年轻的朋友6 韩剧免费观看

Chapter 983 - At 50, I Know the Decrees of Heaven

Chapter 983: At 50, I Know the Decrees of Heaven

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Happy birthday, Uncle Tony!”

When Twain opened his eyes in the morning, the first thing he heard was his wife, Shania, speaking softly as she laid next to his ear.

But he could not muster up a smile. Instead, he sighed and looked unhappily at Shania, draping herself over his own body. He said, “50-year-old birthday, what’s so happy about that…”

Shania said with a grin, “I don’t care so much, it’s happy as long as it’s a birthday! Happy birthday, Uncle Tony!” She repeated it, giving Twain a good morning kiss, and Shania jumped out of bed.

The maid and nanny had already prepared breakfast downstairs. Since there was a child in the family and such a big villa, Twain no longer insisted on their family living on their own. Theresa would always be afraid when the night came – the house was too big, even if all the rooms and corridor lights were turned on, she was always afraid of monster suddenly jumping out of the corners. So, they simply hired a live-in maid and nanny so as to add some vitality to the house.

And even after Twain and Shania returned to England with Theresa, the house would still be left to the helpers to live in.

A house was meant for people to live in. Otherwise no matter how nice the house was as long as no one lived in it, the rate of dilapidation was amazing. As long as people lived in it, it would be cleaned regularly, and the house would be fresh every day.

Thinking about it on this level, Twain no longer cared about their privacy…

Twain also followed suit to get out of bed, get dressed and washed up. And Shania, who got out of bed first, also did not have the habit to waste time in front of the dresser. As long as she was not going out for any activities, she would emerge fresh-faced without any makeup. Even though she was alluringly gorgeous like she was in promotional posters, movies, advertisements and runway stages, she was still equally beautiful. Twain looked at her for a long time and felt the bare-faced Shania even more beautiful.

By this time Shania had gone to knock on her daughter’s door.

“Theresa, are you up?”

When her daughter jumped to open the door, she was suddenly pulled in the arms of Shania waiting at the door. Shania tickled her armpits. Her young daughter’s twinkling laughter instantly tinkled all over the room.

Twain ignored the mother and daughter playing over there and went alone into the bathroom to begin to wash up. He habitually looked up at his reflection in the mirror. His hair was still black, but that was only superficial. He used a comb to tidy his hair, and the white hair could not be covered under the black surface. All the white strands popped out. In fact, a 50-year-old person’s hair would not be so obvious quickly. But a manager was a profession that used the brains and endured immense mental pressure. Therefore, it was not uncommon for the hair to become whiter more quickly than an ordinary person.

Twain touched his snow-white hair and there was nothing he could do. The aging of the body could not be shifted with his own will.

It was just that there were more and more creases on his face, and he looked a little depressed. With his transmigration, even though he had won a lot of championship titles and married a beautiful wife, he also lost a few years on his lifespan for no good reason and could not borne a child of his own. He could only adopt one. This was really “the equivalent of paying for what you get.” He did not know whether those championship titles and money were equivalent to the lost years of life and lack of offspring…

He splashed some cold water on his face and the water splattered everywhere. With that, those distracting thoughts in his head was also splashed away.

Today’s breakfast was more abundant than usual. Obviously, the help had already been given special instructions by Shania and knew that today was the 50th birthday of the man of the house.

“Do you have any plans for today?” Shania asked during breakfast.

“No.” Twain shook his head. He had been busy a few days ago and was finally able to relax today. Moreover, he was completely free today and perhaps there was nothing to be busy with in the future for a period of time. Twain felt that the older he got, the less meaning the birthday held, so there was no big fanfare to invite people to a birthday party. Otherwise his house would have become a Hollywood’s over the top party.

Perhaps some people liked to use their birthdays to make friends with celebrities and use the opportunity to promote their fame and status. That was their prerogative. But Twain did not like to do it. At such times, he wanted to be with his loved ones, even if it was to watch television on the couch at home. It was better than to deal with those movie stars. Anyway, he was a football manager, and not of the same circles as the Hollywood stars. He only guest starred in movies for the thrill of it. He did not have to make any connections or kowtow to anyone.

Twain’s lack of desires made things difficult for Shania instead. He should not spend his birthday without any fanfare at all, shouldn’t he? It was his 50-year-old birthday. How many 50-year-old birthdays could a person have in his life… Well, just one. She was really reluctant to spend such a special day at home…

Seeing Shania having a headache alone, Twain advised, “Don’t think about it. I don’t want to go anywhere.”

“How can we do that? How can you spend your birthday by staying at home?”

“I can go shopping with you.” Twain spread his hands.

“It’s your birthday, not mine. How can you be doing what I want?” Shania widened her eyes and stared at Twain as she asked.

She did not expect Twain to retract his smile and did not evade Shania’s stare. Instead, he stared very seriously into her eyes, as if to see her heart through her eyes. He directly looked at Shania till she was little embarrassed before he said, “For me, the important thing is not how I celebrate this birthday. The important thing is whom I spend it with. My birthday wish is to be with you, and…” He glanced at his daughter, who was having breakfast next to him and continued, “Theresa. It doesn’t matter as to where we’ll spend it at. It’s nice to watch TV at home, it’s also nice to go to the supermarket and buy things. It’s all the same.”

In fact, he still had some words he did not say. It would be too inauspicious to say those words. He would not mention them on such a festive day. All that mattered was it was clear in his own heart.

Twain’s words, which were spoken from the heart, touched Shania’s heart, but she did not show it on the surface. There was tacit understanding between them, so there was no need for any superfluous displays, such as eyes moved to tears, holding of hands and looking at each other wordlessly … She only pursed her lips helplessly. She said, “Anyway, it’s your birthday today, so it’s up to you.”

Twain immediately brought the smile back to his face and went to play with his daughter, Theresa.

Shania looked at the father and daughter getting along well and sighed gently in her heart. Uncle Tony was really fifty years old… It made her sad to think about it. Although she said “Happy Birthday” to Uncle Tony, she was actually in the same mood as Uncle Tony – she was afraid that it would only become sadder each birthday after the age of 50.

She first met him 15 years ago, when she was 13 years old and Uncle Tony was 34 years old. There was even a misunderstanding after the two people met… At the thought of Uncle Tony’s wolfish look as he glanced at her bosom, Shania could not help laughing.

She did not expect to “mistakenly board a pirate ship” and never got off just like that….

I was only 13 years old at the time. How did I fall in love with this middle-aged uncle?

“What are you laughing about?” Twain heard Shania’s laughter and looked back at her. He discovered that she had an obvious smile on her face, but her eyes were not focused. She was clearly lost in her thoughts.

“Ah… Thinking of the first time you and I met.” Shania did not hide, and plainly told Twain.

Twain recalled it when she said so. He was once mistaken for a pervert by his wife in front of him … At that time, he had just lost an important game and also lost six months of hard work put into the season. Michael had left him for the far away United States and little Gavin had died tragically in the fans’ riot. His emotions were in a mess. But because of his encounter with the quirky Shania, his mood was able to lighten up soon after, as if the clouds had lifted.

Twain suddenly thought of a phrase, “If only the time stopped at the moment when we met for the first time.”

The relationship between himself and Shania was quite in line with the meaning. It was as if only a day had gone by and not 15 years. It was as if they had met for the first time. He was never tired of Shania, and Shania did not tire of him too. Maybe it was because they spent more time apart than they had been together for 15 years?

“Theresa said she wants to go to Hollywood and watch people make movies. Anyway, it’s my birthday and it’s not nice to always coop up at home.” Twain told Shania their daughter’s wishes. In fact, Theresa did not want to see her father and mother quarrel, so she said that on purpose.

Shania naturally had no objection. She took Theresa upstairs to change and put on make-up.

Twain left the dining room and sat down in the living room to rest while he waited for the mother and daughter.

He did not wait long. Since she was just going out to play, Shania just put on a touch of makeup while Theresa just changed out of her pajamas she wore at home.

Watching Shania lead Theresa walk down the stairs, Twain discovered that although she was an adopted child, there was a resemblance in the features between the raven-haired Theresa and the dark brown-haired Shania. Shania had a little Chinese heritage, so they looked like a pair of mother and daughter. For the rest of their lives, Twain had no other desire as long as the two of them were by his side. Anyway, time would not go back, no matter how reluctant he was. He was already 50 years old. Since that was the case, rather than sitting here, feeling how time flew and bemoaning getting older, it was better to live well with his wife and child.

When Shania saw Twain’s hair at a glance as she walked down, she frowned, “Aren’t you going to dye it?”

Twain shook his head and said, “No more dyeing. I’m not going to dye it in the future.”

Shania was taken aback and said, “Did you suffer a blow, Uncle Tony?”

“I just suddenly figured out one thing.” Twain took Shania’s arm and added, “The snow-white hair looks good too.”


In fact, Twain did not get a peace of mind when he went out to relax. His cell phone constantly rang with calls from friends, as if they had planned it in advance. Everyone wanted to wish him a happy birthday. Michael, Wood, Brosnan, Dunn, Kerslake, Walker… Shania was a little displeased. Shania was not at fault. What was supposed to be family time for the three of them, was interrupted by a series of phone calls.

“Well, no one else should call me.” Twain knew his wife was a little unhappy. Their conversation only lasted a few words before it was interrupted by the phone ringing, which was annoying. “I’m going to turn off the phone.”

He lifted his cell phone and planned to turn it off. But coincidentally the phone in his hand started vibrating again.

Shania rolled her eyes.

“All right. This time, whoever it is, I’ll turn the phone off.” Twain glanced at the phone screen, and a somewhat unfamiliar name flashed on it – Evan.

When the name first appeared in Twain’s eyes, he actually did not think of who it was. He was just about to hang up and then turn it off when his finger hovered over the hang-up key, because he suddenly remembered who the person behind the name was.

The question was, why would he call him? He and the club chairman had not been in touch since he ended his contract with the club in 2014. Other than he once called him again later in hopes that he would return to the Forest team, the two men had not been in touch since. What was the matter with him calling at this time? Could it be that he had called to wish him a “happy birthday” too?

Twain frowned and could not figure out why. Then he reacted – wouldn’t he find out once he answered the call?

“Oh hell…” He muttered as he pressed the answer button.


When Shania saw Twain raise the phone to his ear, she took Theresa to quickly step straight into a store.

“Happy birthday, Tony!” Evan Doughty’s voice came on the phone. But Twain did not know how to react to it.

Hearing such a warm voice, Twain became even more confused about why Evan was calling him.

“Thank you… Evan.” He thought about it and did not address him as “Mr. Doughty.” Instead, he changed it to a more cordial “Evan.” Although he and Evan had a falling out when he first left, the incident was four years ago, and it was not a murderous feud. What else could he not let go? Moreover, for him to have so many championships titles, part of it was to Evan’s credit.

“I heard you went to Los Angeles?” Evan Doughty seemed to be in high spirits over the phone.

“Yes, to be with my wife. She also misses her daughter.” Twain did not want to talk too much to him, not because he was upset with Evan, but because he did not want to keep his wife waiting for too long. If she found out that he was still on the phone when she came out of the store with Theresa in a while, she was going to explode…

Evan Doughty also seemed to sense the coolness of Twain’s tone. He could only take it that he still held a grudge toward him for when he drove him away at the time.

He laughed bitterly, “Tony, do you still care about what happened at that time?”

Huh?” Twain stared blankly for a moment, and immediately understood. Evan was clearly mistaken. “Oh, not at all. Let bygones be bygones. I actually bought season tickets every season, and occasionally I would go to the home stadium to watch games.”

Evan certainly knew because he saw Twain’s figure in the Forest team’s first home game of the new season appeared in the stands at the Crimson Stadium.


“Mommy, what are you looking at?”

Theresa felt strange. After her mother took her into the clothing store, she did not take her to pick out clothes as usual. Instead she used the excuse of “take a look on your own” to move to this corner to peek through the window.

“Of course, I’m looking at Daddy.” Shania touched her daughter’s head and looked over again.

“Who’s on the phone with Daddy?”

“Mommy doesn’t know.”

Despite the separation of the window, Shania could see from Twain’s expression that he was not as happy as he had been on previous phone calls.

Who on earth was calling him?

Although he had said to let bygones be bygones, there was no way to skirt around the matter since it was mentioned. The topic suddenly made Doughty feel that Twain was a little further away from himself, because the tone on the other end of the line was getting colder…

But in fact, Twain was anxious that Shania would come out in a moment. If he was still not done with the phone call, he was going to have a hard time.

Realizing that it was not a good idea to take such a risk to make the call, it was inappropriate to talk any further. So, Evan Doughty politely wished him a good time and hung up.

Once the other side hung up the phone, Twain was relieved on this side. He immediately turned off the phone, and then put it back in the pocket as he waited for Shania and Theresa to come back from the shopping.

But instead, the mother and daughter returned emptyhanded.

“Did not you buy anything?” Twain asked somewhat diffidently.

Shania shook her head and went straight to the point to ask, “Who’s that on the phone?”

“… Evan, Evan Doughty.” Twain hesitated a little and chose to tell his wife honestly.

Shania was no stranger to the name. She frowned and said, “What does he want with you by calling?”

“Just to say, ‘Happy Birthday.’” Twain shrugged.

Shania looked suspiciously at her husband. She knew her husband too well. His love of football had always surpassed everything. Sometimes she often wondered whether the man loved her or football…

“That’s all. We did not chat too much. I was afraid that you would come out and saw that I was still on the phone, so I just exchanged a few words with him.” Twain hurriedly explained for fear of Shania’s suspicion.

Shania looked at Twain, and then the corners of her lips slowly curled up, forming into an arc. Then she leaned her body over and nestled in Twain’s arms, putting her arm around him, while her other hand held Theresa.

“I’m hungry. I know a store with delicious ice cream. Let’s go!”


Twain, who quietly spent his 50th birthday with his family, did not return to the United Kingdom, but remained in Los Angeles. When his wife was at work, he spent time with his daughter. When his wife had a break, the whole family would go out to play. The days went by with ease.

People often said that at thirty, one stood firm. At forty, one had no doubts. At fifty, one knew the decrees of Heaven.

The 50-year-old Twain felt that his destiny was this.

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