
Chapter 253 - Two Hundred And Fifty-three: Oh Boy, Im Finished

Chapter 253 - Two Hundred And Fifty-three: Oh Boy, I'm Finished

"This is not going to work," Ben complained after fifteen minutes of babysitting.

Sure, Rex talked about whatever shit they had going on in that Hunters league of theirs but Ben was far more hooked on the war to be interested.

"Are you even listening to what I'm saying or should I keep my traps closed- I'll prefer the latter by the way." Rex implored of him.

"Sorry but I'm just not into that bribe at the moment," Ben apologized.

"You really want to go there?" The child tilted his head in his direction.

"Yes of course," Ben admitted shamelessly, "But then, I have to keep you company," he said wryly.

"Yeah," Rex acquiesced but he wasn't through," Which by the way, your company sucks. I wonder who's been keeping each other company so far?"

"Seriously?" Ben kept his head over his shoulder, feigning hurt, "For your information, I babysat last summer, and the family was reluctant to let me go my services though I was dismissed quite earlier than agreed, " he boasted.

"I'm not trying to hurt your feelings but your place is boring notwithstanding your effort," Rex gestured to the cartoon playing on the television.

He went on " But I'm ten and experienced things normal children my age wouldn't in the last month so cartoons don't buy me over anymore. You have to think fast buddy if you want me to stick to your side in the next five minutes," Rex conditioned.

"So in one word, you're trying to say that you need something interesting like -"

"Exploring Asher's place?" Rex filled in with a grin.

Ben was struck dumb, "Hell, no"

"Come-on, I have never been there and I'm curious to know what a vampire's place looks like" he pleaded.

"That place is dangerous which is why your sister left you with the boring me," Ben pointed to his chest, purposely reminding him of his words.

"But Lia said a war would be going on which means there would be nobody at home and we -"

"would have the whole place to ourselves," Ben completed.

He stroked his chin contemplatively," We don't know how long the war would last but it would go on to the morning probably, "

Rex shrugged, "So you're thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Get prepared, we are crashing at Asher's place," Ben announced.

"Woohoo!" Rex cheered.

Ben led the excited Rex into his room where he packed some important stuff they would need into his backpack.

"Night vision goggles?"

Rex lifted the device with distaste which made Ben frown, was this little rat looking down on him or something?

"If we're going to spend the night in a vampire's place, we need to be prepared. After all, who knows what might be in store for us?"

"This?" He shook the device with no respect- said Ben mentally- "Is so yesterday. I have something better"

"Really?" Ben folded his arms across his chest, ready to see the great device- note the sarcasm.

Little Rex shuffled around in his pocket before pulling out a small box. He opened it and brought out a contact lens which he fixed with expertise into his eyes.

"So, that's going to give you laser sight like superman?" Ben joked mockingly. But an observant person would be able to notice the jealousy in his tone.

"No, this gives me far more sight than the average human. Which means I could see through physical objects at my discretion, " he briefed him.

Ben laughed, "You're bluffing, "

"I can see objects at a great distance, see through your clothing and a lot of other things but no, I cannot see through walls. Though there are far more advanced ones available with each level I upgrade to in the Hunter league, "

"Prove it," Ben demanded.

"Trust me, you really don't want me to," Rex told him.

"You know what?" Ben threw his hands in the air," I don't have time to indulge -"

"You're wearing Pokemon printed pants," Rex revealed.

"Ahh!" Ben screamed, his hands going to shield his below from Rex's perverted eyes.

Rex tilted his head as if trying to get a better view of whatever he was seeing right now," Yours is different from Trevor's"

"Huh?" The medium was confused.

"Why don't you have hairs at your -"

Ben covered Rex's mouth with his hand, mortified, "Say no more you corrupted child, "

"I warned you on time," Rex grumbled with a pout. The boy removed the contacts with a disgruntled sigh, unlike Ben who breathed a sigh of relief.

"How many of those do you have with you?" Ben eyed the contacts. The boy was right, his gadget was definitely cooler.

Perhaps, he should consider joining the council since Lia refused to turn him into a vampire. Imagine what he could do with all these magically powered gadgets, it would be so awesome. Moreover, as a medium, it would give him a headstart over the others.

"I just have one with me, Trevor has more," he answered.

Ben was dejected but he didn't show it, he wanted to try those in badly.

"Of course, I'm joking. I have extra with me, a hunter always goes prepared- that's our slogan"

Rex handed another box to him which made him want to scream and jump for joy but he had to behave himself in front of the boy.

"Is there any other prowess you're keeping from me?" Ben couldn't help but inquire. If there was one, there had to be two and he couldn't wait to find out - and try it on. How splendid!

"Well aside from the fact I can detect when a vampire is around us, there's nothing more - the real weapons are at home," Rex said to Ben while revealing the markings beneath his elbow - an act his leaders would have frowned upon. They weren't obliged to reveal that kind of secret to non- hunters.

"And no, you can't copy it. Even if you do, it won't work for you because you're not a hunter," The little boy informed Ben after seeing the sparkle in his eyes.

"Who said? I was going to copy anything?" He snorted and looked away.

Truthfully, Ben was having the urge to go and rob Lia's house to discover all these wonderful goodies - as revealed by Rex - but Trevor would kill him if Lia doesn't murder him first.

"Fine, let's go," Ben announced, swinging the bag over his shoulder.

They took his car and left for Asher's place since they weren't hybrid Lia who could run far distances without getting tired.

Having a suspicion there might still be some vampires around, Ben didn't pack exactly at Asher's courtyard.

Asher was a vampire who lived discreetly hence had no neighbor and before one could get to his place, you have to go through a somewhat long trail of bushes.

Afraid not to attract attention, Ben and Rex didn't say a word as they followed through the cleared track till his mansion was in sight.

"Do you sense any vampire?" Ben inquired. His heart was beating against his chest at the thought of getting caught.

The sun had already fallen, hence the darkness gave them a good cover. Yes, Vampires could see clearly in the dark but it was better than being in bright daylight.

"I can't feel anything, we have to get closer," Rex observed.

They were currently hiding behind one of Asher's cars before tiptoeing cautiously to the backyard - it was bad luck going through the front door, says Ben.

They entered the house through the doors that led to the patio and snuck into one of the many rooms.

"Is this close enough?" Ben inquired, heaving and leaning against the wall. It felt like he was acting in a spy movie but unfortunately, this was a horror movie.

Rex looked down on his elbow which was heating up," They're still some vampires around,"

Ben groaned, leaning his head against the wall as he muttered," I shouldn't have come here, this was a bad idea; your sister would skin me alive," he confessed.

"Well, while you keep on professing negative words, I'll wait patiently till they leave…?!"

A scream was torn from Rex's lips when there came a loud creaking and the house quaked.

"Rex, come here!" Ben screamed and reached out his hands for him to grab onto.

For a moment, it felt like they were outside space where the force of gravity did not affect them because before Rex's hands could grab onto his, both suddenly floated in the air.

"I'm flying," Ben observed and even flapped his wings, um, sorry, arms, imitating a bird.

But that flying sensation was for a brief moment reason been they crashed to the ground hard.

Ben was the first to land on the ground, then followed by Rex who fell on him, using his body as a bolster.

"Ouch," Ben cried out in pain," I think I just destroyed my sternum,"

"Then you wouldn't be alive by now dummy," Rex got off him, heaving with the effort.

"What just happened?" Ben groaned as he sat up.

"Clueless as you are,"

Ben limped to his feet, dragging himself to the window they had closed earlier upon entering the room.

The instant Ben opened the window, his jaw dropped, "Oh boy, I'm finished"

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