
Chapter 136: Tyrant (2)

Chapter 136: Tyrant (2)

[Serum is ready for administration. All the user needs to do was to decide when to proceed]

Stein's short and precise reply came instantly while Zhang Qin Feng aimed his Centurion rifle at the Tyrant. The monster seems to be taking its leisure to close the gap between them. Perhaps it was because he's not trying to run or making a sudden move.

Just like a beast with instinct, the zombie infected with Seed Crystal Virus was also a being moving according to its instinct. It was void of fear, but everything else was still running as usual.

But that calmness only lasted for a minute.

The Tyrant grabbed one of the broken vehicles and tossed it aside. It was preparing to sprint over to where Zhang Qin Feng stands.

"Hoo!!!" the Tyrant raised its voice.

Through its action, the monster seems to be trying to taunt its prey before hunting. It was a standard even in video gaming, where bosses often use multiple suppression abilities to weaken the challenging player.

Unfortunately, the challenger this time was not a player but a cheater.

Zhang Qin Feng's devoid of fear make the Tyrant remained at the position for another minute as it failed to decipher the reason behind his action.

This move actually saved his life from getting taken out in minutes the moment the fight started. If Zhang Qin Feng were to follow Stein's suggestion and run for his life immediately, he would be ended up just like the few corpses he found earlier.

But that short moment was all he could buy for himself. As the Tyrant and Zhang Qin Feng were on a stalemate in their eye battle, the zombies without significant role managed to comes in between the monster and Zhang Qin Feng.

Since the zombies were not on his side, Zhang Qin Feng was forced to shift his attention in firing at the incoming danger.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

He immediately fired a few shots at the zombies closing to his position. The firing action finally caught the Tyrant's attention and the fact this human was still the same food as the others.

"ROAR!" the Tyrant sweep the zombies away and started to move. The attack from sweeping its hand was deadlier than Zhang Qin Feng could imagine. The few zombies that got swept aside were maimed to an unrecognizable state.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Zhang Qin Feng keeps firing his Centurion Rifle at the monster as he retreated. With Stein taking care of his blind spot, he moved without a concern about what might lurk behind him.

Furthermore, Zhang Qin Feng's Centurion rifle was a level above in delivering damage. Even the Tyrant had no choice but to defend itself from the pain inflicted by the suppressive fire. It was puzzling to the monster as it never chooses to hide before.

Based on its experience in hunting the survivors, not even once it had to dodge because of their itching gunshots.

But today, it was forced to do something instinctively due to the pain Zhang Qin Feng's gun delivered.

"Roar! Roar!" the Tyrant grabbed the debris around it and tossed it over to Zhang Qin Feng.

The incoming debris forced Zhang Qin Feng to dodge and rolled on the ground until he was at another vehicle scrap. Taking the chance to reload his weapon, Zhang Qin Feng activated a few shockwave buttons and stuck them around the vehicle before he keeps moving.

Less than two to three seconds, the Tyrant came to flip the vehicle upside down.

But that was the moment Zhang Qin Feng was waiting for. Because the monster's hands were still grabbing the car it was trying to throw, the detonation of a few Shockwave buttons blew the Tyrant to the other side of the road.

Once again, the Tyrant was confused by what happened. It had never experienced such a thing before throughout its career after evolving into a Tyrant. But the monster quickly regains its function again as it grabbed the debris nearby and tossed it over at the moving Zhang Qin Feng.


[Dodging measure! Dodging measure!]

Stein's alarming notice came as it urges Zhang Qin Feng to dodge. Having no other option to choose from, Zhang Qin Feng took a plunge to the nearby glass panel and crashed into one of the shops.

A few cuts appeared all over his cheek, neck, and even shoulder as he crashed onto the floor with the glass shards. Luckily, all he had were cuts. At least from a quick inspection, there are no shards that entered his flesh.

It would only make his wound worst in case there's a few shards were left inside.

But that is still better than getting crushed by the heavy object thrown by the Tyrant. He was lucky because out of so many choices, he chooses to crash into a shop. He might have died if he decided to hide under a vehicle.

[Incoming! Incoming!]

Stein's repeating warning tells Zhang Qin Feng that this is not over yet. Quickly protecting his head as he makes his way further into the shops, another object came. This time, the entrance supported by two concrete beams collapsed into bits as it opened a hole into the shop.

The Tyrant then pulled the debris out from blocking its entry. It gets more frustrating as it realized that the survivor's dead body was not in the shop.

"Roar!" the Tyrant immediately searched around for the survivor's whereabouts but failed to notice anything. Angered and impatient, it started to make a mess inside the restaurant while Zhang Qin Feng sneaked out of it through the back door.

'Stein, apply one of the Instant Recovery Spray at me. And keep me updated on all movements.' Zhang Qin Feng instructed. But then, something fell off from the roof and crash-landed on Zhang Qin Feng.

Pulling the Phalanx out from the holster, Zhang Qin Feng pointed the gun on the still moving object. But he was deafened by the screamer's scream as it stares intensely at Zhang Qin Feng.

The wall between the shop and the outside was demolished next as the Tyrant came out. The Tyrant's hand was coming at Zhang Qin Feng as he pulled the trigger at the screamer.


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