
Chapter 158 - 158: Selena's report card

Chapter 158 - 158: Selena's report card

If this goes on, she will be late for school and they might get a penalty for driving too slow in the highspeed road.

"Camille you're driving 20 kilometers in the high-speed road, if we don't hurry, I am going to be late."

Camille gave her an awkward smile, "I don't want to drive fast but don't worry, we will reach your school on time," she said in assurance.

But it didn't happen. When they arrive at her school, the second period was over.

Selena's face pokered as she marched to her classroom. She will likely get a warning from her teacher and the worst was she didn't get to see her favorite handsome history teacher.

As she entered the room, her classmate was looking at her.

"What?" she said flatly with a frown on her face.

Maddy – her classmate whom she became close with pointed at her back using her lips.

Selena rolled her eyes, with pursed lips, she turned around and found the Principal looking at her with narrowed eyes.

"Ms. Su, where is your report card?"

Selena bit her lower lips, her hands started shaking as she fought gazes with the principal. She hasn't asked her uncle to sign her report card and it's mostly because she failed a lot of subjects and only passed her history subject.

She gulped hard, "my uncle was too busy, he must have forgotten my report card," she scratched her ear while sweat formed on her forehead.

The principal rose a brow, "where is your babysitter?"

Selena's eyes widened, thankfully Daniella wasn't around or else she'll have a broken bone by now.

"She's busy but I have my uncle's friend with me," saying that, she called out Camille who was leaving.

The woman looked back; the confusion was on her face.


Quickly, Selena rushed to her and dragged her to the Principal.

"She can sign my report card, she's living with us so she's my guardian too."

Camille's eyes widened upon hearing it, she started to feel anxious but she masked it with a smile, "hi, I am Camille Male," she stretched a hand to the principal who seemed to be dumbstruck to meet her.

Then, the principal smiled and took her hand, he shook it excitedly, "I can't believe I am holding a supermodel's hand," he let her go and scratched his head.

"You are Mr. Su's fiancée, right?" he asked to confirm.

Camille gulped hard, students from the other classroom started taking videos and pictures of her and she knew that If she says yes, the news will be all over the internet, it's an advantage for her but a strange and creepy feeling starting to rise inside of her when Daniella's face suddenly appeared in her mind.

"I am actually -" she gulped hard, unsure whether to lie or not.

"Yes, she is!" suddenly Selena blurted and held her arm, "so she can sign my report card, right?"

The principal nodded and his eyes shining with excitement turned to Camille, "congratulation Ms. Male," he said and turned around.

Selena blew a sigh in relief, thankfully Camille was here to save her or else her uncle and Daniella will kill her for failing most of her subjects.

As she turned around, Camille has left the hallway while her classmates started chattering about the videos they took of her confirming the engagement.

Her face blanched, breathing became heavy as she walked into the classroom.

'What have I done? this is worse than failing my class!'


Back at the Su Financial Bank Building.

Daniella stayed in the bedroom while Evan and James's father left the office.

She rested her body on the bed and stared at the hole she made, then she got up and walked out of the bedroom.

She walked closer to Evan's desk and grabbed one of the folders, then she walked back to the bedroom but as she did, a piece of paper fell from the folder. Her eyebrows creased as she looked at it.

Slowly, her body bent to pick up the paper, she rose a brow to see a list of names and numbers next to it.

'Are these his clients?' she asked as her lips form a pout.

Her thoughts were disturbed when the door of the office opened, she immediately ran to the bedroom to hide.

"Where did Evan put it?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Daniella peeked out her head. There she found Glen who was busy searching for something on the table.

"Hey," she slowly called him out, afraid to scare him if she suddenly popped out.

Glen turned; his eyes widened while his lips parted in surprise.

"Daniella, what are you doing here?"

She smiled and walked closer to him, "I am visiting Evan, what do you need?" she looked at his hands on the table.

"oh! I was looking for a folder with names on it," he said and turned back to look at the table.

Her face screwed, and then poke a finger to his arm to get his attention, "are you looking for this?" she waved the paper in the air.

Glen's face brightened up, then he nodded and took the paper from her, "thank God! I thought Ken got it," he said in relief.

Daniella's head tilted in confusion, "why? What's going to happen if Ken got it first?"

Glen went stiff, he gulped hard and shook his head with his lips pressed together tightly.

As the suspicion grew in her mind, Daniella walked closer to Glen.

"What is it Glen?" she said with eyes narrowing with doubt.

Glen took a few steps back until his body reached the table, he's about to escape when Daniella snatched the paper from him and climb onto the couch.

Daniella lifted a hand holding the paper in the air, while a smile formed on her lips.

"Tell me why and I will give it to you."

Stunned by the situation, Glen remained leaning on the table.

He blinked to get his sense back, and then walked and stood next to the couch. He's tall, taller than Ken and Evan, which made him a giant in front of Daniella.

With a flat face, Glen took the paper from her hand effortlessly, even though she's standing on the couch, he could still reach her hand.

Daniella pouted, "ugh! This is unfair, you're so tall," she complained and got down sulking.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Ken, breathing like he had run a race popped.

"Give me the list Glen," he said in between his breathing.

Glen was about to reply when Daniella suddenly snatched the paper once again, his eyes widened as he watched her ran towards Ken, held his wrist and dragged him out of the office.

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