
Chapter 35 Love is Cruel 9.2

"My Lord." I whisper but, I get no response. I inch closer setting the gun down.

"Ren?" this time he looks up I wasn\'t imagining things, was I? No, those amber eyes looked into me I knew it was real, I felt like I would be consumed but his gaze.

"Did you dare actually call me Lord first?" I gulped was he mad.

"I\'m sorry." I apologize quickly not sure even as too why. It\'s not like I was told to call him by name if we were alone because we are never alone, now here we were twice in one night. I don\'t get his game. He didn\'t want to be alone with me, he avoided me until the two mischief makers tricked him. I stood there frozen at his intense glare.

"Guess I will just have to train you over again." His gaze becomes hot and playful and as conceited as ever. He stands and reaches for me.

"No!" I push back away from him. I can\'t do this, one minute he wants me the next I\'m nothing to him. I\'d rather stand next to him as nothing rather than to be toyed with back and forth till I break. I watch him, expecting him to get mad to my rejecting him. His expression doesn\'t change though. His hand instead reaches out taking a stand of my hair placing his lips on it kissing it, smelling it. I feel myself becoming jelly as I watch. His smirk become a gentle smile.

"If you don\'t want me, push me away, reject me now or I won\'t be able to stop." he says coming closer as he wraps me in an embrace.

"I should have just come to your room from the start to keep from risking being caught outside as I held you." He chuckles playfully in my ear. I don\'t understand why.

"Why me? Your fiancée is so beautiful why are you coming to me now? I thought you wanted me gone. I thought you hated me." I start crying again wrapping my arms around him to embrace him more.

His lips cover my face as if drinking my tears away. His fingers gently trace from top of my head, down my face, and the outline of my body. He barley touches me but I can\'t stand it. I moan wanting more. It\'s as if he\'s trying to desperately answer me through action rather than word. Gently lifting me he carries me over and lays me on the bed pressing his body against mine refusing to separate for even a second. His hands skillfully move across me like checking out a fine new sculpture for any cracks. Enraptured with each other as he fills me completely. I swear I heard a soft I love you escape his lips but, when I ask him to repeat it he just smiles and pushes deeper inside my garden. Passing out after I am overcome with the warm sensation that we share in each other.

I woke the next day though alone. I should be used to it. He always left after making love to me but I feel really lonely this time because I had no idea what this meant for me, or for us. My body was sweaty and sticky still from last night so, I decided to take another quick shower this morning before heading to the main house because; Lady Brittany would be arriving again soon.

"Morning Anna." That familiar cheerful voice calls out to me as I enter the main house. Mike was standing in the hall entry way as if waiting for me.

"Morning." I feel embarrassed somehow looking at him after last night.

"Now you\'re not going to slam another door in my face today after all my efforts last night, are you?" He starts chuckling as he wraps an arm around my neck squeezing me tight. I shake my head apologizing for how I acted I over thought what happened and over reacted. Though now I don\'t know how to act in front of Ren after last night can I go back to ignoring him other than when spoken too which will be never with lady Brittany always around. Thinking about it I feel anxious again.

"So, you guys did make up, right?" Mike suddenly asks seriously gazing at me.

"Ah, I guess though I didn\'t know we had anything to make up about." I say looking at him stupidly.

"Oh hell, don\'t tell me you guys didn\'t talk about anything." I shook my head there was no point hiding it from Mike and Maliki they were the only two that know about me and Ren\'s awkward relationship.

"If you two are done gossiping I have news for you." Maliki pipes in he had been standing behind us glaring as if ready to discipline to children. We nod simultaneously.

"Lady Brittany will be running late today as such she will be meeting with Lord Feng later at Hashiro Corp. As such, Anna you will need to accompany me and Lord Feng until her arrival where you will then resume your duties protecting the lady as a member or the Feng Clan bodyguards. That is all." I nod to Maliki\'s run down. I learned a while ago not to laugh no matter how much I wanted too when he goes into professional mode when addressing work related issue he takes his duty very seriously and won\'t hesitate to knock you flat if you don\'t. Though I still couldn\'t help wanting to tease him when he gets all formal on us.

Just the three us though, I wonder how awkward this will be, because it\'s not the same as before. I wait outside with Maliki by the limo for Ren to be ready to leave though he was running late today which isn\'t like him normally. It\'s really hot today and feel like I\'m sweating to death with my new clothes because I can\'t very well fight in a dress properly. How I miss my loose breathable clothes. I try to dress like I belong but am still able to move easily, I can\'t say I really matched them in my Jeans, flat shoes and a sleeveless dress blouse with a jacket to hide the gun, but women\'s clothes are so unbearable you can\'t move freely but a dress would be a different kind of hindrance. I imagine kicking someone in my knee-high skirt and my underwear being exposed or having someone cut and rip the dress while I try to fight back. I feel like it\'s a no-win situation. I\'d be better off in male clothes. Ren finally comes out with a smile that seems like an apology but never says it. Maliki opens the back-limo door for Ren as I start to climb in the front passenger seat figuring this should be my place because its where Mike sits when he comes. Till I hear Ren growl lowly wanting to know why the hell I\'m sitting up front. I stand there not sure what to do.

"You sit in the back with that woman so you can damn well sit with me." He growls coming up and grabbing me by the hand pulling me into the back seat. I swear I can almost see Maliki laughing at Ren and me. I don\'t know how I\'m supposed to act when it\'s just us after last night hell after these last several months and now a sudden change in his mood and yet he acts like I should know.

"Why the hell are you so mad? I growl back. "Wake up on the wrong side of the bed is that why you are late this morning." I say mockingly, but rather then mad that evil smile returns. His hands wrap around my waist pulling me close his breath on my ear and neck.

"My darling girl you should know full well why, I was up all night filled with thoughts of you." He blows on my neck watching my body shiver. Why is he doing this to me.

"God, damn it Ren." I shout squirming from him but instead he turns me around holding my legs across his lap so that I\'m facing him. "How am I supposed to act now when she\'s around?" I belt out pointing to the seat where Brittany always sits. Part of me wants to cry again from his teasing I swear he\'s going to be the reason I have an ulcer someday.

"That\'s easy you work for me act accordingly, if it\'s my order you do it." He says it so easily. I try to slide my legs off his lap to turn look away.

"Not now." He suddenly says grabbing my chin and legs and pulling me back to face him head on.

"My Lor…"

"Don\'t you even dare." He suddenly growls interrupting me. Does he want me to call him by name again after everything? I don\'t get it he wouldn\'t even talk to me let alone look at me before, for so long and now he\'s back to how he was when we first met. I really don\'t want to play his stupid games. I bit my lower lip I don\'t want to make him mad or hate me again by saying what I\'m thinking. Ren looks back at me with an intense stare as if trying to read me. I lower my gaze away and try to readjust to where I\'m sitting normally in the seat next to him but when I move he tightens his grip to where I\'m practically in his entire lap.

"You\'re staying put till we arrive. I won\'t have many chances like this again so, please angel just let me hold you." This time it\'s not aggressive, commanding or playful his voice was low and pleading.

As we pull up to the entrance Ren motions for Maliki to wait before letting us out. I feel one more squeeze around my waist I can\'t help leaning against him as close as I can.

"Will you still be my ear when I need you." He gently whispers burying his face into my right shoulder. All I can do is nod not trusting myself not to cry.

The door opened and we were all back to business nothing else matters, because Lady Brittany returns.

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