
Chapter 246 - Two Hundred And Forty-six: A War Is Coming

Chapter 246 - Two Hundred And Forty-six: A War Is Coming

Lia ran like never before. She didn't even bother about using the bus having known she had no time for the constant stops - picking and receiving passengers. Neither did she take any of Asher's car, there was a huge probability of encountering traffic.

She had forgotten to ask Dan to send her back home and he had left to carry out his errand as directed by her. So this was her cross to bear.

Lia sped through the air like a bullet that even the world's best track runner would die from envy after viewing such a scene. She didn't tire rather ran straight ahead since her stamina could keep up with it.

By the time she arrived home, she was sweating so much that she smelled to high heaven. However, the hybrid didn't care and barged into the house and was highly relieved to see her brothers were safe.

"Oh, thank God," She engulfed Rex in a tight hug amid his struggle to be set free.

"Eww, you are rubbing your sweat on me," Rex squirmed.

"Consider that a blessing," She kissed him on the forehead and finally let go of him to his comfort.

"Where the hell have you been?" stormed Trevor who came out of her mother's room.

"Long story but in summary, I'm glad you both are okay. I thought something had happened to…" Lia's trailed off when her eyes rested on Ozark's dead body.

Her eyes rounded," Where is Mom?" She asked, a bad premonition forming in her heart.

Trevor shook his head.

Without needing to be told, Lia hurried up to her mother's room only to find it empty.

"No, no, no, no!" Lia screamed and tossed aside the sheet that did nothing to her out of anger.

"That bastard!" She seethed, yanking her hair.

"You could have helped stop it from happening if you haven't been frolicking in bed with Asher!" Trevor took out his anger on her.

Lia glared at him, "I wasn't frolicking in bed with Asher, well maybe I did at the beginning but I was tricked -"

"A pleasant excuse to evade bearing responsibility for your action," Trevor spat.

Lia growled at the back of her throat, exposing her fangs as a sign of warning to him.

"I don't remember whatever happened this morning and that Asher you're accusing me of frolicking with isn't the real Asher but Raphael," she exposed.

"What?" Trevor was flabbergasted, " What do you mean?"? His interest was piqued.

Lia explained, "Raphael switched his soul with Asher's and has been imitating Asher all this while,"

"No wonder," Trevor gasped in disbelief, " I thought something was off with him lately. I need to inform Williams about this,"

"What? Isn't Williams your hunter buddy?" Lia inquired

"Yes, he's helping me find mom," he replied.

"How could you do that? You know the hunters are subordinate to the councils and you reported this to him?"

"Well, what was I supposed to do? You weren't here and our mom was taken by God knows who-"

"Raphael took our mother, he's going to use her to force me to come to him," she saw through the bastard's plan.

"That bastard! But why?"

"He needs me for something only he knows - which probably isn't good," Lia answered.

"How did you see through Ozark's manipulation? That vampire is a tough one to kill"

"Easy as pie, he never saw it coming," Trevor replied and lifted the sleeve of his shirt to reveal a small marking underneath his elbow.

"What is that?" His sister was captivated, coming closer to inspect it. It was a squabble of gobbledegook, she couldn't read whatever it was.

"It's some kind of indicator that alerts us by heating up when a supernatural creature is within proximity," he explained.

"Oh," she nodded her head.

"I was pretty confused when he mimicked mom until I remembered some vampires could create such an illusion," he went on," Mom has no idea we've turned the house into an armory. Every object in the house is a potential weapon to kill a supernatural creature. We hid weapon in spots she would never think of,"

Lia watched as the mark shone red.

"Ouch!" Trevor cried out when she touched it, "You shouldn't touch it because you're not..."

"Human?" Lia added wryly.

"It burns me if you do so," Trevor complained yet looked away in guilt. No matter what she did, the fact she was no longer human would always put a strain on their relationship.

"There is going to be a war, Trevor. You should call back Williams before he risks his lives and others by involving other people," she added.

"You mean hunters?" He corrected, displeased by her choice of words.

"I'm not trying to be disrespectful here but this is going to be real and there would be loss of lives- supernatural lives " Lia hinted the humans were weak and were not suitable for this war.

"I get that your kind have the enhanced senses, powers and all and we're just pathetic humans but we are Hunters and have specifically trained for situations like this," he took offense.

"I'm not looking down on you guys, Trevor" Lia clarified, "But I'm just trying to keep you all from danger,"

"Danger is the reason we're Hunters"

Lia shook her head," Even your dear council steers clear of the Raven clan talk more the both of you teenagers acting without the authorization,"

"We're not acting alone, Williams would inform his father -"

"And risk getting my secret exposed?" Lia was disappointed.

"Nobody is getting your secret exposed," he defended.

"They think I'm human, what do you think would come into their mind when they see me transform into a hideous creature?"

"You're not a hideous creature!"He blurted out to his astonishment.

Lia was surprised too but she continued," Raphael might look simple but beneath that gentle demeanor, he's a cruel vampire who wouldn't hesitate to bring others down with him when the battle is against him. I don't know what he would do, so please call your people back, I don't need another innocent blood on my head," she pleaded.

Trevor stared at her hard for a while, "You promise to bring mother home safe and sound?" He asked, just to be sure.

"I promise with my life," she swore.

"Fine," Trevor breathed.

He took out his phone and called Williams right away.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey, you too. Guess what, I'm just about to speak with my father-"

"About that, forget about that," Trevor gulped, here comes the next question.

"What do you mean forget about that? Your mother just went missing -"

" I found her"

"You did?"

"We found her tied up in the basement but she's okay. Turns out she wasn't the vampire's only target, he must have hidden her there to come to get us unknowing that he would meet his demise," Trevor told a lie.

"Ahh, that's a huge relief,"

From the side glance, he saw his sister giving him a thumbs up.

"We are just planning on bagging the vamp's body and bury him in our backyard,"

"That's going to be a lot of digging. Do you need help with that, I could come over if you want?" Williams offered.

There was no doubt that Williams would request to see his mom if he came over and he had just lied to him through his teeth.

Trevor was just about to turn down his offer politely and in a way that won't draw suspicion since Williams was a sensitive person when he heard him say,

"I'm sorry, Trevor but I don't think, I'll be able to make it,"

Huh, that was strange. Just what he was praying for. But it coming easily was strange itself - Williams was a persuasive person- something must have happened.

"You won't..." He heard Shane's voice from the background ordering him to prepare to leave.

"Hey, what's happening?" Trevor asked.

"There is a war going on in Kinney village, my father wants me to join them and check the situation out," Williams informed him.

Trevor glanced up to notice his sister's anxious look. Of course, she had excellent hearing, how could she not pick-up the conversation that wasn't even on speak out.

"Can I join?" Trevor blurted.

"Um, I don't know ... according to reports, it's pretty hot down there and there are lots of casualties"

"Please?" Trevor requested having seen his sister's panic-stricken face. Left for him alone, he wouldn't give a damn about the werewolf but he knew how much he meant to Lia, or rather she had shown him how much her mates meant to her.

"This is supposed to be a secret and I don't know if my father would let you in," Williams said of his worries.

"Daniel is my sister's boyfriend and I need to confirm if he's okay to know how to break the news to my sister if push comes to shove," he made up an excuse.

He heard Williams take a deep breath," You know what? Fuck my father. Come over, quickly. I'll stall for time."

"Thank you, Williams"

"You're welcome,"

The call ended.

"I need to go to Kinney village. I need to know how Daniel's doing, who knows what's going on there right now?" Lia panicked as he thought.

"Hey, you go find our mother, I'll keep an eye on your boyfriend - the werewolf boyfriend" Trevor split the job.

"What about me?" Rex, who had been ignored all this time, spoke out.

"That's right, I can't take him to Asher's place, it's too dangerous for him to be in a room full of vampires but I can't leave him home alone either, who knows who Raphael might send this time?"? Lia observed the situation.

"Neither can I take him with him either, Williams barely added me" Trevor pointed out.

Lia's face brightened with an idea, "I think I know the perfect babysitter "



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