
Chapter 5 Can't be Coincidence 2.2


Looking up noticing a lot of noise is coming from in front of me I see a large group of men in suits are walking toward me through the crowd. The girls giggling and gossiping as the group and I near each other. The face I didn\'t want to see comes into view as they grow closer. My heart beat becomes more rapid as I stood frozen for a second He looks so sexy his hair slick back if I hadn\'t hit him I could just go up to him smiling possibly. But now, fear consumes me and I duck into the nearest store hoping he hadn\'t noticed me. Why did I hit him like that? I can\'t even fantasize the idea him being in reach that I can touch him any more and I don\'t mean in a perverted way least not completely. I sulk leaning against a video rack. I have no right to talk to him and even if I did what would I say, Hi thanks for the great sex. Looking up inspecting what\'s on the rack trying to act like a customer I realize I have jumped into an adult video store. Face turning multiple shades of red as I see all the videos. There is a chuckling voice from behind me

"If your shopping for a good one to teach you better techniques I suggest this one." The man\'s hand reaches out pulling one off the shelf handing it to me. I could tell it was Ren from the scent. Avoiding his gaze, I turn to run out slamming into the side of the door with my face, trying not to cry out from pain and embarrassment I head straight for work the sound of his laugh still echoing in my head.

"Stupid, stupid, I\'m so stupid!" I feel so embarrassed I could die.

Arriving at work I enter the mail room to report to Mrs. O\'Conner.

"Miss Darkz, President Galiger is looking for you." Confused I look blankly back at Mrs. O\'Conner.

"Me; Why?"

"Beats me Just get up there before your fired." She shrugs.

Putting my stuff down I head up to the president\'s office. My hearts racing as the elevator climbs each floor, I try to think if I did anything wrong. Could it be that Mrs. O\'Conner complained about me being late or…? The elevator opened. Stepping out I walked to the office feeling like I was walking to my death, my gut in knots. Opening the door to the office I am met with a welcoming smile from Miss Debby, President Galiger\'s Secretary.

"Welcome Miss Darkz we\'ve been expecting you."

She stands coming over to me. She leads me to the presidents office door opening it to let me in as she announces my arrival. I enter nervously, not knowing what to expect. I am at least greeted with a smile as I enter.

"Ah there she is." He smiles brightly.

"Sir why.."

"Miss Darkz how long have you been with our company?" I can\'t help feeling taken back as he interrupts my question with his. "About 2 years, right?" he says more as a statement then a question.

"Yes sir." I reply nodding.

"I have been hearing good things for a while and well how do you feel about writing an article for the magazine?" I can\'t hide my excitement with his question

"Really! I can finally write!" The president chuckles at my excitement.

"This will be your first big article do well and we will make it permanent, this is a trial only. You will cover Ren Hashiro!" I feel my enthusiasm sink. Do I really have to, on him. Noticing my look, he goes stern.

"If you have a problem you can go back to the mail room. Newbies have no right to pick their article and people would kill to cover this. Do you understand? Covering him will show me if you have skill or not because he is a difficult person to write on and work with." He looks at me disapprovingly for not being able to hide my discontent.

"Understood sir, forgive me and thank you for this chance." I say trying to correct my actions.

"Good, you start today. Go to Hashiro Cyber Tech Advertising Corp. right away we are counting on you for something good."

"Yes sir."

Leaving the office, I see that sweet smiling face from Miss Debby is gone replaced with a glare as if filled with jealousy. Did she hear what was just discussed. As I gather my stuff and leave I feel all eyes on me. On my way to meet Mr. Hashiro I stop and buy a new voice recorder, notepad, and pen to take notes for the interview with him. I don\'t get why of all people, but I can\'t throw my dreams away because of this bump. Walking into Hashiro Advertising I go to the front desk announcing who I am.

"I am, Anna Darkz. With Glam and Fashion News Weekly; I believe Mr. Hashiro is expecting me."

Once again being met with a glare the girl picks up the phone and calls up to Mr. Hashiro\'s office. The situation must have been quickly handled because the woman quickly hands me a visitor pass and a key card instructing me to scan it and I will be granted access to go up to the top floor.

"Thank you." Taking the key card and pass I head up to the top floor. Taking deep breaths, I start to really feel nervous and my heart is racing. One thing after another keeps happening and it\'s always when this mans around.

She\'s finally here. Watching out the window I can\'t help feeling impatient as she makes her way to my office. There\'s no running now angel face.

The elevator opens there is only one door on this floor. Going in I see a face I recognize, he\'s giving me a wry smile.

"Welcome miss, it\'s good to see you again." He says elegantly as he stands walking over to the frozen me standing in the door way.

I nod to him in agreement. He is so hard to read. I am lead into Mr. Hashiro\'s office. Door closes behind me as I\'m left alone with Mr. Hashiro, no turning back I tell myself. Standing by the window again with his arms cross, sun was shining in on him as if to make him look like a god. Damn him why the hell does he have to look so alluring with just that, I tighten my hand to my chest trying to calm my heart from exposing me. His smell resonates in the office making my mind flash back. "Mr. Hashiro, I am Anna Darkz with Glam and Fashion News Weekly I was sent here to cover an article on you for a special feature." He turns and gazes at me, that stare, I look at my feet remembering his gaze on me that night. I hear his footsteps and he walks around his desk and lean back on it in front of me. I feeling a hand grab a strand of my hair and twirl it around his finger, I can almost feel that damn smirk he\'s wearing looking down at me without even looking at him.

"My Anna, I wish you wouldn\'t address me so formally. Call me Ren as you did that night. It would thrill me to hear it so passionately again." This damn man is teasing me again, my cheeks feel hot, no I\'m just embarrassed.

"Mr. Hashiro, I am here on official business or I wouldn\'t have come." I try to say as firm as I can.

"Oh!" That evil smile grows bigger "Well if that\'s the case. I am going to make this one hell of a job for you. I\'ll make sure that you won\'t be able to get even one decent sentence written than."

Letting go of my hair he walks back to the window. He\'s always looking out the window is it habit? This bastard doesn\'t have to look so damn good when your being so damn cruel.

I need this job, biting my lip in defeat, "R Ren."

Hearing her call, me softly I look over, her face flushed. I didn\'t expect her to concede so easily. This brat keeps shocking me.

"No not like that. Let me help you with that, shall I?" I teaser her.

I hear my angel call out my name in panic seeing those tears well up that only I can bring forth. My heart racing with joy as she responds to such an extreme to my every action. I can\'t help forcefully pulling her in, I suck away her breath. I meant to tease her a little, but I want more, much more.

"Ren" she call out his name almost lustfully and pleadingly at the same time., Please, Ren stop."

Hearing her plea, I regain control letting go.

"Fine, now you can cover the article, but no more Mr. Hashiro shit or sir when we are alone understood." Watching her intently she nods covering her mouth cheeks flushed. Damn it angel if you look at me like that, through your big eyes I\'m going to have a hard time with this as well. Here I just wanted some entertainment but it\'s going be hard to be around her without breaking my own rules. "Explain your vision for the article. I will only allow certain things written and I don\'t want any half ass articles understood? Seeing as I am granting this favor only to you. Anyone else I\'d have kicked out so understand that clearly. Also, no falling in love with me angel because I won\'t love anyone." Her Eyes suddenly grow big at that last remark. I can\'t tell what she\'s thinking.

Brought back to reality from his cold demeanor I muster courage and begin explaining about how this article will cover all the unknown charities he participates in; ways he gives to the community.

"Also, I would like to write and uncover the real Ren Hashiro to all the admires that only know of you as having good work ethic, handsome, and caring. If I write on just work and charities, I feel it will be just the same as all the other magazine articles I want to expose the Ren Hashiro man of mystery."

"Hmmm, do you think you can handle uncovering the real me." His Face looks so serious.

"I do if you give me a chance, please let me." I meet his gaze serious about doing this.

I want to know what kind of me she will expos. Seeing her eyes on fire with such passion how can I refuse.

"All right, I\'ll tell you what, if you are able to expose the real me and write one hell of an article that no one can compete with I\'ll give you a special reward."

Her expression brightens up as she hears my reply. Man, this girl really must be a witch in an angel\'s costume. I\'m going to have to be careful though, or she might find more then she bargains for. In the meantime, I can have my fun with her. With the agreement made we plan certain events and times we will meet that will be the most efficient so that she can get enough covered and photos for the article.

Leaving Ren\'s office, I wait in the elevator thinking about what just happened but one thing that sticks with me most, was his sad like expression when he said not to fall in love with him because he will never fall in love. My heart for some reason is tight thinking on it and I feel depressed a little. Was it because he looked so sad? Exiting the building I look back, taking a deep breath. How can I endure being with him when I find my control and desire clash when he just looks at me, but I must endure it; I let out my breath. This is my one shot I can endure if it means my dreams come true.

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