
Chapter 52 - 52: Punishment I

Chapter 52 - 52: Punishment I

"Hmpft! Perhaps the real reason that you fully support me is because you think that I will be more occupied, and you will have more time to spend with that… That Isabel when I'm not around." Serena taunted. After their peaceful reunion earlier, she still felt dissatisfied to end it at that.

Charlton laughed, a part of him was happy that his girlfriend was acting jealous. After they left the classroom yesterday, Serena thought it best for him to go back to his dorm and rest. Although he didn't want to, he reluctantly agreed. After the feeling of euphoria and adrenaline of being forgiven passed, he just felt all the accumulated fatigue assault him.

So now, here they are in the private music room, trying to make up for the days that they didn't get to rehearse. The wedding which was on Sunday was fast approaching. Aside from that, Serena will be attending her first Meeting as part of the student council on Saturday.

"What are you laughing at? You think I'm funny?" Serena a little annoyed asked. Why is it that Charlton was not acting jealous at all? Now, she's the one acting like a real teenage girl nagging her boyfriend. Her expectations versus reality were worlds apart!

Charlton amused by her moved to hold her cheeks and kiss her. "I think you're being very cute."

"What cute? And why are you taking liberties with me? You haven't even explained why you were there that time." Serena angrily exclaimed as she pushed him away.

Charlton who was afraid to incur her anger again and didn't want any more misunderstanding, started explaining what happened that day.

"So, it's that Kylo. You should not listen to him. It was a foul move for him to threaten you with our relationship."

"Yes, I already warned him not to do that again. But I do not want to blame him too much, because ultimately, I was also at fault, and whatever he did, was no excuse for me. So… I'm sorry Serena. Please forgive me. I won't promise you never, but I will do my best to not cause you any hurt or pain in the future." Charlton sincerely apologized as he held her hands.

Serena feeling that she should not let the poor boy suffer any longer nodded her head. "I forgive you… but just so you know, if you were to commit the same mistake again, then you better prepare yourself. I can be very vengeful you know?"

"I rather you be vengeful, just… don't leave me okay?"

"Hmpft! So you do realize how perfect your girlfriend is. That you are so lucky that she even gives you the time of her day." Serena said as she playfully mocked him.

Charlton smiled at Serena. He really likes this part of her, where she is just being a little arrogant and teasing him. This is one side she only ever shows to him. In front of the others, she is more mature and modest.

"What are you smiling at? You should keep in mind to never even look at another woman, because if you do, ha! Then I won't hesitate to leave you behind! There's a lot of men who can only ever wish to have me in their lives!"

"Never." Charlton finally answered.

"Never what?"

"I hope you won't think that what I'm about to say is just some sappy thing a teenage boy would say. But Serena, I love you. I don't think I will ever love another woman as much as I love you. So never think for even one second that I will look at another the way I look at you. I know just how lucky I am to be here right now." Charlton said honestly, shedding all masculine pride any other man may have.

Serena was a little overwhelmed by his confession but as sappy as it was, she was also overflowing with immense joy and happiness. Her heart throbbed and she just unconsciously moved to kiss him.

"I love you too. So, you better make true of those words."

"That, I can promise." Charlton replied as he smiled. Then he went to pick something from his bag.

"What's this?" Serena asked as Charlton handed her a velvet box.

"Open it."

When Serena opened it, she instantly recognized the necklace which she looked at when she was at Tiffany's. This necklace was supposed to be Geoffrey's gift to Emily as a symbol of his love. It was one of a kind and well it costs a lot. But what truly astounded her was the fact that Charlton was gifting it to her now. When did he even buy it?

Charlton saw Serena's confused look as she stared at the necklace, then at him.

"I know you don't believe me when I said that I have always wanted to kiss you. That you think that it was you who first made all the moves to make me fall in love. But I want to confess, I believe that I have loved you since the first time we met. I just didn't have the courage to tell you. I admit that I was also afraid of the consequences. But when I saw how fascinated you looked at that, I felt compelled to buy it for you. I never thought I would have the opportunity to give it to you."

'Why is he always saying the right words?' Serena thought as she felt a little sour. How can she not love him? He loved her even at the time when she was but thinking that he was nothing but a good first target.

Charlton panicked when he saw her nose redden. Was she about to cry?

"Wait, Serena, I don't mean to put you through any pressure. That is just my own feelings, you have no obligation to…"

"You put it on for me." Serena said as she smiled through her teary eyes, halting him from his explanations. She thought that in any case, she will never forget this. His words truly touched her heart.

Charlton nodded at a loss for words. He was just happy that she accepted. He was afraid that she would reject it. He understood that a necklace, specially one as expensive as this one, was not just a simple gift.

Although a necklace is not as intimate as a ring, it is still a symbol of his love and affection, that he is committing to her and is hoping that she will place him in her heart. He understands that they are already past that stage, but he still feels like it's different when there's an object that signifies their commitment.

Obviously, Serena and Charlton were having different thoughts, but the sentiments feel kind of similar.

Anyway, Charlton quickly moved to put it on for her as Serena pushed her hair to the side.

When Charlton was finished clasping it, he kissed the back of her neck.

"What do you think? Does it suit me?" she asked, as she turned to look at Charlton.

Charlton nodded with a smile appreciating the fact that she's wearing it.

Serena was not impressed as she raised her brow. Really? It's on top of her blouse. Maybe he didn't get what she wanted to imply. So, she removed the ribbon on her blouse. then she unbuttoned the first three so that the necklace was lying directly on her skin.

"Don't you think this looks better?" She asked.

Charlton finally understood what she was getting at.

"Hmm… Let me see." He said as he flicked her hair to the side. Then as if to inspect it, he moved his face towards her neck, close enough that his hot breath tickled her, then he traced her skin which wasn't covered by the necklace. "I think that the collar of your blouse is hindering me from truly appreciating the view."

"Oh… should you help me remove it then?"

Charlton who was too eager as they have already abstained for more than 2 weeks, lost control and accidentally ripped her blouse making the rest of the buttons fly.

"Hey!" Serena surprised exclaimed.

"I'm sorry!" he too was surprised by his own action, so he quickly moved away from her to pick the buttons up.

Serena as if suddenly inspired had a new idea.

"You know, you have been a very bad boy as of late. Don't you think that you deserve some punishment?" she suggested as she completely removed her blouse.

Charlton who was done picking up the buttons, approached her and kissed her on her mouth. He thought that whatever punishment she was thinking of, well, they can talk about it later.

She pressed on his chest, pushing him away. "Not so fast."

"Huh?" he felt that his erection is already killing him.

She then pulled him towards the couch. She removed his coat and his necktie. Then she sat on the couch and asked him to turn around. He was confused, what was she getting at?

"Don't move" she said as she pulled his hands behind him. Then he felt her bound both of his hands with his necktie.

Was she thinking of what he's thinking? But he really doesn't want this now! He'll die of too much excitement! "Serena, not now… please…" he began as he turned to face her.

"So you still know how to beg." She said as she smirked.



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