我的好妈妈韩国 在线看

Chapter 267: 144

Chapter 267: 144

Zamiel looked down at Zarin, who was lying at his feet. He had already been in a bad mood. Even the skies responded to his emotions, and now this boy came to annoy him. He didn't think he would be anymore surprised by Zarin's actions, but this behavior baffled him.

Zarin got up on his feet, but he could barely stand. He reeked of alcohol and was soaked in rain. His eyes were red and swollen.

He had been crying.

While trying to balance his weight on his feet, he looked at him with a tilted head and smirked. "I am not here to die. I came here to beat you." He said pointing at him.

He really did have a death wish.

"And you think you can do that?" Zamiel crossed his arms behind his back. This boy could barely stand on his feet and he wanted to beat him?

Not even his father or grandfather would be fool enough to pick a fight with him this easily.

"You think I can't?" He asked in turn. "You underestimate me."

Wobbling, he walked around him in a circle, like a predator surrounding his prey. The whole thing was so silly that it wasn't even worth laughing about.

"Go home, Zarin!" He told him.

"Why? Are you scared?"

"Very much. You make me shiver." Zamiel said sarcastically.

Euphorion must have smitten him with his sarcasm and now he was standing upstairs, probably wondering what was going on.

"I have never feared you." Zarin spat.

"Only a fool would have no fear."

Zarin scoffed, still walking around him in circles. Zamiel knew why he was here. He was here to relieve his pain and guilt so he could go back to do what whatever bad deeds he had been doing. Again, he was only thinking of himself and causing problems.

"Is that why you fear poison?" He asked.

Zamiel frowned. Of course, Zarin knew this by now. He would do anything to find out his weaknesses.

"An ancient, powerful demon. Created with the power to destroy the world, yet you fear poison." He laughed at him.

Zamiel remained unprovoked despite being in a bad mood.

Now Zarin came to stand in front of him. "You think you are better than everyone else? You are just like every other demon. Prideful. You think you are better than me. That I am not even worth fighting."

"Just kill him so we can get some sleep." Euphorion spoke from upstairs.

Zarin didn't bother to look up. He kept his gaze fixated on Zamiel. Hate radiated from them. He was here to receive his pain but also unleash his hatred. He was not leaving unless he got to fight.

"Powerful demon, yet you couldn't protect your family. They died while you are still alive. Having all that power for nothing. Or did you maybe let them get killed on purpose?"

Zamiel stiffened. He knew that Zarin was full of hate, but this he never expected from him. Especially since he came crying because he felt as if he had lost his family. To use someone's family against them just to relieve his pain was repugnant.

With a look of disgust, Zamiel threw him outside his home with a wave of his hand. Zarin flew through the door and collided with a tree. He fell to the ground with a groan. Zamiel stepped outside to the rain while Zarin crawled and tried to get up on his feet. He wasn't giving up yet.

When he was standing, he looked at Zamiel. "I am not a weak demon anymore." He was referring to the death of his human side. "I am more powerful now."

Zamiel didn't know why he held back. Zarin crossed the line because he had let him several times before. This time he wouldn't. The boy needed to know when to stop.

Euphorion came out to the terrace to watch the fight.

Zarin roared like an animal, letting his claws and fangs come out before attacking Zamiel. Zamiel avoided his sloppy attempts easily, causing Zarin to become angrier than he was before.

"Everything is your fault!" He yelled as he was attacking him.

Zamiel avoided his punch and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall and glide backwards on the muddy ground. The next moment he stood over and stepped on his chest, suffocating him.

"This is how I felt when I lost my family. I would have done anything to be with them again. And you? Your family is alive. All you need to do is admit that you are wrong to be with them again. But you can't. You might have become more demon, but I still see a weak boy."

Zarin was burning with fury as he groaned in pain while trying to remove Zamiel's feet from his chest. "Does it hurt?" Zamiel asked. "Have you ever thought of the pain you caused others except for your own?"

When he couldn't remove Zamiel's feet, he teleported away and then attacked from behind. Zamiel moved out of his way and Zarin ended up falling again.

This time he got up, more determined than before. Small flames burned in his eyes and with a motion of his hand he set Zamiel on fire.

What a stupid thing to do. He was a smoke demon. No fire could hurt him.

Zamiel let his skin absorb the flames. "That is not how you burn a demon." He said and then caused lightening to strike him.

Zarin fell unconscious to the ground.

"No!" Euphorion called disappointed that the fight ended so soon but Zamiel had enough.

He left Zarin on the ground and walked into his home. Euphorion watched him curiously. "Are you going to let him live?" He asked, coming after him.

"I am tired. I am going to sleep." Zamiel said.

Zarin wasn't his responsibility. The boy had come to his home and started a fight. He owed him nothing. Yet as he went upstairs, something didn't feel right. Cursing himself, he turned around and went back outside.

Euphorion followed him with a questioning gaze.

Zamiel grabbed Zarin by the arm and teleported him inside.

Now Euphorion stared at him, confused. "So you are not only going to let him live but also care for him?" He raised a brow.

Zamiel sighed. He didn't know why he was doing this either. But he wasn't into the killing thing that came so easily for demons.

"If so, you could have at least beaten him severely. Make him vomit blood for a few days for the things he said about you and your family."

Zamiel realized that Euphorion was upset for him. He had called him a friend when introducing him to Zarin, but now he was acting as if he truly was his friend.

Zamiel had never had a male friend before. Ancients were never friends because of the competitiveness between them, and others in the lower rank never considered them friends because of the power dynamic.

Maybe he was reading into it too much and Euphorion was just angry with Zarin.

"I think this is enough." Zamiel said.

"Did you not read the boy's mind? He had no intention of stopping. What will you do if he wakes up and burns your house?"

Euphorion made him chuckle despite his bad mood. He was so dramatic.

"Don't tell me you are worried for my house?"

"I am worried for you being this…" He tried to find the right word. "Forgiving."

Zamiel was about to say something when he realized this demon was making him talk more than usual. "Good night." He said turning away from him. "Don't touch the boy."

When he was back in his room, he wondered what Zarin would do when he woke up? He was fond of his new powers so he could burn this house or maybe poison him in his sleep. Zamiel wouldn't be surprised anymore.

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