
Chapter 372 - 369: Honeymoon VI

Chapter 372 - 369: Honeymoon VI

Serena shook her head hearing Geoffrey laugh. Even though it was at her expense, she could not help but smile. She was still not used to it. Seeing Geoffrey laugh and act carefree. Ever since she met him, although he would act passionately, or even impudent, what with his overly possessive actions at times, he was still always composed with a gloomy aura.

Even on their wedding day which he told her was the happiest day of his life, he just smiled happily, but not like this. There was just something different. Like, he was full of sunshine? Whatever it was, she liked it.

Geoffrey seeing Serena's smiling face had to ask, "What are you smiling about?"

"I just realized that I never heard you laugh this way before. Do you really think that me, liking to read romance novels, funny?"

Geoffrey paused, realizing what he did. He smiled as he pulled her closer, enclosing her in his embrace. Then, he kissed her forehead. Pulling back a little to look at her, he saw that she was waiting for his answer. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "No, it's not that. It's just that these days, as we spend more time together, I am realizing that a lot of things I thought I knew about you were actually false."

Serena pretended to pout. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Geoffrey pecked her lips. "It's always good. I love you very much, Serena. I doubt that anything in this world could ever change that."

Serena felt a tugging in her heart, happy and guilty at the same time. No. The past is in the past. There's no looking back. She hugged his waist. Then she asked the question she has always longed to ask. "Why? Why do you love me so?"

"How could I not love you so?"

Sometimes, Serena thinks that Geoffrey's love for her was too good to be true, but at the same time, she believes it. There was absolutely no reason for him to act this way if his love for her was fake. "Sometimes, I just find it so hard to believe…" she whispered.

Geoffrey caressed her hair. "Serena, remember this. If one day everything in this world turns out to become lies, always know that my love for you is real."

Serena pulled back to look him in the eye. "You're not lying?"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

Serena bit her lip trying not to smile too happily.


On the seventh night of their honeymoon, Serena could already feel that she would miss this. They have been living in a bubble these past few days and tomorrow, they would be going back to Windsor to face reality.

Anyhow, Serena whose head was nestling on the crook of Geoffrey's arm looked up to see if he was still awake.

Their eyes met and they smiled at one another.

"What is it?" Geoffrey asked, his voice gentle.

"I was just wondering, what was it like to be born as the crown prince?" Serena asked, curious.

"Why are you asking?" Geoffrey asked back.

Serena hit his chest playfully. "You know, you always have that habit of asking questions in return rather than just answering my question."

Geoffrey chuckled. "Aside from the luxury and title, I should say, plenty of expectations."

"You don't sound so happy about that."

"Privilege comes with a price."

Serena smiled as she shook her head. "Tomorrow, when we return to Windsor, we would need to join your family for dinner in the royal palace, right?"

"Yes, don't worry much about it. We won't have to stay for too long."

"I never said I disliked it." Serena defended.

"You don't have to say the words for me to know. Now sleep, my princess. We have a long day tomorrow." Geoffrey said as he kissed her forehead.

Serena smiled as she snuggled closer to him. She did like it whenever he called her by that pet name. "Good night, my prince. I love you." She whispered, feeling the term of endearment funny from her own mouth.

Geoffrey shifted their position so that he was on top of her. Sleep now lost to him. "You're just asking for it, aren't you?" He asked as he started kissing her neck, and body, tickling her.

Serena laughed. Well, she didn't really mean to, but it's not a bad idea to do this one more time before they leave for their new home tomorrow.


It was Sunday, and it's the day of their return to Windsor. There was nothing much to prepare on their travel back. All they had to do was get in the car, and everything else were taken care of by the servants.

Now, unlike their mode of transportation on the way to Wiltshire, going back to Windsor, they would just ride the car till they reach their new home. The Kensington house which was the royal residence of the crown prince once he gets married.

The travel was longer at 5 hours, but it was also more convenient without the need to move about and catching too much attention. The travel was pleasant despite it being long.

When they arrived just outside of their new home, it was already 3 in the afternoon. Serena who was only able to see the Kensington house at the passing took the time to appreciate its exterior from inside the car. In contrast to its name, where attached was the word house, it was larger than their ducal mansion. What did she expect? How could the crown prince's residence be any less stellar than that of a duke?

Anyway, the footman opened the door of the car. Geoffrey went down first, then he turned back to help Serena.

Serena placed her hand in Geoffrey's. Her dainty foot was about to step out from the car, but her foot only touched air. Geoffrey has again lifted her for a bridal carry.

"Geoffrey!" She exclaimed in surprise.

"We're entering the threshold of our new home, it is imperative that I carry you, my wife, inside." He announced as he chuckled.

Serena laughed happily as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Really, Geoffrey was too sweet at times.

All the servants who have been standing there waiting for their arrival which has been delayed for 2 hours, could not help their lips from tilting upwards.



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