
Chapter 72: Hidden Truths Uncovered

72 Hidden Truths Uncovered

Days flew by and it was just a few days before her deal with Liu Wei would begin. She had mentally prepared herself, explaining things to her dad was the last thing to do.

She had just bought her dad fruits and was returning to the room when she saw Chang Ming coming out of it.

A frown appeared on her forehead.

She knew he was a nurse but she was very sure he wasn't assigned to her dad.

So what did he come there to do?

She didn't acknowledge him but walked past him to the room.

As she opened the door, she found her dad standing by the window and staring outside.

She closed the door behind her and made to keep the bag she was carrying on the table in the room but the words of her father froze her feet at a place.

"How did you realize the money for the surgery? "

Mr Liang turned to look at Liling, his eyes bore a frosty glare.

Liling felt a piercing headache, she was utterly dumbfounded.

'What did Chang Ming do? '

"Dad, you should rest.. "

After sometime, Liling found her voice and tried to coax her dad, but he cut her off immediately.

"I'll ask you for the last time, how did you realize the money for the surgery? "

His voice rang out in the quiet room, sending shivers down her spine.

Liling couldn't point out what Chang Ming had told him exactly, but she knew it was not something good.

"Dad, it's not what you think... I"

"Shut up!!, what do you know about what I think?, alright since its not what I think, tell me!. How did a poor daughter of a carpenter realize a million yuan?"

Liling was short of words. Where would she start to explain. She didn't do anything wrong but she knew her dad very well, he wouldn't even believe her if she told him the truth.

She stared at his angry face and decided to break the news.

"Dad.... mom is dead"

Liling said as she looked straight to his eyes. Her dad froze for almost a minute, his face became pale.

"She's been dead all along, I didn't want to tell you since you were recovering, when she died I tried all possible ways to realize the money, but when it wasn't yielding any results, I had no choice but to... "

"Sell your body in exchange for the money "

Mr Liang completed her sentence for her. His glare had become darker and Liling instinctively stepped back.

"You!!, what kind of a child are you?. Your mother had been dead for over a month and this is when you are telling me?.

"After killing your mom, you sold your body for money! What kind of a daughter are you?, you are not my daughter!, go look for your father, you devil! "

Mr Liang screamed as he pushed everything down in the room, Liling stood at a spot and watched him.

She couldn't believe her eyes and ears. So this was the payment for everything she had gone through. Her sleepless nights, her two years sacrifice, this was her reward.

As she watched her father angrily destroy everything in the room, a tear escaped from her eyes.

"Father..., please stop, you just had a major surgery.."

"Shut up! Don't ever call me that name!! I'm not your father. Ask your mom, she knows who your father is. I'm not your father and I don't want to see your disgraceful body in my house, get out!!. NOW!!"

Liling didn't move, the bag in her hand fell off. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Father, where do you want me to go to?, please I don't have anywhere to stay. Let me.. "

"Go to your father, you hear me!!, it was your mom's fault for being unfaithful, I loved her but she betrayed me, now go to your father. I don't ever want to see you again "

Mr Liang exclaimed and sat on the bed, he held his head in his hands, obviously holding in great pain.

"Father, please, how can you say such things?. You are my... "

"Get out and never return, unless you want to join your mother in the grave..!! !!"

Mr Liang screamed at Liling with a tone of finality and she immediately escaped from the room before he would injure her.

She scurried outside the hospital to the sitting area and sat down, she couldn't believe her ears.

'Was what her father said true?, was she really not his daughter? '

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