
Chapter 249 - 246: Working As A Music Producer I

Chapter 249 - 246: Working As A Music Producer I

"It is my greatest honor and pleasure to meet you milord. I have never thought that I would be given the opportunity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." Harry Dacre said as he bowed to Charlton after being introduced by Edward.

"Please, Mr. Dacre, no need to thank me. I only selected your song for I saw the potential it has. I'm also looking forward to working with you." Charlton replied as he smiled and offered his hand for a handshake.

"Thank you, thank you milord, I could not thank you enough." Harry said as he took and enthusiastically shook the offered hand.

Edward cleared his throat. He was the owner, but Charlton gets all the thanks. Should he get be offended? Then again, Charlton was of noble birth and the son of a war hero, so perhaps the commoners think of him as an otherworldly being?

"Mr. Easton, I also thank you for this opportunity." Harry said, like an afterthought.

Charlton tried not chuckling by pretending to cough. "Mr. Dacre, I believe we should discuss some details regarding your song and one of my main concern is that if you'll be the one singing it."

"Oh no, milord. I can write, but I could not sing at all. I was hoping that another person with good vocals can sing it." Harry replied. In fact, if Charlton would sing it, it would be better. However, he dares not suggest that.

"Alright. Then perhaps for now, we could work with the instrumental music while we look for a suitable vocalist. I have studied the draft sheet music you submitted, and I could see some room for improvement. However, since it's your song, I still want to respect your opinion." Charlton explained.

"I am humbled by the esteem you give me milord." Harry responded, smiling while tears pooled in his eyes. He wrote songs for the opera, but never have he met a producer who still wished for his opinion. Usually, the opera just takes his work, give him a few coins, and use it however they like. They never even acknowledge that he composed them.

Edward smiled. Although his company was capitalistic in nature, he still felt good when he's able to change lives. "Before you two leave to start working on the song, Harry, your contract must be finalized first. Here is a drafted one, but if you find it amenable, then you can sign it directly. The contract is straightforward but please read through it carefully."

Harry received the contract respectfully and started reading it.

"Charlton, Since I understand that you'll be looking for a vocalist, will you be needing my help for that?" Edward asked.

"Yes. Do you already have something in mind?" he asked.

"I was thinking of holding an audition to select the most fit to sing the song, but I think it would be too time consuming if too many people apply. So, I would make the company hold an initial screening first before I ask you and Harry to join me in choosing the vocalist."

"That sounds like a good plan. Do you have a timeline for that in mind?"

"We can start posting notice this week and start the screening next week. So roughly, we can have the audition after 2 weeks at the maximum." Edward said as he sighed. "I would make sure to make my staff collect the contacts of those who pass the initial screening so that in the future, we can just make those people audition directly."

Charlton nodded his head. "I see. It's also good for me this time though. I would be leaving on the 26th and would only be back on the 3rd of July so the timing is just right. Anyway, since the recording will be delayed, I think I can work with Viscount Roger Grimmauld's song within this week. So, perhaps you can invite him to come on Saturday so we can also meet."

"If you're up to it, then sure. I'll have him over by then." Edward replied grinning, thinking that with another new song produced early, he will make more profit too.

Charlton did not have to push himself to work on two songs at the same time, but he thought that meeting the Viscount would be good in building up his connections.


After Harry was done reading the contract, he signed it. He would be given 10 grand for the song, and when it starts selling, he would still get 5% from royalties. The best thing about it was that his name would be written as the song writer.

Edward took the contract. Then, he stood up from his seat and offered Harry his hand for a handshake. "I know I said this earlier, but now, I'm saying this officially. Welcome to Columbia Recording Company."

Harry also rose and took Edward's hand with both his hands to shake. "Thank you again, Mr. Easton."

Edward nodded and smiled.

Charlton seeing that they were done also got up from his seat. "Alright, so I think we can start working on the song now. Mr. Dacre, do follow me to the studio. I will introduce you to the band members."

"Please milord, just call me Harry."

"Then you can just call me Producer Daniel while in the vicinity. I am also an employee here." Charlton said in a friendly manner.

Harry turned red faced. Charlton, although younger than him by a decade, was a Lord who will become the next grand duke of Suffox. He was so dignified yet very down to earth. He could not help but admire him more and be honored to be working with him.

Charlton did not mind Harry's reaction and just face Edward to say, "We'll go ahead."

"Alright. Good luck!"


When they arrived in the studio, Charlton introduced Harry to the band members. Then he handed Jerome to play the original sheet music on the piano.

Afterwards, he handed another one which he drafted with the improvements. When Jerome started playing it, everyone was stounded by the improvement. It was just minor, but the effect made the music standout more.

"I hope you don't mind some of the alterations. Also, this is not final. I want the band to try and improve it by using other instruments in combination to the piano for better effect." He explained. Really, this was the first time he's working with someone other than Serena and they always worked this way, so he thought that that's how things worked.

Everyone was shocked. The band members knew that Charlton did it that way with Serena, but Serena was a lady of the same standing as him. How could he be so nice and humble in the face of a mere commoner as to improve his song and ask for his opinion?

Harry felt humbled and flattered that his opinion was being taken into account. Not trusting his voice, he could only nod.

"Please don't be shy to speak your mind and comment. As the composer of this song, you must also tell me if we're able to deliver the message you want to put across."

"Yes, yes, of course, Producer Daniel." Harry replied.

And thus, they continued working that way and at the end of the day, Charlton was quite satisfied with their output.



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