
Chapter 50 On The Radar

[MV: Prince Beiber, would you kindly shove your humor up your pretty ass and help me?]

[JH212: Ouch. Yes?]

[MV: I need the contact details of one 'Ethan McCarthy'.]

[JH212: And this person is...]

[MV: Head of security. Works for Anthony.]

[JH212: Know of him.]

[JH212: Sent.]

I saw the little one flashing beside the sign that said 'inbox'.

[MV: Thank you.]

[JH212: Anything else?]

[MV: Nothing for now.]

[JH212: Be careful.]

[MV: Will do.]

[JH212: Stay away from the bastard.]

[MV: Can't. It's in my current job description to stick to his side.]

[JH212: That's all?]

[MV: That's all.]

I switched off the chat and felt regret coursing through me. I'd always had a one track mind, but I don't think I'd ever spoken to the boy in that manner before. I outright used his resources and didn't even acknowledge his legitimate worries about my safety. I mean, I understood that he cared, but it wasn't something I needed to think about at the moment. I had to concentrate and believe that nothing was at risk. I didn't need to add the fear of leaving someone behind if I died in the course of this mission, which was highly probable.

It was the logical approach, but he'd always been my friend and talking to him in that manner struck a chord. Maybe, I should apologize. Well, then...

The first call was made to a person named Jacob Hunt who sounded as surprised and ecstatic about the call as a kid would be to meet Santa Clause on Christmas. That was what he sounded like.

"You called!" Yes, that definitely sounded like a squeal.

"Jake," I choked out through a muffled a laugh. "You sound excited."

"Really, Sherlock?" We burst into laughter. The conversation flowed after that. We asked each other about the progress we'd made on our cases. So far, it seemed like Jacob was far ahead on his mission than me. He was a sniper and preferred to stalk his targets before he actually killed them. He got some sick sort of satisfaction from knowing what the person he was going to murder would leave behind, how they lived their lives and how their absence would affect others. Or maybe it was just guilt. He did make it clear that he loved his job, though. He had already had another mission on hand as he had finished the one he was assigned a day before I began my mission.

He was working on the CEO of a company who had gone rogue. Apparently, he had ended up on the radar of some dangerous people who wanted him dead. The guy must have been one hell of a CEO if he had managed to anger so many important people.

"What about you?" he asked. I didn't have much to divulge. So, I went over the basic things that I had found.

"You're doing well, then. You landed a position in the inner ring at first try." The reassurance was a welcome one. "But be cautious, okay?" he warned.

I really wanted to keep his warning in mind, but it would put me in danger of being exposed. Being careful would make me hesitant and hesitance would get me killed.

The best secret keeper was one who didn't move an unnatural muscle when asked a question. It also involved acting first and thinking later, so, hesitance was out of the question. For now, that would be the strategy. Any mind games that I would want to play would backfire. Therefore, I was going to invest the little time that I had in my hand to gain as much information as I could.

I realized after a few minutes that I'd been on the call with Jake for too long. Even though my calls couldn't be tapped or traced, I didn't want to take the risk.

"I'll be cautious." I sighed. "And that is why I'll have to hang up. I'm sorry about before. I never got to the point."

"I realize that you're a bit stuck, but you'll get through like you always do. At least you didn't have to flirt with an old lady so that you could access the roof where you can see your target, only to discover that he was having his way with a hooker." The irritation in his voice was evident.

"I feel worse. I don't think that is possible, but you must take it as a compliment. You have invoked pity and fear in my heart and left me purified and cleansed of impure thoughts."

"That must be a cathartic experience," he laughed.

"Yes, yes it was. You know I've always had a thing for such things."

"Thank God you didn't give me a lecture on how flirting with the old lady and watching the hairy ass of this man was predestined." I scoffed at that. I would've him tempted to make that comment just to piss him off, but I guess that never crossed my mind.

"And we need to end this conversation before we go into a discussion about predestination and free will. Walk away, Beiber."

"Yes, ma'am. I look forward to hearing from you. And be sure that you will be hearing from me. We need to hang out someday."

"When I've finally settled in or finished the mission," I promised.

"Yes, that."

"Bye." I heard him echo the same before I hung up the phone.


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