
Chapter 45 - Fourty- Five : "Rule Number One : Never Get Distracted During A Fight "

Chapter 45 - Fourty- Five : "Rule Number One : Never Get Distracted During A Fight "

Note : Gory scene ahead.

Trevor groaned, his eyes snapped open. He looked around his unfamiliar surroundings, this wasn't the school. He released a wince when he realized his hands were bound backward to some sort of pole.

"What the fuck?!" He cursed pulling at his bound hands to no avail.The last thing he remembered was the intense make out with that beautiful girl from school.

But how did he get here? infant, why was he here?

He looked around, this was some abandoned furniture warehouse. The building was large with lots of doors and windows with a strong stalely ordour, it's rundown condition was obvious.

It had a lot of connecting rooms but some of its walls were broken and on the verge of collapse, windows dirty and not in a good state either.

"You're awake " She said, standing up from a chair which creaked heavily.

It seems not all furnitures were taken away when the warehouse closed down , unfortunately, the few which were still available were knackered.

"What's going on here? what's this? " Trevor asked gesturing towards his hand, a part of him wanting to believe she has no hand whatsoever in what's going on, or simply has a fetish for chains and binds.

" Don't worry lover boy, I need you , yet I don't need you " She laughed, making no sense at all.

Trevor saw the sick smile on her face and gulped deeply, what did he get himself into this time? He just wanted to have fun, acquire experience not get bind to some pole unsure of his fate.

"It's your sister I need " She answered truthfully at last.

His head whipped around, "You say? " his voice almost a whisper.

"Haven't you tasted your sister's blood?" She asked , licked her lower lips with a crazy glint in her eyes

She gasped dramatically "Oh right, you're a human unlike me! "

Trevor shivered, understanding what was going on, he was dealing with a psychopath. Besides, why would his sister come here unless.....

"what did you do with my cellphone?!" he spat, the veins on his neck bulging and his eyes bloodshot.

"Only summoned a little birdy , but don't worry, I'll give it back to you later if you really want it "

"You approached me on purpose, didn't you?" he realized the truth.

No wonder she was so willing, passionate, and enthusiastic, it was all a plot to lure him here. Though it still puzzles him how she managed to take away from school grounds without anyone noticing.

"Yes but I won't approach you again once I'm done, you know my identity already.Its risky " She said, squat down slowly and cupped his chin.

She moved her?hands?gently?over his face, lost in her thoughts " You're good " She murmured, dipping lower into the nook of his neck.

Trevor's breath hitched, her hot breath hit his neck, but he cried out when he felt a prick in his neck. Did she bite him again?

She pulled away, grabs his chin with her finger and thumb, lifts his face up and made him look into her face " Too bad, you're not the one I want "

Their moment shattered when they heard a creak, they looked towards the door as the long awaited guest waltzed in.

"You came finally " The mandurugo said excited "And alone " an anticipating smile curved up her face.

"You said you will release my brother " Lia said with a straight face not bordering on hiding the hate in her voice.

"Yes, i did and still do "

"Then, release him "

"Nay, after I'm done " She retorted "Just think of him as my insurance, until I'm done, you can't have him "

Lia replied grimly "Then let's get the party started "

" Same thing in mind here, darling " She chuckled and began approaching Lia.

Lia stood rigidly, putting on a brave front. This is for her brother, she breathed. She had to do this for him.

The Mandurugo took a good sniff , a delirious expression on her face. She drew close and moved Lia's hair to the side exposing her smooth neck.

"You don't know how intoxicating your scent is"

Lia frowned, this was the second time of hearing that statement in same day. Sadly, her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a sharp pain in her neck.

Trevor nearly wet his pant when he saw the scene before him, the girl whom he thought was pure and human had a monstrous wings on her back and it's barbed tongue inserted into his sister's neck, draining her blood greedily.

He thought the girl was sick in the head when she mentioned taking his sister's blood, but judging from the scene before him, she was indeed not crazy but a monster.

Suddenly a loud screech assaulted his ears, he groaned experiencing a temporary hearing loss.

"You!" The mandurugo shrieked, pure horror and disbelief written on it's face, there was a knife plunged neatly on its chest.

Lia audaciously smirked, " Yes me " .

She grabbed the mandurugo , slammed her elbow into its face and?whirled the creature around, smashing it into the nearest room. Thanks to the huge impact, the wall collapsed burying the mandurugo under a pile of bricks.

Chest heaving, emotions reeling and still buzzing with energy, she ran to her brother. Lia let out a sigh of relieve when she checked his pulse, he was just unconscious. Emotions whipped?through lia, reminding her how close she came to losing her brother.

But a sudden flapping of wings startled her, she turned around , only to see the mandurugo she thought dead reach for her, claws out and all.

It was too late to retaliate so she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the impact which strangely never came.

Lia slowly let an eye open, followed by the other afterwards , open-mouthed at the scene playing out before her.

Dan from no where appeared , grabbed the mandurugo by the neck and decapitated the head from the body amidst its scream, blood spattering on them.

Soon enough, it's decapitated body fell by his feet with a soft thud while Dan sent it's disembodied head flying across the hall.

"Rule number one : never get distracted during a fight " Dan reminded her again smugly but this time she flashed him a grateful smile.

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