
Chapter 48 - 48: Devil's whisper

Chapter 48 - 48: Devil's whisper

She only went to high school for a year after she and her twin brother Danny were kidnapped and in that period, she experienced all the harsh words of the other student about her body.

She didn't mind it and had forgotten it but sitting in the classroom had made her reminisced the pain of being bullied.

She just let the bullies mock her, her brother always tells her that if she showed emotion to them, they will only bully her more.

When the bell rang, Daniella got up and proceeded to the exit, she was stopped by the three girls that past her.

"I heard the Selena brat had her sitter today," one of the girls spoke.

"Yeah, how lame!" the other girl blurted.

Daniella shook her head, with dull eyes she looked at the door and found Selena was walking with her head down.

"Done?" Daniella said coldly.

Selena nodded, handing her the three books piled in her arms.

"Let's go."

They went downstairs, before reaching the motorcycle, Daniella saw the three girls from earlier.

She spoke a finger on Selena's arm and pointed at the three girls with her lips, "those girls said you were lame."

Selena turned and found her three classmates who have been trying to befriend her.

"oh them," she said, sadness strained in her voice, "don't worry I know that they are fake, they once spilled a bowl of soup on my uniform and later said that it was an accident, and later they tried to befriend me," Selena continued. She shoved her books in her backpack and sat on the motorcycle.

"Aren't you going to do anything about it?"

Selena shrugged, "for what?"

Daniella rose an eyebrow, she seated in front of Selena and started the motorcycle.

"I used to think that bullies shouldn't be dealt with but it's wrong Selena, bullies are cowards and you're a freaking Su, show them that," Daniella wickedly winked at Selena.

Selena was dumbfounded, she blinked as she stared at Daniella through the rearview mirror. She wanted to get back on the people who bully her, especially the people who tried to befriend her and later talkback on her.

She was just scared of the consequences if she does something or hurt someone by getting revenge.

But seeing the assurance in Daniella's face, Selena suddenly got the courage to retaliate.

"Ok, but I don't know how to get back to them."

Daniella sighed, she took off the helmet she had and hang it on the motorcycle handle.

Daniella jerked her head at the three girls standing next to the car parked a few meters away from them, the three were chattering and bragging about the dress they will use in the upcoming Christmas event.

"That girl," Daniella pointed a finger at the girl with a shoulder-length blonde hair, leaning on the car, both hands crossed over her waist.

"That's Leslie, the girl on her right with red lipstick is Bea and the glasses girl is Kim," Selena stated.

"Yeah whatever," Daniella paused, "her father is a gambler, two weeks ago, he gambled all of their properties and lost it so now, cutey-little-Leslie is broke, her family is moving to Canada to save their reputation so darling Sel," Daniella jumped off of the motorcycle and stretched a hand to help her get down

"revenge time," she winked, villainess shone in her eyes.

Selena tilted her head, confused, "how did you know this?"

Daniella pursed her lips, thinking about how to answer the girl. Should she tell her the truth that she sneaked in her uncle's study and accidentally saw Leslie's father loan request while searching for doc.u.ments that had a connection to her mother's death?

"Oi," Selena waved a hand in the air, then snapped her fingers to get Daniella back to reality.

Daniella blinked, "I saw her father's loan request in your uncle's desk. Don't tell him," she avoided the girl's eyes and lead the way.

As they approached the three girls, their lively chattering stopped.

Selena's nose wrinkled, realizing that they must have been talking about her or else why would they stopped.

Selena plastered a fake smile, the one she usually wears when she talks to them.

The three girls greeted them, Selena didn't bother to introduce Daniella, she just let the woman stay behind her.

"What kind of dress are you going to wear for the Christmas ball?" Bea asked.

"I am not sure yet, what about you?" Selena asked Bea.

Bea brightly smiled, and with excitement, she turned to the other two girls, "I might hire my mom's personal designer to make the dress, what about you Kim?" Bea turned her head to the Kim next to her, sucking a lollipop and staring at Daniella.

Kim took out her lollipop and ran her tongue over her lips, "My mom is working on it, she chooses all my clothes."

Bea, Kim, and Selena looked at Leslie, "I am not sure yet," she replied tensely, "We might spend the Christmas in Canada," then she gave a wary smile.

Kim and Bea nodded, while Selena sighed, "I saw your father's request for a loan in my uncle's bank. If you need help, I can ask my uncle to approve it."

Color faded on Leslie's face, lips quivered as she giggled, "What do you mean loan? My daddy has businesses, we don't need a loan."

"Really?" Selena innocently said.

"Yeah, my dad doesn't need your uncle's money. Anyway, I heard the news about your family's bank," Leslie scoffed, eyes twinkling in triumph, "Is it true that your bank is accepting money from the illegal transaction? It's just too bad." she shook her head in dismay, one hand lifted and patted Selena's shoulder.

Selena frosts, not expecting to hear it from Leslie. She stayed standing like a statue, she was never good in arguments and she felt her body weakening with shame.

She gulped hard, unsure of what to say next.

Selena felt a hot air behind her ear, whispering something. Then, her lips curved, with a wide smile, she turned to Leslie, "Business is business, at least we are not broke."

"I am not broke!" Leslie suddenly yelled, causing the other student to look at their direction.

"I didn't say that you are broke Leslie," Selena laughed, with one eyebrow-raising, she continued, "but soon, my uncle will seize all your properties since your father lost it in the casino."

Bea and Kim started whispering, while Leslie's face was paling in panic.

"Selena, how dare you to spread lies in the school!" Leslie fumingly yelled at her, "Didn't your parents teach you manners. Oh, wait! I forgot you don't have parents."

Selena balled her fists, eyes narrowed as she suppresses her anger. Her lips quivered; eyebrows swayed as she thought of slapping Leslie.

Another whisper from the Devil went into her ears, Selena blinked and slowly unclenched her fists.

Her lips formed a smile, she took a step closer to Leslie, "At least my parents are happily together in heaven while your parent will soon get a divorce because of your father's mistresses."

With victory, Selena turned her back on Leslie, as she takes her first step, her hair was suddenly pulled from behind, causing for her body to fall to the ground.

"You bitch!" Leslie yelled as she sat on Selena's stomach and started pulling her hair.

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