
Chapter 238 - Two Hundred And Thirty-two: The Wind Of Change

Chapter 238 - Two Hundred And Thirty-two: The Wind Of Change

Things were falling apart under his watchful eyes, this was not how everything was supposed to turn out. Where had everything gone wrong? When the girl found out about him? Gosh, this was so irritating.

Raphael's eyes roved over the girl's sleeping figure while she received the transfusion. Once she becomes conscious, he would complete the rest of his plan which was mating with her; he would make her his for eternity.

"I need an orbiting orb" he demanded from the witch who was sitting beside the girl's bedside.

"How long would your plan last…?" Her voice quivered," I miss my daughter "

Raphael growled at her," As soon as you work harder. Now the orb," he demanded with an outstretched arm.

The blonde-haired witch who had dark circles all around her eyes, said a spell, and six circular little dark blue globes appeared in her hands which she handed over to Raphael grumpily.

"And remember, try anything stupid in my absence and you can kiss bye-bye to your daughter" Raphael threatened her.

The vampire turned away from her, threw one of the orbs to the floor and a portal materialized, he stepped into it and vanished.

The witch wept just as Raphael left. She could summon a location spell and get her daughter but she wouldn't dare.

Her daughter Devon was a hybrid- half-vampire, half-witch- which was a rare occurrence in the witch community. It was no secret that witches disliked vampires and thanks to that, Devon was bullied a lot.

Devon was different from her peers and stronger, thanks to her mixed heritage but it also made her a target. A target to the stereotypical witches who labeled her a freak and a shame to their coven.

The witch wasn't sure her daughter was the first of her kind since the world was vast and there might be a case similar to theirs somewhere.

Unable to take the maltreatment anymore, she had resorted to returning her daughter to the father- a vampire from the Raven clan. She would be more protected there, she had thought.

As believed, she was treated well at first by her father who had found his mate already. The witch knew her romance with the vampire had been out of sheer curiosity but looked where it landed her.

So she didn't care for the lack of attention from him since her daughter was treated fairly, plus the fact she knew how important soulmates were to these night creatures - To him, she was just a daring witch who he had a good fuck with.

Perhaps, if she had learned she would get pregnant, she would have reserved her curiosity and not bestow such a cruel fate on her daughter.

Because of their kindness towards her, she had not hesitated to help the Raven clan with her magic until they became too demanding and their request disturbing.

So when Raphael came up with his plan, her daughter's father who was loyal to Ezekiel had not hesitated to toss her to the wolves. They used Devon as leverage, forcing her to comply with every one of their wishes, and here she was at last.


Raphael appeared in the dining as he wished. That was how the orbs worked, it teleported him wherever he wished.

He was grateful that no one was in sight and staggered to the refrigerator. Opening it, he was gladdened to see that there were enough blood bags to support him during the draining ordeal.

Raphael still needed the witch which was why he had taken the brunt of the attack from Lia and now he was infected with werewolf venom.

Carefully walking into the kitchen, he grabbed a cellophane bag and found his way back where he grabbed as many blood bags as he could before teleporting back to his hideout.

The witch was there as expected, unlike Lia, she was an obedient hostage.

Raphael ignored her, slid down to the floor at a corner of the room, and proceeded to tear open his skin with his sharp nails. He was halfway through with the draining when Asher's phone, scratch that, his phone started ringing.

Releasing a torrent of curses, Raphael was contemplating ignoring Trevor's call when it hit that the boy must have picked something.

"What is it?" His harsh tone hinting he was in no mood to joke around.

"My sister, she's there, isn't she?" The boy asked him firmly.

Just as he thought, the boy found out. It looks like he wasn't efficient at covering up the girl's disappearance.

Raphael had no choice but to agree to his claim. It would not do him any good if that stupid boy involved other people in searching for his sister.

"She is here. Any specific reason for asking?"

"Why did you take her?" The little bug dared to question him.

Raphael was close to losing his temper till he recalled he was impersonating his brother. How would his brother react in this situation?

"I needed my mate, is there any other reason for that?" He gloated.

"That mate of yours has a life here and you took her against her will, that is against the law and her human right!" He fumed.

Well, the boy was right. Sadly, he needed that sister of his too and? Lia couldn't replicate herself - so sad for Trevor.

"Raise that in vampire court" He intentionally mocked him.

"Return my sister" the boy demanded.

"Sure," Raphael smirked, "After we're done having fun and unless you want to join us, do not call my phone again"

"You said you were going to protect her, "

Raphael reflected on his words, who said he was putting the girl in danger?

"Trust me, I'm keeping her safe," he told the ignorant brother and hung up on him.

They might not see the result now but sooner or later, they would thank him for this. He had bigger dreams; dreams of grasping this world in the palms of his hand; he just had to get rid of his opposition.

Raphael grunted as he sliced open a larger part of his arm where the main artery was located, eliciting a faster bleeding.

By the time he was through with the draining, the blood lust had kicked in, causing him to feed ravenously from the blood bag.

Blood dripped from Raphael's jaw while his eyes glowed red, he burped in satisfaction while the witch watched him with pure disgust.

Raphael rose to his feet with a grunt, walking over to the edge of the bed, on which he sat down

A smile lit up the vampire's features while stroking Lia's face, saying particularly to the witch.

"Hate me as much as you want but a new wind of change is coming over this town, no, this world as a whole.

"Soon, your kind would be stripped of their powers, their authority and all they have oppressed would rise to be their oppressor"

The witch nodded in understanding," That's why you need the girl. You know she is the only one who can give you the kind of power you desire"

Raphael faced her, leaning closer,

"Whoever has power, has all"

"Power has a cost - "

"Which I'm willing to pay" Raphael interjected, "I'd rather die a revolutioner than wander this earth for eternity without contributing anything notable," he told her in a whisper.

"You're not qualified to be any contributor" she hissed.

"Watch me," Raphael said determinedly.

He yanked off the needle from Lia's wrist, carried her limp form off the bed, and teleported back to? Asher's room.

Laying her gently on the bed, he pranced to the bathroom where he took off his bloody clothes and had a fresh bath; all the veins in his body anticipated his next course of action.

Done, he returned to the room where he found her still asleep. She would be up soon, he observed from his watch and so took off his shirt and got into bed with her.

As premeditated, she stirred and woke up, surprise all over her face at seeing him.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey" he replied, sitting up with her.

"What happened? My memory is jumbled and I feel like I was dug out of a subterranean pit"

"What happened is that we had a lot of fun last night," Raphael said, already kissing her neck and feeling her shiver under his touch - the Odin was working perfectly.

"That means my family hasn't seen me, they would be worried after me, Asher" she tried to get off him but he pushed her onto her back. Why was she always worried about irrelevant things.

"You don't have to worry about a thing, I've taken care of everything" he murmured into her ears as he lay on top of her.

"Asher, I feel weird" she complained yet reacted to his expertise touches.

Her body was a throbbing mess and no matter what her logical brain said, the pleasure he was giving her would overrule that.

"Lia, I need you," he told her, and as usual, she tried to protest but he grabbed her hands and kissed her till she was crying with need.

"Take me, Asher" she conceded.

Raphael grinned, that was the only word he needed all this while.

"If course, my lady"

Raphael's hand went to undressed her but was yanked off her by the hair before he could respond to the external threat.

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