
Chapter 74 Not Feng or Serpent 29.1

Turns out Mike had actually needed stitches in his arm. At least 30 of my old comrades where hospitalized because Ren had ordered them not to kill. Seems he was also worried about the fact that a large portion of the people who infiltrated the manor why citizens under the control of Candy and being used by David. I can feel my own jaw tighten just thinking about it. The new residence was on the outskirts of town took about 40 minutes to get to. Had no idea there was large houses out here like this. To me I\'d have guessed it was a old fashion mansion. However the place was a fortress with an underground weapons storage facility. I don\'t know who this place belonged to but they weren\'t normal people that was for sure or they are very paranoid.

After making sure Jake and the others where taken care of we relocated to the manor. Right away Jack Was giving orders to the capable bodies to start prepping the house for more company. I had no Idea if they would come but, if they did I wanted to make sure the rooms where ready. After today I really hadn\'t felt like eating. Jack has come up several times and it\'s getting on my nerves. The master room in the south wing was massive and old. It reminded me of an old man sitting in a study smoking a pipe feel and look to it. The walls were a wooden auburn, with cherry wood borders around it. The bed was a big for post bed with black drapes. With a blood red comforter spread across it. Blood I looked at it and turned away feeling the vomit wanting to come up. Second I had gotten her I jumped into the shower desperate to wash away the smell, the feel, the memory of the blood that remained on my body.

"It\'s hard isn\'t it?" A smooth calm husky voice suddenly spoke breaking my thoughts. I sigh turn my head from out the window.

"What are you doing here Ren?" I didn\'t even know they had come to the manor let alone that he\'d be paying me a visit. Figured if anything Jack would be standing in front of my door second they arrived like a stubborn mule. He walks towards me. I notice him holding something in his right hands. Quietly he lays the blades down on the edge on my edge gently.

"You invited me here remember." He say calmly looking back at me. I swallow hard nodding.

"I don\'t remember inviting you to my room." I say firmly. He smiles mischievously.

"That\'s just the perk of being me, Maliki\'s got Jack busy. You also didn\'t answer my first question." He comes closer his right hand cupping the side of my face. His body so close to mine. I nuzzle at the gentleness of his big hand. I look back into his eyes.

I sigh wanting to embrace this kindness. "You should go. Last this you want is someone seeing you with me." I say stepping away. My heart hurt but I didn\'t want to be hurt and rejected again. I walked unfolding my arms from my chest and dropping them to the side I walked softly to the bed. Reaching out I place my hands on top of my mothers swords. The feel of them on my fingertips felt cold and firm. I feel the world spin and memories of each swing, at each piercing cry that I cause was with these floods my mind.

Behind me a warm embrace wraps around me holding me steady mentally and physically. "I\'m not leaving angel, not tonight."

His hand reaches over mine that are on the swords squeezes it then slips the katana\'s out of my grasp letting me go. I turn over my shoulder as I watch him move them into a closet and close the door. Closes my sight of them. I bite my bottom lip turning away hating how weak I still was. I should be use to this by now. I\'ve seen enough blood drawn. I look up hearing whispers. Ren was talking to someone outside the room. I try to look around him but he closes the door and locks it. In his arms is a new set of bedding. I can\'t help feeling disturbed by this as I look at it and then back at him. I hadn\'t complained about the bedding. He gives me a knowing smile.

Just because you drew blood doesn\'t mean you need to sleep in drown in it Anna. He sets the bedding down on top of the dresser and begins to strip the bed of its current covering. I watch almost amused I always assumed the man always had someone make the bed for him.

"Ren why are you doing this?" I finally ask. "I\'m fine you don\'t need to pity me, or worry about me I get enough of that with Daniel." Ren had just finished tossing the pillows back on the bed with new covers on them when I asked. His expression neutral and firm, But his eyes wavered meeting mine. Slowly and elegantly he rounded the bed to where I still stood at the end grabbing my hand\'s in his. His fingers message my palms.

"How can you tell me not to worry when it looks like the woman I had fallen in love with is about to fall apart?" He whispers gently, never breaking eye contact. I want to laugh and cry all at once to his words, to the mixed emotions I was now feeling. How was I suppose to feel after all the ups and downs?

"You don\'t even love me any more Ren, so just leave. Don\'t make me feel any more miserable than this." I finally say pulling my hands out of his and take a step back.

His eye\'s darken "No."

"Excuse me." I say, folding my arms in front of my chest. Growing annoyed at his blatant refusal. He has no right. "I said leave, or I\'ll make you leave." I stomp my foot pointing to the door.

He laughs a small snicker pissing me off more. "Like to see you try angel face." He steps closer and reaches for me. I bat his hand away.

"I\'m not playing your fucking games Ren. I appreciate the concern but I\'m a big girl thanks to you so it\'s time for you to go" I side step to walk around him to escape his gaze. I head to open the door for him to leave. He grabs my wrist pulling me around. A playful smile on his face.

"We both know you don\'t want me to really leave Anna." His voice was smooth as silk like a lion purring at his mate. His other warm hand wrapped around my waist pulling me close. Scent of vanilla and clean forest and cigarette smoke Ren\'s smoke surrounded me. I put my free hand on his chest trying to push back. I here him chuckle.

"You\'re not trying very hard Angel face." I looked up at him annoyed. "You want me still, as much as I want you."

"I hate you." I spit out at him. His gaze doesn\'t waver. His hand releases my wrist but the other refuses to let go.

"It\'s fine, hate me Anna, but not tonight." I feel his hand slide up my arm over my shoulder. "Tonight let me carry away the burden you feel. I am the on responsible for the blood on your hands; therefor it is also on mine." The fingertips gently grazes over my neck across my chin. I look down not trusting myself. I bite my lip not saying a word. "Let me love you as I have since the moment I first met you. You can say I forced you, say what ever you need to that will push the blame of today on me if it helps you get through it." His hand coaxes my head back up so our eyes meet. "Tonight though forget the pain forget the hate forget our families." His thumb gently brush my bottom lip. Suddenly they feel dry as I lick them not liking the feeling. I watch his eyes narrow. "I don\'t know how to live without your love or to let you go no matter how much I tried Anna. I\'m a selfish bastard I\'ve hurt you, pushed you away, dragged you into danger, And I stubborn and get away from the past; however I can\'t sit here knowing you will marry someone else. I\'m sorry my Angel I might even need this more then you do."

At his last words I\'m completely enveloped into a kiss so passionate that it put all are previous kisses to shame. So close I couldn\'t push off even if I wanted to. Problem is for tonight I didn\'t want to. Ren never apologizes for anything.

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