
Chapter 113 - 112: A Day With The Crown Prince I

Chapter 113 - 112: A Day With The Crown Prince I

"I think it would be better to discuss fundraising with the volunteers and Sir Timothy tomorrow." Artemis suggested when their topic ventured on that area.

Geoffrey nodded his head. "alright, let us do it that way. Moving on, Representative Diether, are the mock exam materials ready for distribution next week?"

"Yes. I will leave those outside the library so everyone can just get a copy there."

"that will do. Again, just a quick summary. Tomorrow, we will head to the orphanage and during the break, we will come up with a plan regarding the fund raising with the others. Next week, we shall not meet as I understand that everyone will be busy in preparation for the midterms. Thus, we will meet again on the 27th of January. By then, we can continue discussing our next steps for the orphanage, and after, I believe we can discuss initial preparations for the intramurals. Are there any questions, or any suggestions?" Geoffrey asked as he closed his notebook.

The was a moment of silence as everyone shook their heads.

"Okay, so I guess that's it for the day. See you all tomorrow."

After, everyone stood up and one by one they left the room.

Leonard looked at Serena in askance.

"Shall I send you back?" he asked.

"You go ahead." Serena shook her head as she gave him a reply.

Then Leonard looked at Geoffrey who was still not leaving the room and suddenly he understood what was going on. He was a little reluctant to leave them alone, but it was for the best he told himself.

After Leonard left, Geoffrey smiled at Serena.

"Shall we?" he asked as he went by her side, collected her bag, and offered her his hand.

With a little embarrassment, Serena took his hand. "You don't have to do this."

"But I want to."

Serena did not know what to tell him. Honestly, she was not looking for a new relationship now and she did not want to use him as a rebound. However, they were engaged in the first place. It would be lame if she tries to push him away. Besides, she had to admit it to herself that she rather likes the attention.


Geoffrey's plan for lunch was bringing her to town in a high-end restaurant. With the excuse that it will be more convenient, he asked her to share a ride with him in his carriage. She accepted and he can't help but release the breath he has been holding. He was nervous and happy at the same time. Inside the carriage, there was silence. But it was not stifling.

When they arrived at the restaurant, the receptionist led them to the side overlooking the window. He moved to pull her chair for her to sit.

Serena had to give it to him. He knew exactly how to act gentlemanly when he wants to.

When they were both seated, a waiter directly placed the starters.

"you ordered ahead?" Serena asked.

Geoffrey nodded his head as he smiled. "Yes, I hope you don't mind."

She did not want to ruin the mood by saying that she doesn't like pumpkin soup, so she tried to bear with it. The next entrée was duck breast, then followed by scallops. Serena tried not to turn green as she looked at Geoffrey who seemingly was enjoying his food.

Geoffrey noticing serena not touching the food became worried. "You don't like them?"

"what else did you order?" she asked.

Geoffrey started laughing. "Sorry, I thought you would like them. But please, do order as you like. I will let you select the menu next time."

Serena can't help but laugh along. "Okay, because based on what you picked for today, I would never want to share a meal with you again if you won't let me."

After that, the atmosphere became lighter. Serena felt that it was not so bad this way. Geoffrey was trying, so why not give him a chance? Besides, it was not like she was purposely luring him in.


"Ah… was it that Serena saw me kiss you that she got angry? If so, then I'm truly sorry. If you like, I will explain everything to her."

Emily and Charlton were currently in one of the private music rooms rehearsing for their performance 3 weeks later. They chose to do so today because it would be difficult to do so later as the midterms were coming up.

"No need. It is not necessary." Charlton replied as he sighed. He didn't want to confide to anyone regarding what happened between them. He also did not want to share anything with Emily. However, she was being so persistent.

"But I feel guilty when I think about it…" she insisted.

"Please, just stay out of it. I think we're done for the day. We can meet again the day before the evaluation."

"But that won't be good. La Campanella is one of the most difficult pieces, and I don't think that just meeting twice will be sufficient. Please, I want to do well for this evaluation." Emily tried to convince him. She purposely chose Paganini's La Campanella because of that and somehow to also to make an impression. She knew that Serena was great in composing, but her real piano skills should be mediocre at best. Why else would she only choose to play the easiest ones?

Charlton knew that she was right. Not wanting to be drag her down, he nodded his head. "fine. Perhaps we can meet twice more after the midterm exams."

"That's still not enough. Perhaps four times?"

Charlton sighed defeated. "Thrice and nothing more."

Emily grinned. "Deal."


When Serena and Geoffrey went back to school and walked to the private music rooms, they unexpectedly saw Charlton and Emily exiting the room beside theirs.

As Serena saw Charlton closing the door, she was again assaulted by how much she still loved and missed him. He had his sleeves folded and his coat was in his other arm. He looked sad and she thought for a second that perhaps he was regretting breaking up with her.

Emily seeing the two took this moment to test the waters. She purposely pulled at Charlton's sleeve who was closing the door, as if to show that they were close.



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