
Chapter 26 My Lord is My Love 6.7

"You bruise to easily" he smiles brightly instead of apologizing.

"I do not, this is proof how you didn\'t hold back you jerk. You were just trying to kill me for real so be a man and at least own up to your damn mistake rather than blaming my genetics you prick!" I shout losing my cool with his damn wasn\'t me joking attitude.

Shocked his smiling face drops his mouth hanging open looking at me,

"Errm, sorry about that than, I really didn\'t plan to do it that hard I lost control from lack of excitement lately."

"No excuses you should have more self-control if you\'re standing at Ren\'s side don\'t you think." I was exploding, scolding him like a child. If he had dog ears he\'d look like a puppy with his ears drooping down from being upset. I take a deep breath trying to calm down.

"Are you done yelling at him." Maliki pipes in breaking the silence. All I can do is nod.

"So, Mike what do you think of her?" Maliki suddenly ask as if they have been evaluating me. Mike smiles up at Maliki then looks at me and back and Nods.

"Not bad at all, she\'s feisty and though she\'s afraid she\'s pretty brave I could get turned on being scolded by her every day. Not to mention she\'s hot as hell no wonder he…."

"No one asked you!" Ren barks entering the office interrupting Mikes creepy evaluation of me.

Mike swiftly stands at Ren entering the office, launching himself toward Ren but misses when Ren side steps away from the attempted embrace.

"Oh, cold as ever brother," he smiles excitedly. I can\'t help feeling there is something wrong with this guy even more.

Ren looks up at me as I watch them then I notice where he is looking, he has seen the bruise around my neck. Without even a second thought or question his eyes become dark,

"You Sick Twisted Son Of A Bitch," He spins his leg up and around to behind him so fast that he makes impact with Mikes face, Mike tumbles across the floor from the force of impact. Startled I jump as I watch the impact take place before my eyes to when he hits the wall to stop him.

"Ren, don\'t destroy my office or go to yours if you wish to continue." Maliki says sighing as he is straightening the document on his desk, that he was just reading and then places them in a document bin.

"Beside Anna already scolded him till he apologized. Right Anna?" I nod quickly in agreement it is true I scolded him but he still creeps me out with his statement afterwards. Mike stands laughing.

"Yes, my big brother you are so strong, so wonderful I will take all the punishment. Maybe if I touch her more you will bless me more with your love." He really enjoyed that? I feel shivers creeping up as he looked at me. Ren turns to me as if he refused to feed this guy\'s sick personality.

"Enough already." Ren says sighing,

"If Anna says it\'s all good then I\'ll drop it, but Jesus Anna how can you say this is ok." Ren reaches for my neck then drops is hand before he touches me, his expression soft again for a second then turns hard again.

"The more I look the more I just want to put a bullet in his head and see if he can still rise and laugh like he does when I pummel him to near death." I can see his anger reemerge as he turns glaring toward Mike again who was still laughing but, stops at that remark.

"Hey now brother that\'s not funny, I am human after all that would kill even me."

"Hmmm I wonder if that\'s true." Ren Mutters. It seems Mike is a friend that\'s hard for Ren to even handle I chuckle under my breath.

"Besides I got what you were looking for," Mike holds up a sealed folder that he pulls from in his jacket that he had previously showed Maliki.

"The dirt on one David Johnson." Shall I read it or do you want to wait till she\'s not around he eyes me and my surprised expression.

"Go ahead this does involve her too she needs to know as he will most likely come after her again." Ren says without even asking if I want to know or explaining why they research my ex.

"Of course, my lord, sis listens close and if you have anything I\'m missing please fill in the details of what you know." Mike suddenly serious like a completely different man. I nod though I am not sure how I can help, what if all I know is a lie.

"David Johnson, born August 23 1980 at Memorial Rose Hospital to a Jennifer Johnson, but here\'s the kicker. The father recorded is no other than Mr. Michovali." I look around confused at this news David didn\'t know his dad. Everyone\'s faces are very serious at this news. Mike continues.

"It appears he was an illegitimate child. The mother refused to abort the child when she was told to do so. Her and the child were told to stay away from Mr. Michovali that he wanted nothing to do with them. The mother became an alcoholic and by the time he turned sixteen she died of alcohol poisoning. He worked honest jobs till he learned of his father\'s existence. It appears when David confronted his dad he at first wasn\'t accepted, but recently Mr. Michovali sought David out, making the deal that if he works at the hotel and does what he is told he would someday become the next head Don of the clan. At that time, Mr. Michovali was already trying to bargain with you as you recall about marrying his daughter to join the clans. Putting both kids at the helm of the clans he plotted it all to take control of both clans through using his kids and those around them. Recently after Mr. Michovali was taken care of, there was a big inner conflict for the remaining members of who would become head and rebuild the clan. There are reports of his suspicious, dangerous, and underhanded methods to get what he wants just like his father." When Mike finished reading the report the room was silent.

At first I thought they were troubled or contemplating, yet there faces almost looked amused at this news. Ren more than the others. What the heck is going on what does it mean? Unable to stand the silence I ask. The others grin as if this report is the best thing ever when they looked at me.

"It means we will see plenty of bloodshed. These bastards attacked us first when David a Head candidate for the Golden Dragon Clan went after you. He\'s fair game in our world" Ren\'s grin became more sinister as he turned chuckling at his own thoughts. Suddenly, he was heading for the elevator. Unable to move I just watch as the other two start to follow, but stop when Ren stops, he looks back as if knowing that I wasn\'t following.

"Get moving we got work to do that bastard will know your revenge. You said it yourself after he hit you that you wished you could kill him for it. You will take it with your hands." His eyes glowing as if shooting daggers at the frightened me.

I gasp, I will be forced to kill him myself? subconsciously I wrap my arms around myself as if chilled. I..I will. But he promised me, I look at Ren fear consuming me.


Watching her hesitate I just want to go to her and calm her fears, but I can\'t. I can\'t comfort her.

"What the fuck are you hesitating for?" I raise my voice I see her shake standing there. "Are you going to tell me that you still love him? If so" I reach into my jacket of my suit and pull out my pistol. I like the feel and weight of the Colt M1911 semi-automatic it is reliable as it hardly ever jams or misfires.

"I will kill you here and now, that\'s betrayal to me your lord. Now choose your side. I see her eyes go dark at my words. There\'s no way she loves him, not when she looks at me the way she did earlier I know it, but she must decide even if I must force it out of her here and now. I watch her seriously, come on angel my head keeps pleading now that I stated it I can\'t take it back I will have no choice but to k… Suddenly grabbing her skirt hem, her fist clenched and shaking, I see her biting hard on her lower lip head bent down as she walks toward me. When in reach, she reaches out placing her hand on the gun in my hand. Without warning she pulls it to her lips gently as she kissed the side of the chamber. I get so aroused from her movements I grab around the back of her neck fiercely clashing her lips against mine. Pain shoot through my lips from the forceful impact. This girl always surprising me and drives me crazy, I wanted her more. She comes to my side despite my threats and her fear.


Following Ren and the others into the elevator I feel my body still shaking with fear at the thought. My bottom lip hurts, gently placing my finger on it I can feel it bleeding a bit from Ren\'s tooth hooking it. Leaving the building I look up to the sky, taking a deep breath, what will happen to me now. I\'m really scared.

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