
Chapter 266: I wont let her do the digging

266 I won't let her do the digging

To think that was the kind of person his father wanted for him. Someone who went to the extent of threatening another's life?

Liu Wei took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

He knelt down in front of Liling, who was sitting on the bed.

''My love, look at me.''

Liling lifted her eyes to look at him.

''You don't have to be scared, I'm here for you and I promise you, I'll make sure they don't get to hurt your shadow ever again! ''

The next day at the company, Liu Wei called for a board meeting. Before the meeting could end, he signaled his secretary.

The secretary lifted a document and read from it.

''Miss Da Xia, from today onwards, you are no longer a staff of BAI Enterprises, please transfer all materials in your possession to your assistant. ''

The board room fell into a state of confusion. The news came like a shock to everybody. They thought that Da Xia was in good terms with the Fa family, why was she being sacked?

Da Xia froze on her seat. She could not even move an inch. She immediately lifted her eyes to look at Liu Wei, who was looking as disinterested as ever.

''Why?? Why am I being sacked? What have I done? ''

She had just won the most industrious staff of the year, and she could not remember any default in her duties, why then was she being sacked?

Without looking at her, Liu Wei said;

''I sack at my own discretion, I must not give you a reason, I am the CEO. Security, please escort this woman out of the company. Meeting adjourned. ''

He stood up and walked of the room, leaving everyone in utter confusion.

Da Xia felt like dying at that moment. Everyone was looking at her with pity and that was even more irritating. The security, which Liu Wei had commanded a while ago, had come to escort her out of the company as he had said. But before they could speak, she stood up on her own and stomped out of the board room.

''Boss, are you still attending the interview, it's by 12pm or should I cancel? ''

''No, let's go now. ''

Many media houses had contacted him concerning the recent rumors, but he had only accepted one interview. When they arrived, Liu Wei was shown into the room, and he sat down elegantly.

''Wow, I was not expecting that you would accept our invitation, Mr. Liu Wei; it's really nice, having you here. ''

Liu Wei nodded. Everyone already knew him to be someone who did not speak much, so they quickly went on to the deal of the day. ''

''Mr. Liu Wei, there are news flying around of you dating an upcoming artist who is signed under your record label, is that true? ''

Liu Wei scratched his head and nodded.

''Yes, her name is Liling. ''

''So it's been confirmed, they are dating! But Mr. Liu Wei, it seems from the pictures, that she was the one chasing you and not the other way round. ''

''Yes, ''

''Well, before then, she thought I had died in a plane crash, anyone would do the same in her shoes. I'm chasing her, I've always been chasing her, and she was really hard to get, so now I'm with her, I cherish her more than anything. ''

The two interviewers wowed at Liu Wei's explanation.

''It says here that she is a gold digger, how true is that? ''

The second one continued with the questions;

Liu Wei chuckled.

''What gold digger? I won't let her do any digging. If she wants gold, I'll serve it to her on a platter. Hope I've answered your question?''

Liu Wei said, raising a brow.

''Wow, it seems you are not so cold after all! ''

Everyone laughed, and Liu Wei smiled.

''Well, as long as it involves her, I'm never cold. ''

''Wow! Here is a model of every girl's dreams. I hope all your questions have been answered. So you all should stop gossiping about the lovebirds and mind your business. ''

Everyone in the room laughed and after a few more questions, the interview ended.

''Sir, the balance sheet and Income statement does not match. There is 10,000,000 Yuan missing and our stocks are dropping. ''

The secretary broke the calabash after hours of indecision. Jin Yue raised his eyes from the files that were placed before him.

''What did you just say? ''

His secretary could feel beads of sweat break out on his forehead. He had discovered the loss a week ago but did not know how to break the news to Jin Yue, and given that he had been away from work for a while, that morning was the only opportunity he knew he had.

He could not speak. He palmed his hands into fists as he waited for Jin Yue's verdict.

Jin Yue who had returned the previous day stopped by the company to check on its affairs before his secretary broke the news. He was still devastated about Xin Yong, now this?

''When did this happen? How did this happen? ''

He asked raising his voice a bit above normal.

His secretary could feel his anger, so he inched away from the table.

''I don't know sir, I think they are misplaced records of cash outflow, I'll get the financial department to go through it again.''

Jin Yue slammed his palms on the table.

''Oh really? Misplaced records of cash outflow? ?I leave the company in your care for a few days and now this? Just tell me, what do I do with you? ''

''I'm sorry sir. ''

''Just get out. Leave! ''

Jin Yue screamed angrily. He clutched his hair with both hands as the secretary scampered out of the office.

He did not know what to do now. There was missing money and he could even think of where such amount leaked from!

Why was all these troubles coming all at once! What did he do so wrong!

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