.

Heaven chuckled. Wouldn't it be easy if it was her fault? She would have just apologized.

"I know."

"Good." He said stroking her head.

"I spoke to him and grandfather today."

She expected him to panic, but he remained calm. "What did you talk about?"

Heaven sighed. "Is it wrong that I feel disappointed when I see him? That I keep hoping this is just some nightmare and my grandfather is actually good."

"No. It is your grandfather. We don't easily accept when our family becomes our enemy." He said.

Just hearing those two words, family and enemy, in the same sentence made so many emotions run through her.

"He seemed so sure that I would join him." She added.

"Don't let that affect you. He wants you to feel unsure of yourself."

"I know." And Zarin was probably part of his plan as well. Why would he promise him someone else's mate when he has no power over such things?

"Why do you think grandfather let Zarin join him?" She asked Zamiel.

Zamiel seemed thoughtful for a moment. "He probably knows about your fight and his fight with his family."

Fight? So her grandfather was using the fight against her?

His parents were blaming and questioning themselves. Maybe he wanted her to feel the same way.

And by his parents telling her parents about why their son joined the devil, maybe he wanted to plant hatred between them. Cause a fight that would split them up. That way he could easily defeat them if the families were separated.

But her grandfather was so wrong. He didn't know her or her family. Her parents had already told Zarin's parents that they would try to talk to him. When her grandmother finds out, Heaven was sure even she would try to talk some sense into Zarin. Maybe Zarin needs to hear the truth from different people than just his parents, in case he thought his parents' views were wrong or that they were too demanding.

She knew he had a soft spot for her father. She hoped he would get through to him and her grandmother was good at showing the light in the dark. But her mother, hopefully her mother's kindness, would be what affects him the most.

Heaven didn't know if she would be able to persuade him. She had seen a hint of guilt when she spoke about his parents, which gave her hope, but she didn't know if that guilt would be enough. Maybe with the help of her parents and everyone else, they could make him see the truth. At the end of the day, all they could do was talk to him and show him goodness. If her friend had any goodness in him, which she believed he had, then he would choose the right path.

What about her grandfather? Did he have any goodness in him? Would he ever leave her alone even if he couldn't be a good grandfather?

She hated herself at this moment for even thinking that so she pushed the thought away.

"I have tried to talk to Zarin and… I asked him if he could meet me again. I know you don't like him." She began. "I don't want to do anything that upsets you."

She wanted to help Zarin and his family. Roshan has raised her like his own daughter, spending more time with her than her own father when her father was very busy with state affairs at the beginning of his rule. Klara was a teacher to all of them, including her mother. She was someone who supported them unconditionally.

Klara and Roshan were her second parents, and it hurt to see them hurt, but if helping Zarin would come between her and Zamiel, then she would leave it at that.

Because now, Zamiel was her family as well.

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