
Chapter 71 - 71: Orphanage III

Chapter 71 - 71: Orphanage III

Geoffrey felt awkward being grouped with both Serena and Emily for obvious reasons. He too wanted to agree with Charlton regarding the grouping, however, he did not want to offend any of the girls.

On one hand is Serena, his intended. They both have never acknowledged this fact when they are in public, however, he, as well as she, understands what that implies and what is expected of them in the future.

In truth, ever since meeting her, he never had the opportunity to closely interact with her. Largely, he knew that it was of his own doing, still a bit spiteful of his father's choice, but he never saw her making the effort either. Initially, he assumed that she must be trying to impress him or at least garner his attention. However, perhaps because of what transpired in the music room last time, her impression of him now must be nothing short of anything but less than stellar.

Earlier, he was surprised that she was able to come up with such a concrete and practical plan. He thought that Emily's suggestion, although a bit far reaching was the best way to approach the issue. Education is indeed very important and is the key to a better future. However, when he thought it over, what Serena said made perfect sense. Not only is it more practical, but it is also a smarter political choice. At the same time, it may even prove to be more helpful to the children.

On the other hand, was Emily, his lover. He has been invested in her for over a year now. He can still recall how they first met at the church beside this orphanage. She was playing the piano at that time, the sunlight streaming through the windowpane illuminating her like an angel. She was everything he thought he had ever wanted. Yet, there was this part of him that was apprehensive to take the leap.

He knew that he was being selfish and unfair. Emily once told him that she loves him, but he could not utter the same words back. He believed he loved her, still loves her, but it was as if there was suddenly something missing that he thought was there. He doesn't understand it himself. However, whatever that was, he was still reluctant to let her go.

Anyway, he could only swallow this bitter pill and pretend that there is nothing between him and Emily in front of Serena.


Emily was so ashamed of what happened earlier. She was so incensed of the thought that the teacher wanted to abandon the children. When the other students started voicing their opinion of wanting to stay, it was like a balm in her heart. However, when Serena said those few words, she could not help lashing out. If another person said those words, she wouldn't have done that, but there was a part of her that wanted, needed to best Serena.

She was usually not this kind of person, but the repeated blow to her pride did it. Serena has never done anything to her, in fact she should be the one guilty as she was the other woman. She has always prided herself of being righteous but look at her now.

She thought that she was different. She always looked down on girls from nobler families as they could only afford to be arrogant and vain because of their reputable families. Without them, they would be nothing.

In school, she knew that her classmates looked down on her because of her position in society. But she still felt that she was better because she worked harder and tried to learn more than any of them. However, she was proven wrong.

When she first saw Serena, she would be lying if she were to say that she did not feel inferior. Serena was beautiful and was from a remarkable family. Everyone seemed to instantly love her. Even their teachers seemed to favor her. That was why when the result of the preliminary exam came out, she felt cheated. There was a part of her that could not, would not, believe that Serena can outperform her. She didn't look that smart, whenever the teacher asked questions, it will take time before she could utter the correct answer.

Yet, what happened earlier just proved that Serena is indeed capable. The way she thinks is different from her. She hates to admit it, but Serena at this moment is better than her. That, however, does not mean that she feels defeated. She just believes that Serena has the advantage because she has better resources. If given the same opportunity, she knows that she can be better and more deserving of the Queen's seat than her.

Truthfully speaking, she was not numb. She knew that Geoffrey's feeling has somehow shifted, but she believes that there was still a part of him that loves her. However, the way he looked at Serena earlier felt ominous, and she did not like it one bit.

Everything between them started so innocently. She did not know that Geoffrey was the crown prince, but she fell in love with him all the same. However, when she learned of his identity, after the shock and feeling of duplicity wore out, she could not help but think of the possibilities. That one day, she can wear the crown. That from the ashes, she can rise and become a phoenix who everyone must bow to. Even Serena, who everyone loved, will one day bow down to her.

Thus, she has decided to throw away her pride and hold on to him as tightly as she could. She was given this opportunity to change her fate. How can she not be tempted to take the leap? It was all of nothing. At least, whatever the result would be, she would not regret and say that she did not try.


Serena had no idea of what was running inside the heads of the two people walking alongside her. She knew that the two must feel awkward, but she did not let it affect her. In fact, what she was busy with was observing Charlton who just reached the table assigned to him. He looked uncomfortable with Isabel, but he was still trying to be polite. The girl was obviously besotted, she was blushing and smiling. Serena felt like a teenage girl, wanting to just pull that girl's hair, push her far away, and proclaim that Charlton was hers.

Not wanting herself to be further tempted to do just that, she decided to focus on the children sitting on the benches on both sides of the table assigned to them. The children were in between the ages of 9-12. There were 14 of them. Although the table was only good for 12, the children being young and a little malnourished, fit and even leaved some space for them to sit on.

When they reached the table, Serena smiled at the children, trying to look friendly. Geoffrey smiled a little awkwardly, not used to little children looking at him expectantly, while Emily who seemed to be acquainted with the children asked them how they were doing.

The children said that they were fine. However, their attention was focused on Serena. Perhaps because they have seen Emily a couple of times already, so they were more interested with the sister who they just saw for the first time.

Suddenly, a little girl about the age of 11 held Serena's hand, pulling her to sit beside her.

"Hello sister! Please sit beside me! I'm so happy that you were assigned on our table!"

"Eli, don't be rude. Sister will get angry if you're being pushy." The girl who seemed to be the eldest reprimanded.

"No, it's alright. I am also happy to be assigned here and meet all of you. Do you mind introducing yourselves to us? Don't forget to ask your brother and sister to seat, they may feel bad if you ignore them." Serena said with a smile.

The children quickly felt bad and smiled at Geoffrey and Emily.

"We're sorry, brother, and Sister Emily. We were just so excited to meet Sister Princess." Eli said.

Serena was a bit surprised. When did she become a princess?

"It's alright." Geoffrey stated. He has never been good with children anyway.

"No worries, I am delighted to see you again Eli." Emily replied.

Then they started introducing themselves, starting with the girl who seemed to be their leader. In summary, there were 4 boys and 10 girls. Serena noticed that there were more girls than boys in the orphanage. Perhaps the reason was that boys were seen more useful than girls during this time therefore, it was usually the female child that is abandoned first.

"So, are you a real princess?" Eli, who was the most talkative and active child asked Serena.

Curious Serena asked, "What made you think so?"

"Well, you have hair like gold, then blue eyes, and are very very pretty! Like the stories Teacher Lala read us about. I have never seen anyone more pretty than sister!" Eli answered, then the other children also nodded.

Serena laughed. She was glad that these children were still innocent despite their circumstance. Not wanting to spoil their excitement she nodded along, "Yes, but that is a secret! If they find out that I'm the princess, the dragon will come and take me away!" then she started regaling them about the tale of the sleeping princess and the dragon.

The children oohed and aahed in endless fascination.

"and then? Did the prince manage to wake the princess?" a boy named Pete asked.

"No, he didn't. Because how can it be true love's kiss when they only met once?" Serena laughingly said.

"Why does it have to be the prince who is the true love's kiss? Sister, I love you now! If you sleep, I will kiss you and wake you up!" Eli said, convinced with her own words.

Serena shook her head still chuckling. She felt like she was hoarding all the attention, but it's not like it was her purpose to make Geoffrey and Emily just sit on the sidelines. It was the children who kept asking her to continue with the story. She understood that children at this age were like this, they tend to be selective of who they find entertaining not really understanding how they make others feel.



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