
Chapter 307 - Three Hundred And Seven: Suicidal

Chapter 307 - Three Hundred And Seven: Suicidal

"He's so pretty, " Helen gushed over her grandson who had been breastfed by her daughter in law, "Looks exactly like his father,"

"I pray he gets a single mate in the future," Lia said to her while feeding one of the twins.

Breastfeeding wasn't as easy as she expected however, both mothers were there to guide her and now she has gotten the hang of it.


"Demons are polygamous and it has been confirmed Arthur has demon blood running in his veins. I don't know about the girls but I don't pray for such fate on them. They live in a modern, human world where people judge and live fakely, I'm afraid they might find it hard fitting it," Lia expressed her fears.

"You're right," Jenny acquiesced, rocking Hailey, the elderly twin and oldest of them all, "It would be hard for them to fit in, but then, they have you," She added, "And the others who would be there to guide them and provide help when they need it the most. So fear not, my daughter,".

Jenny came to sit beside her, "You know, staying here made me realize how selfish I had been lately. I'm your mother and you're my daughter, my responsibility should have been trusting and supporting your decision instead of trying to thwart them. But the truth was..." Jenny caressed her face affectionately," I was afraid to let you go. I thought you were still my sweet little girl who always listens to me. But no. You're a full-grown supernatural I - still - have - no - idea- what - you're - called - creature, "

Lia laughed, her mother laughed with her too.

"But now, I realized it's time to let go of my baby girl so she could spread out her wings and soar across the sky," Jenny sniffed.

"Thanks so much, mom," Lia hugged her, trying not to cry. When her mom starts her legendary tears, it gets infectious.

They hardly broke apart when Asher came inside the room with a worried filled face. Lia knew at once, trouble was knocking at their door.

"They're here, aren't they?" She asked him.

He nodded.

Lia followed him out of the room, back to their meeting place with the others trailing after them.?There she saw Sabrina projecting some sort of screen that showed them the battalion outside.

"They're well prepared, we can't defeat them. Even if we can, our armies are not prepared at the moment," Dan assessed the situation.

"We have to get the children to safety first," Daniel said.



The little boy ran to his mother, hugging her by the waist since she had a child in her arms hence couldn't lift him.

"ThankGod, you're safe," Jenny was highly relieved.

"Dan, send my mother and Jenny to a safe place with the kids - including Trevor and Rex,"

"I'm staying behind to fight," Trevor declared.

"You're a traitor to the council, they wouldn't hesitate to kill you once you're spotted," Asher told him, then faced?Dan, "Take my daughter along too,"

"And Ben," He turned to him now, "You should go to your place and pretend this never happened. The council has no idea of your involvement, you should be fine," Asher assured him.

"Are you kidding me?" Ben felt like he was slapped on the face, "I just become the godfather of the kids and you're asking me to abandon them and go live my life? I'll rather die knowing I protected them," He stood his ground.

"Yeah, me too," Trevor concurred, "I'll rather die protecting my sister and her children,"

"You two are too young and would not die because you're leaving and that's final," Asher closed the case.

"No, you can't do that..."

"We still have the right to...."

Trevour and Ben were still protesting when Asher signaled Dan who vanished with them all leaving only Devon, Lia, Sabrina, Daniel, and him in the room.

"I've cast a barrier so they won't get inside but that wouldn't hold them back for long, they have witches too - stronger witches," Sabrina pointed out.

"What's the plan?" Devon asked, cracking her fist, "I'm in if it involves kicking some asses"

"You can't beat all of their asses," Sabrina argued.

"Then I'll die beating all of their asses," Devon was obstinate.

"Nobody is beating anyone's asses nor die. I'll strike a deal with them; it's me they want, the rest of you can go scot-free" Lia exposed her plan.

"Then what?" Daniel scoffed.

"T-then I'll buy you all enough t-time to find a way to... to stop them," Lia stuttered, unsure.

"There's no stopping them. Once you're in the hands of the Council, they would destroy you without hesitation,"

"Then what are we here for? I thought we're here to fight?" Devon had her hands on her waists, disappointed at the turnout of the situation.

"They're breaking in, we don't have enough time," Sabrina sensed them trying to bring down her magic.

"None of you would fight," Asher announced.

"Yes, your lives are too precious to be wasted here," Daniel supported him.

"Not even Daniel," Asher added

"Sure - wait, what?" Daniel was dumbfounded.

"I'll challenge them and try to buy some time. Gideon and Zukai have left to gather my men and allies that are willing to fight alongside me. You should do the same too," He said to Daniel.

"I'm not going to let you be the martyr here," He drew close to Asher, " I would not let you sacrifice your life,"

"You know we have no other option at this point if we want to keep her safe," Asher spoke sense into him.

Daniel wanted to refute his words but inwardly, he knew the vampire was right. The council took them unaware, they are not in the right position to fight back.

"I'm not going to let you go ahead with this suicidal mission!" Lia informed Asher and was about to leave the room when Devon cast a spell on her,

"Quis sustinebit?"

Lia found out she couldn't move a muscle, Devon froze her to the ground.

"As much as I hate this but Asher's right, we need to protect your pretty ass,"

"Release me this instant Devon!" Lia bellowed at her, straining to be set free but all to no avail.

It was at that moment that Dan appeared.

"No, don't you dare send me away...." The threat continued in Lia's mouth when she vanished from the room.

"We are coming back for you," Sabrina promised and hugged him.

"Remember the faces that laid their hands on you, I'll hunt them down after I rescue you," Devon told him and hugged him.

"Don't you dare die on me because I'll hunt your soul from the pit of hell and restore you to your body," Daniel swore and hugged him, patting Asher on the shoulder before letting go.

"Thank you," Was the only word Asher said to them before Dan made them vanish, without leaving with them this time.

"Are you sure you're making the right decision?" Dan asked him.

"What? Do you have any other suggestions?" Asher asked nonchalantly, testing out his powers.

"I'm just saying that Daniel could have taken your place, he seemed willing while you look suicidal," Dan touched the truth.

"Lia can't handle the both of us dying plus Daniel is her true mate - demonic polygamy or not - she'd survive without me, "Asher replied.

"You asked her and she said that? "

"I made the decision for her, Dan. She wouldn't be able to do that, it'd break her heart,"

"Oh right, I forgot you're her mind; you know everything her heart desires," There was sarcasm in Dan's tone.

"Dan, I don't have time to quibble with you, I have the battle to face," He said dismissively.

"Fine, just explain yourself to her. Tell her something men! You can't just leave her like that!"

There was a loud bang! The entrance door has been breached.


"Fine!" Asher hissed, "Go to my study; the third drawer; you'd find an envelope; take it and leave here immediately," He commanded.

"Seriously?" Dan rolled his eyes towards heaven, "You had it all penned down and still couldn't bother to give it to her? Were you hoping we'd find it after your death? Talk of being dramatic!" he lashed out at him and disappeared only to reappear seconds later.

The sounds of incoming footsteps were getting louder.

"Better you hang there, we're coming to rescue you," Trevor warned, gave him a brotherly hug, and left just as their enemies barged into the room.

"To whom do I own this honor?" Asher was prepared for them.

A man emerged from the crowd who hushed down instantly. He had blonde hair with pale skin.

"Quite a surprise to see you, Asher Nicolli. I've heard a lot about you," Kun smiled at him.

"Hopefully the good ones," Asher smiled back at him. That smile was just to mask their intentions and both knew that.

"Your father was quite a famous vampire, quite a pity it seems you're about to follow in same footsteps when everyone thought you'd turn out differently,"

Asher shrugged, "I guess the saying, ' the apple doesn't fall far from the tree' applies in my case then. But it's satisfying to know I'm fighting for a rather good course this time,"

"Where's the girl?" His mask was brought down, replaced by a cold-blooded look.

"Don't waste your energy, you'd never find her, "Asher retorted, smiles disappearing from his face as well.

"Perhaps, I should broaden your horizon a bit," Kun decided.

The next Asher knew, he was outside his house, encompassed by troops from the council.

"Once you hand the girl over, we're willing to forgive you of all of your sins committed out of ignorance," He proposed gracefully.

"Lia has never done anything wrong to you guys, why can't you let her be,"

"She isn't supposed to be in the first place, order must be restored,"

"No, you all are just scared of what she's capable of doing," Asher sneered, "You'd never get her, I promise you,"

"Fine. Don't blame me for this because I gave you a chance to redeem yourself," He added, "And trust me, it's going to hurt," there was a dark glint in Kun's eyes as he said that.

Asher looked around, all the witches beside him began to say a spell - a spell meant to decapitate him.

He smiled and turned to Kun saying, "You know one funny part about vampires?"

Kun snorted, "What trickery are you up to this time, half Raven vampire?" he mocked him.

"Wrong answer," Asher smirked devilishly, "We don't need air to breathe,"

Kun's expression shifted, the vampire could control the element.

Suddenly, all the witches who had been chanting the spell, fell on their knees struggling with their breath as Asher seized all the air in the environment - Kun was affected too.

Asher was determined to wipe them out from the surface of the earth hence withheld the oxygen for an extended period. He was determined to see how long they'd survive.

The witches and hunters were already on the verge of death when a lightning bolt appeared from the sky striking Asher on the chest, knocking him out.

Shit, they brought vampires.

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