
Chapter 8 Dreams Through Deception 3.3

"Miss Darkz's company called saying they couldn't reach her, I guess she's been telling them last few days she was with you working on the interview and hasn't showed up at all to the office. Naturally they were concerned. I did tell them it was true to lessen their concern and not to worry that you were working her hard. But..."

Understanding what he's getting at I reach for my coat and head to the door. We were supposed to get together tonight but she had messaged asking for an over the phone interview. However, I texted her back telling her if she didn't show up I'd cancel the article. I never heard back from that. I thought she was trying to run but if that's true then why did she tell them she was with me. As if reading my mind Maliki was at my heels as we headed to the elevator. What exactly happened. I take out my phone and send her another message asking her why she wants an over the phone interview instead of going to the charity event with me. I get no reply till I exit the building, claiming she has caught a cold and didn't wish to make me sick, obvious a lie. I feel my heart racing, something wasn't right. I been feeling so lonely lately without my toy and here she is avoiding me. I can't tell if I'm worried or annoyed. Driving over to her apartment my mind flutters through so many reasons I start to become frustrated with this brat making me stress over this. I need to see her I need to know why. Something better be wrong or I'm going to kill her.


I am sitting at my little worn down kitchen table that I had gotten at a yard sale a while back, researching hoping from an okay text from Ren for a phone interview I had requested but nothing comes. I wanted to see him tonight to have fun dressing up and experiencing the beautiful decorated gala. Meeting all new people and talking to Ren I wanted to know him the more I researched about him. No forget it I just need to know him for the article feeling stupid with my own thoughts. I didn't realize the first few times meeting him affected me so much I actually feel like I miss his damn mocking.

My door bell suddenly rings. I hesitate to answer it. It rings more impatiently. Followed by thunderous knocks. Who could it be acting so crazy. Suddenly I go pale thinking of David. He wouldn't, would he? I slowly creak open the door peeking out chain still locked when I see those amber eyes leering at me through the crack. This is worse, I try to hide the left side of my face as I ask him what he's doing here pretending to cough hoarsely. I can't help feeling like he knows everything.

"Why are you pretending to be sick, are you avoiding me, avoiding your duties, do you want your dream to be a writer to be over before it starts" his tone low as if a growl is growing.

"No." I shout stepping back covering my mouth, he wouldn't really cancel the special article would he.

"I know what you're thinking and if you don't open this door I will walk away from this feature doesn't matter to me." He growls more annoyed through the crack.

I close the door and slide the chain hook to unlock it, without even a second of it being removed he has opened the door and slammed it behind him. His eyes are the same when he was mad that night before the misunderstanding was cleared up. I feel myself gulp as if I can't breathe as he looks at me. His eyes radiating with fire as if ready to kill me, I'm scared. I know he sees it, sees the scratch on my forehead and my bruised face, I just want to hide. I don't want him to see me like this. No words were spoken as he looked at me. I don't know why, but tears begin to fall. Trying to conceal it I turn away from him wiping them from my face. Not even hearing his footsteps come closer, shaken from nervousness when I feel his hand reach for me. Afraid he'd hit me too; I shake more fearful, thinking of those eyes just now. However, warmth fills throughout my shaking body his hands wrapped around me. He embraces me from behind tightly.

"Who did this to you?" His voice is low, speaking into my ear.

His body shakes over mine as if holding back whatever he wants to release inside. If I tell him what will happen. I don't give a damn about David, but I don't want to trouble this man with my problems. I shake my head I can't tell him. But his embrace just tightens. This time he is commanding me to tell him.

"I can't!" Tears falling more.

With that I find myself being picked up and carried to my bedroom roughly. As I'm dropped on the bed I see his eyes as if he is ready to truly explode as if this is a different person unafraid to kill or harm someone.

"Do you still love him that much that you'd protect that cheating bastard after this!" He swings back slamming his fist against the wall behind him leaving a hole.

"No" I blurt out instantly,

"I just don't want to trouble you more. It's my fault, all mine I said to much. I want to kill that bastard for what he did to me, but I know I said to much when he was already." Feeling numb I cry out what I was feeling, why does this man have to always see me at my worst.

"What exactly did you say that make it acceptable to leave such a mark on this face?" As he speaks his voice softens and his hand cup my cheeks as he wipes away my ugly tears. Sitting next to me on the bed. He looks at me patiently how can I say I compared David to Ren from what I saw in the video to how Ren made me feel, but I don't want to see him angry again, No I'm afraid to make him angry again. I glance at my wall he hit it hard enough that the sheet rock is dented in and will need repair.

Building up my courage I carefully spoke remembering how it went down. I see Ren's hands shaking, but his expression changed as he listened.

"When I finally lost it, seeing Shion who had been my best friend show up, I compared what I saw in the video to our time in bed, I wanted to hurt his ego saying he seemed to be no good." I know I am just one of your many one nighters, like you said you wouldn't love anyone, but I was so mad at him for saying that I was a worthless toy. I blurted out that it be better being pathetic chasing you than being with him. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me." I spoke desperately trying to keep my voice from shaking and fading off. I glance at him when I finish he sits there saying nothing. I knew this would happen, that he'd be troubled. Trying to clear the heavy air I try to laugh it off.

"So, you see it truly was my fault It started because I was doing research at a café and it provoked the whole thing even when we don't have anything going on romantically" I scratch my head and smile at him. "So, don't mind it, I'm sure it will be gone completely soon I will still do my work. I just wanted to let it mostly fade I didn't want you or anyone to see it, see me like this."

"You're an idiot, really a big fucking idiot, you're not a child that deserves punishment, how is any of it your fault. All I see is that, that fucker still has some hold on you if you keep insisting it's your fault then it's going to piss me off even more. I don't give a flying fuck that you used my name or what not to hurt his damn ego, because no one's better than me." At this remark, I see his arrogant smile as he glances at me from the side.

"But I will tell you this and listen close toy or not, even if your one of the many your mine and I don't share once I've staked a claim, this bastard dared to try and break what's mine his ass is fucking dead when I get my hands on him." He started patting my hair.

"And if you try to run and find another or go back to him be prepared I won't set you free till I'm sick of you." His hand changes from a pat to grabbing my hair and pulling it back as I wince at the pain.

Letting go and standing he holds a hand out to me. "Let's go."

"Go were?" I look quizzically.

"The charity event is tonight you still got to get ready." Not waiting for my reply, he grabs my hand and bag as I'm dragged out the door.

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