
Chapter 290: Something Bad

290 Something Bad

''Have you eaten? ''

He asked, pulling her in for a kiss. Liling's heart warmed, she knew he couldn't stayangry at her.

''No, order something nice, let me go shower. ''

After eating dinner, Liling brushed her teeth and came to sit beside Liu Wei on the couch.

She placed her legs gently on his laps and as though Liu Wei read her mind, he massaged them gently.

''Oh, sweet boyfriend, thank you ''

She smiled as she felt her whole body relax.

Liu Wei had not had sex in while, so the mere touching of her bare legs was turning him on, but because of her surgery, he could only contain himself.

''Uh… mmm…''

Liling moaned, and Liu Wei immediately shot her a glare as his ears turned a shade of pink.

''Stop moaning…''

She giggled as she caressed his thighs with her legs.

''Liling, stop that…''

His voice was deepening and he was finding it very hard controlling himself.

''What? It's not as though something bad would happen? Just once eh? It's been one whole week already!''

''No, we can't, I'll hurt you. ''

Liu Wei said, holding her legs put to stop her movement. Liling sighed and crossed her arms;

''Fine! Just go on with the massage…''

Her expression was sad but Liu Wei wouldn't fall for it. He wouldn't hurt her again, not with his mind and brain intact.

"It'll be over before you know it…''

''Oh Yes, but before then, stop seducing me with your sexy eyes and hot body every morning, do you hear me? Take your clothes into the bathroom and dress up there, I don't care, I don't want to see any skin! And stop hugging me at night, do you know how much trouble I go through before I sleep with your luscious body wrapped around me? ''

''Oh my, …''

Liu Wei couldn't stop laughing, ''I thought I was the only one having a hard time. ''

Liling rolled her eyes, not able to take it anymore; she stood up from the couch and stomped upstairs.

''Baby, sorry, I didn't mean to…''

Liu Wei stood up and followed her.

Liling strode to the bed and lay down shutting her eyes. Liu Wei watched her for a few seconds before lying down beside her and pulling her close to him.

''I said No hugging! ''

''I can't… if I don't hug you, I'll run mad. ''

He whispered flirtingly in her ear and immediately kissed it afterwards. Liling's face reddened instantly/

''Stop seducing me when you won't touch me…''

She said, still not opening her eyes.

''I'm sorry, okay? ''

She did not reply.

''Baby? Are you still angry? ''

Liu Wei said after sometime, Liling was quiet for a few seconds, she knew she could not be angry at him, that was clearly impossible.

''You're clingy, do you know? ''

She said, turning around to face him;

Liu Wei chuckled;

Liling smiled.

''We've found a way. ''

Liu Wei's brows creased.

''What way? '' He asked, obviously not understanding what she was talking about.

''A way to get Jin Yue and Xin Yong back together…''

''How? ''

''You see, to get them back together; we have to kill your friend. ''

Xin Yong woke up the next day to a piercing headache and nausea; she quickly ran to the bathroom and eased her bowels. After taking a shower and brushing her teeth, she sat to eat. Mid way, she tried recollecting what happened the previous night.

She could only remember drinking with Liling and then nothing else. After her meal, she dressed up for work. In the taxi, she sent a text over.

'Liling, how did I get home? I can't remember anything! Please don't tell me I went around kissing random men! Call me!'

Liling didn't call till around twelve thirty.


Liling's voice came through the phone, she didn't sound enthusiastic_ she sounded rather sad.

Xin Yong creased her brows.

''Liling, did you get my text? ''

There was a pause before Liling replied.

''yeah, sorry I couldn't call earlier.? ''

Xin Yong, who had wanted to pretend as though everything was fine, could not pretend anymore.

''Liling, what's wrong?''

''Nothing ''

She replied rather too quickly, at that point, Xin Yong knew that something was terribly wrong.

''Liling, don't lie to me… I know something is wrong, tell me? ''

Liling was quiet for a moment, as though contemplating something;

''Where are you? ''

She asked;

''in the studio, just tell me what's wrong over the phone! ''

Xin Yong was getting impatient, she wasn't sure she could wait for Liling to come by.

''I'm coming ''

Liling said and cut the call before Xin Yong could say another word.

In about ten minutes, Liling walked into the studio. She was wearing black goggles and she tied up her hair with a black head tie. When Xin Yong saw her appearance, she had a very bad feeling.

Quickly, she stood up and walked towards her.

''Liling, what's wrong? What happened/ ''

Xin Yong's heart was beating frantically against her chest, she thought of a million things that could go wrong but she didn't want to accept any of them.

As soon as Liling saw her, she rushed to her and pulled her into a hug, tears flowing freely from her eyes.

''I'm sorry. ''

Xin Yong could not understand anything that was going on.

''Why are you crying? What happened? Liling, I don't like this, speak to me! ''

Xin Yong pulled her up to peer at her face; she removed the goggles she was putting on to get a better look. Liling face was red and eyes were swollen from how much she had cried.

''Liling/… please … what happened? ''

Xin Yong could not help trembling. She didn't know what happened, but she was already teary.

Liling slowly but reluctantly opened her bag, took out a piece of paper and gave it to her.

Xin Yong stared at the paper in her hands for a few seconds, her whole body trembling.

''What... what is this? ''

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