
Chapter 312 - 309: The Calm Before The Storm IV

Chapter 312 - 309: The Calm Before The Storm IV

It was 7:40 in the evening when Geoffrey arrived in the ducal mansion of Maxwell in the capital. Since he was visiting incognito, he only brought 5 men as escorts to not draw attention.

Although his visit was unannounced, he was welcomed by the employees in the ducal mansion as they all recognized him.

Upon entering the mansion, the butler first greeted him.

"Your highness."

"At ease." Geoffrey replied.

"I shall announce your arrival to the lady. Please, wait a moment."

"No need. Where is she?"

The butler was not sure, but then, another servant came in to say that the lady was in the drawing room. The butler wanted to lead Geoffrey there, but again, Geoffrey declined.

The butler no longer insisted lest he earns the ire of the crown prince. Anyway, him and their lady has been alone in a room a couple of times already. So, he just thought, propriety be damned.

As Geoffrey walked to the drawing room, he made a stop in front of the servant who interrupted earlier.

"Did it take effect?" he asked.

"Yes, your highness, the lady is now asleep in the drawing room."


After Leonard left, Serena went back to her room to idle around. At 6:30 in the evening, Beatrice called her for dinner. Everything seemed to be moving normally. After dinner, she lounged in their drawing room reading some novels and just waiting for Charlton's call.

Earlier, she thought of Leonard's advise and tried to call him. However, when she called, she was told that he went out in town with his mother.

Anyway, thinking that she can tell him another time, she decided not to think too much of it. While reading, she suddenly felt drowsy. Thinking that she could just nap while waiting for Charlton's call, she placed the book she has been reading on the table and lied down on the sofa. In less than a minute, she fell asleep.


Geoffrey entered the drawing room, and as expected, he saw Serena's sleeping form. The doors were shut, and he walked towards her. Then, he sat on the coffee table in front of the Sofa.

For a few minutes, he just observed her peaceful features as she slept. Vaguely, he realized that it was the first time he saw her with such vulnerability.

He used his right hand to brush some of her stray hair away from her face. Then, he stared at her in contemplation.

For almost 3 years, he has considered her as his light. When things were rough, it was always her face that he thought of. She served as his motivation and inspiration. That whatever comes his way, he would pave through them as waiting for him in the finish line, was her.

He loved her with all of him and perhaps even more. She was his treasure, his world, his everything. And perhaps, it was a mistake on his part to do that for she never did say that she felt the same. However, they were engaged, and she has been promised to him by the decree of the king himself.

He placed his hand on her cheek as he used his thumb to caress her lips. Then, he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Silently, he said a little prayer in hopes that all his doubts and suspicions were only just that.

Every single person he cared for and held dear to his heart has already betrayed him.

His father who he looked up to and loved so much has been toying with him and his brother. Making them compete like chickens in a cockpit.

His own mother who he expected to give him her unconditional love has only ever seen him as a means to her end. His worth dependent on the glory he could give her.

His brothers who would rather see him dead so that they can lay claim to the crown themselves.

His very own cousin, Charlton, who he once thought of as his closest friend and ally has turned his back on him.

People in his faction, they were also just there because of the benefit they can get from him. He has no doubt that if he loses his foothold, they would all abandon him too.

Only Serena was left. Her, and his love for her which he wanted so much to hold on to, for it was the one and only remaining pure and unadulterated love in his life.


The wait has been agonizing, but after a while, from where he was at, he heard the telephone ring. His heart started drumming in his chest.

Geoffrey closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. Then, he looked at Serena's peaceful sleeping face one more time. He kissed her lips then stood up.

He exited the room and the servant informed him that the call was for Serena, and it came from Columbia recording company.

Hearing that gave him some form of assurance. That maybe he was wrong, and all his suspicions were just from his imagination.

"Is the other person still on the line?" he asked.

"Yes, your highness, he's waiting for her to answer."

Geoffrey nodded his head, "Lead the way."

The telephone then was a candlestick telephone. It featured a base with a vertical cylindrical neck extending upright. Mounted at the top of the stand was a microphone which serves as the transmitter to speak into. There was also a switch hook extending sideways upon which an earpiece which serves as the receiver was hung.

Geoffrey received the earpiece while the servant, a spy he planted in the ducal mansion, stood beside him. On a piece of paper, he wrote the words the servant has to say.

"Sir, do you wish me to relay your message to lady Serena?" The servant began.

There was silence at first, but after a few seconds, the man from the other line asked, "Is lady Serena not feeling well?"

"Our lady is fine. She just fell asleep. Should I tell her to call you back once she wakes up?"

"No, it's alright. I will call again another day. Thank you."

After, the person hanged up and the disconnected tone sounded from the receiver.

Geoffrey closed his eyes as his body started to tremble with barely suppressed rage. He has heard that voice for over 15 years not to recognize it.



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