
Chapter 66 - 66: White Hair

Chapter 66 - 66: White Hair

Selena frowned, raised her hand and showed her uncle the watch on her wrist, 'I will be late,' she whispered, opened the curtain in half to show him that the sun has risen.

Evan shut his eyes, irritated, he sighed and lifted his head to look at Daniella still sleeping tightly next to him.

'Ask Anders to bring you to school today,' saying that, he went back to his previous position and buried his face on Daniella's back.

Selena stomped her feet, her hands tightened into fists. Daniella will let her drive the motorcycle today and she has been looking forward to it

'Uncle!' she sat on the space next to him with hands shaking his shoulder, 'Can you at least ask Kirby to bring me to school?' she batted her eyelashes, a grin plastered on across her face, showing her perfectly line teeth.

Evan's eyes looked at her with dullness, 'no,' he calmly replied, 'he needs to attend a meeting.'

She rolled her eyes as she faintly scoffed in his obvious lie, 'aren't you the boss?'

'Yeah, so?'

'You should be attending it and not Kirby,' she snarled wrinkling her face in annoyance.

'I am busy,' he gently pushed her out of the bed, turned to the side and carefully embrace Daniella.

Selena's lips curved with a pseudo sadistic smile, she rushed next to Daniella's side and went under the blanket.

Feeling the movement on the bed, Evan drew his lower lip between his teeth, his breathing hardened in anger as he sat up and pulled the blanket from covering Selena's face.

'If she wakes up,' he angrily pointed a finger at her, 'I am going to send Kirby to another city,' his teeth gnashed, 'but if you leave now, I will bring you to my next business trip with Kirby.'

As those words registered in Selena's mind, her eyes immediately swelled while her body rose from the bed.

She rushed towards the door, before leaving, she heard her uncle asking her to lock the door.

And she did, she closed the door behind and leaned her back against it, her hand traveled to her chest, slightly pounding in excitement.

As she was about to take her first step, the realization hit her. Her eyelashes flickered; mind bewildered for a moment.

With her lips slightly parting in shock, Selena turned to look at the closed door, 'Wait, if I will come, it means Daniella will also go,' she sighed, scoffed with disbelief, 'Aish! This old man!' she pumped a fist in the air, irritation filled her mind as she realized that her uncle was only using her.


Hours later.

Daniella woke up by the sound of her phone, she slowly opened her eyes while her hand moved to find her phone.

'Robert is calling,' a voice sounded next to her.

Daniella slightly turned her face and found Evan smiling at her, based on the grin and glow in his face he must have been awake for some time.

She groaned, shifted to her side facing him, 'How long have you been awake?' she lightly yawned, rubbed her eyes to clear her sight.

She's not sure the exact time she slept last night but, she's certain that it was late since Evan doesn't stop asking about her relationship with Matthew.

His hand, gently caressing her cheeks moved to poke her nose, 'not so long,' he replied, lowered his face to a level with hers, 'are you awake?' he squinted and smiled softly.

'Yeah, but I need to bring Selena at school,' her body moved to get out of the bed but she was pulled back and felt his arms on her shoulder pinning her down the bed.

'She had gone to school,' he glanced over at the half-opened curtain while the corner of his lips was fighting a smile.

Daniella nervously blinked, she might not have the ability to read his eyes but, the way its twinkling was giving her a different vibe.

Her breath quickened, hands shaking a bit moved and lay on his chest, she pushed him away but he's like a statue she couldn't move.

'Can I?' he asked smoothly, gently removing her hands on his chest.

She let out a shaky sigh, the baritone of his voice reverberated her whole body as he sn.a.k.e.d his strong arms around her neck.

She saw the shock registered on his face when she nodded, a small smile played on her lips as she watched the shock in his eyes shifted mischievously.

His lips smiling sweetly as a vanilla pudding moved closer to her, playfully bumped their nose with his deep brown eyes staring straight at her.

'Really?' even a short word coming out from his lips was enough to shiver her skin, it sounded like a drum, but deeper.

'Can I really?' with his eyes smoothly staring at her like butter, his hand slowly went under her shirt, slightly caressed her stomach, and one by one, his thumb touched the scars on her side.

He let out a sigh, it was like a low roll of thunder, and the next thing she knew, he had pressed his lips to her and nearly sucked all the air from her lungs.

She hardly had a moment to react before his tongue forcefully opened the seam of her lips and without hesitation, Daniella granted him access and being inside, Evan delved her tongue.

Evan shut his eyes, images flashed but all blurred, he disregarded it and playfully push his tongue against hers.

Her hands around this thick strong neck moved and lowered to his back, it went under his shirt freely, she could feel his body heat as she caressed his skin.

All she could see as soon as their lips touched was her face, showing that all he has in his mind was her and that reality heightened her emotion, she slightly lifted her face, fighting his kisses back, and soon their m.o.a.n full of passion filled the room.

As she expected, his hand drifted to her hip, slipping it inside. She drew away from his lips, panted for air, eyes sparkled staring at him.

'Is the door locked?' She said gruffly, her breathing quickened just like his, meeting his fiery eyes.

He let out a faint chuckle, swiftly positioned on top of her, "It's -" he was about to say locked when the door thumped open and let out Selena in her uniform with a victorious smile on her face.

"There was a bomb threat in the school so the class has been canceled," eyes glowing with delight looked at the bed and, in just a second her smile vanished.

She blinked, repeatedly to make sure that she's seeing it right.

"Ahm, did I disturb you?" she asked with quivering lips.

Seeing the pillow flying towards her, Selena's eyes swelled, body rushed out of the bedroom before the pillow could hit her.

Evan blew a sigh, he sat on the space next to her with his hand pulling his hair, "I went downstairs to get water."

Daniella sat up, biting her lips with embarrassment after getting caught by Selena.

"Could you get my clothes?" she turned to him, low voice that it's almost a whisper.

"Where are you going?"

Daniella blinked, seeing the softness in his eyes while his voice was strained with sorrow, she felt like a soldier bidding goodbye to her husband.

"Nowhere, do you want me to walk around in pajama?"

"Oh!" he nodded casually, "I will have it transferred here," he gestured to get up but Daniella held his wrist.

"No, I would like to have my own room."

"Why?" perplexity registered on his handsome face.

"Because I-" she paused when she noticed him confusedly staring at her hair, with eyebrows creasing indifferently, Daniella squinted and waved a hand in his face.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Evan blinked, stretched a hand and brushed it on her hair.

"Why does your hair turn white? It was brown just a minute ago."

Daniella sighed, looked sideways to check on her hair in his hand, "Oh, it's normal," she said casually.

"Normal?" he rose an eyebrow with amus.e.m.e.nt, caressed the white hair with his thumb while his face moved closer to smell her hair, "it's smell like vanilla," he said and pulled back.

Daniella shrugged nonchalantly.

"I know I said I won't ask but, can I make an exemption with your hair?"

She giggled, slightly nodded her head, "of course," she paused and took the hair from his hand.

"My hair turns white every time I get sick," she brushed her hand on the hair, watched as every strand of it turned into white like a snow, "but it also happens once I get my monthlies," she partially smiled, got down on the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

"Just bring my luggage here."

Evan was dumbfounded even after Daniella had closed the door.

"What the hell?" he murmured, "Her eyes, the scars, her thoughts and now the hair," he let out a shaky sigh, still buffled, "Is she an alien?"

He snapped back in his daze when he heard the water from the bathroom

He got up, stared at the hand he used to touch her hair, his feet moved by itself and found its way towards the living room where he found Matthew sitting and chatting with his grandfather.

He halted for a moment and stared at Matthew, mind still bewildered with Daniella's hair.

His head tilting a bit lost a boy lost in the forest, he gulped hard and heard his grandfather's voice shouting at him.

"How could you let a babysitter sleep in your room?" it was a growl that came out of his grandfather's mouth but, Evan was not bothered by it.

"Shh, shut up I am thinking," he said absently and walked past them proceeding to the kitchen.

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