年轻的朋友6 韩剧免费观看

Chapter 279: Agent Part 2

Wood sat in the living room with the visitor, Billy Woox, while Sophia was in the kitchen making tea.

Billy presented him with a new name card, with the title on it now changed to professional football agent. Wood looked up at him questioningly and received a smile from the man.

"I got tired of the entertainment industry," he explained.

Wood was not interested in understanding his backstory. He put aside the name card and looked at Billy in silence. He did not know how to start; he had never done anything like this.

Billy Woox saw through Wood's unease. As an agent, his duty was to consider all the factors for his client. Even the most minute detail could not be neglected; if he could achieve that, he would be able to garner the favor of the other party. It was the same whether he was facing a professional footballer or a big-shot celebrity.

Since Wood doesn't know what to say, I'll do it.

Billy Woox maintained a smile on his face and revealed his aim in approaching Wood. "It's this… I understand you have not found an agent, yes?"

Wood nodded. In comparison to agents who only called once or twice, this man, whom he had previously met, was clearly a more familiar face.

"Then, I hope to become your agent… Ah, thank you, Madam."

Woox took the cup of warm tea from Sophia and set it on the table. He continued. "I'll be entirely in charge of the contract negotiation between you and the club, and help you contact various sponsoring brands. I'll package you in the most comprehensive manner and work out a financial management plan that would benefit you the most. So much so that even if you stopped playing soccer, you would be able to continue earning money. But of course, I am not trying to encourage you to leave the professional soccer arena. However, no matter how well you play soccer, you won't be able to become famous and earn more if there is no one to package you. Look at David Beckham; he's a symbol of success.

Beckham's success was well-known throughout England. Wood knew it well. Even after Beckham went to Spain, his influence within the UK did not consequently lessen.

"And Beckham's success is inseparable from his team of agents." Woox took a sip of his black tea. "George, you have every single quality essential to becoming a star idol. Now, you only require an outstanding agent." Before he realized, he had started referring to Wood as George instead. This made the two seem even closer.

After making tea for the visitor, Sophia sat down beside Wood and quietly listened to their talk. She did not voice any opinions or ask any questions. In her eyes, Wood was already a grown-up and should make his own decisions on such matters.

After thinking for a long time, Wood finally asked a crucial question. "But you don't have any experience in being a football manager."

Billy Woox knew this question would come. It was true that he had just switched careers to become a football agent. He looked like a rookie just entering the industry, but he only looked like it.

"Of course, I won't deny that I have never been a football agent. However, I am extremely experienced in being an agent. I think that the work as an agent for an artist and a footballer have their commonalities. If I become your agent, I would not need to be involved with soccer matters for a period… In other words, George, I'm asking if you have thought about leaving Forest?"

The question came quite abruptly, stunning Wood momentarily and causing his brow to tighten. Even Sophia was surprised enough to show a change in her expression. Billy Woox took all this in and realized that Wood had misunderstood his question. He hurriedly explained. "I'm not trying to instigate you to leave. I'm only asking if you have considered it."

Wood shook his head. He had never thought about leaving Nottingham Forest. To him, it was everything to play soccer on Forest. Why would he go to other clubs?

"Look, it's clear that you don't have any thoughts about leaving the club. Basically, that means that I would have very little involvement with soccer. Our initial work involves expanding your influence and reputation beyond the field, and this is what my expertise is in." Woox said confidently.

"I have a very wide network outside the field. And what's most important to an agent is the network they establish. I know many other agents have approached you. I don't know what kind of promises they made to you, but I have the confidence and ability to nurture you into a professional footballer who can earn the most money; the most successful football star. Beyond that, I will also help you plan and put the money you are earning now into investments. After you retire in the future, you will have no worries about not having income."

His words resonated with Wood. This was exactly what Tang En was talking about. Once he retired, the money he earned from playing soccer would eventually finish. He had no other skills; surely, he wouldn't go back to being a porter? Wouldn't it be better if he could use the money he earned now to make more money in the future?

Wood asked, "If… If I sign a contract with you, what do I have to do?"

On hearing what Wood said, Billy Woox knew he had him. Now that there wasn't an annoying Tony Twain around to be a hindrance, wasn't it up to him how he wanted to deal with this inexperienced boy?

"You don't need to do anything," Woox said with a grin. "Just like now, you only have to play well. Your brilliant performance on the field will be the basis of my work to help you attain more benefits. Of course, when you're not playing in a match, you may need to attend some sponsor events with me, like filming commercials…"

"Just like Boss?" Wood was referring to Tony Twain, who had just gone to London to film a commercial.

Billy Woox was initially stumped, and only later remembered Tony. He nodded. "That's right, just like that. You might feel a little busier, but in comparison with the profits you will get, becoming busier is but a trifle matter."

As if a devil from the abyss, Woox used his honey-coated words to seduce the boy before him to accept his conditions.

"You will earn so much money, you won't have to rent and stay in such a simple apartment. You can buy the most luxurious homes in the best locations with pools, tennis courts, and garages. If you're willing, you can even build your own football field. At that point, you could employ many domestic helpers, and your mother," Woox turned to smile at Sophia, "can relax and enjoy all this without ever having to work hard again."

Wood looked at Sophia, who was smiling at him.

Why did he initially, as a silly lad who knew nothing, run off to find Tony? Why did he agree to accept training at the Youth Team and accept only a meager allowance? What was he training so hard for? What was the reason he had stepped onto the path of professional football?

Billy Woox removed a stack of files from his bag and placed it on the table. "This is a report I made for you. It's an analysis of your advantages and market audience…"

This was Billy's final ace up his sleeve: a report detailing a bespoke plan to package Wood… but Wood appeared to have no interest in it. He interrupted Billy's stream of words and said, "You can be my agent."

That simple statement decided their future.

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