
Chapter 92 A Date 35.3

Ren pulls out my chair for me. I sit thanking him, giggling a little inside. I had never had someone treat me so lady like and I'm not meaning just Ren. David or any other boyfriend growing up. It was the normal modern-day relationship, where the woman was independent. Men holding doors, and helping with coats, they didn't exist unless they where trying to get you to put out, least I thought. The blacken chicken with a mushroom cream risotto looked amazing, and smells divine. My mouth watered. The waiter came back with new drinks for Ren and I.

"Do you need anything else?" The young man asked

"No, it's great," Ren replied and slipped the waiter what looked like an extra tip. The young waiter smiles and leaves without another word.

"Did you just tip him to leave us alone?" I smile knowingly. Ren shrugs.

"Doesn't hurt me any, if he just drops off what he thinks we need, and leaves without a word. I want to talk to you, not him." His eyes could burn a hole in my face they're staring so intensely at me, with a whisk of a smile on his face.

I try to hide my blushing, dig into my food anything to distract me, so I stop falling more in love with this man. Oh my god it was so good, I want to moan with pleasure at the taste, and the juicy chicken. I had never had risotto before but it was fluffy and delicate with peppers and mushrooms and bursting with flavor.

"Is it that good?" I look up to Ren smiling ear to ear.

"It is amazing." I say probably little more hyper, and happier then I intended to. I look at his plate. "How's yours?" I ask, concern fills me noticing he hadn't touched much of it. "Did you need some of mine?"

His smile becomes even lighter. "No sweetie, mine if just fine. I was just watching you enjoy your meal is all." I want to crawl in a hole at his words. He's sitting there watching me be a pig for fucks sake. You would think I forgot how to act like a human being, because I have been with him long enough to get comfortable. "It's cute, stop worrying. I was enjoying myself in my own way is all. As you know I'm not the type that does this. It's a first-time experience really for me too." His sexy voice was little over a whisper, he took a sip of his brandy never taking his eyes off me.

"What about dance?" I blurt it out with no elegance or tact what so ever.

"What about it." He puts his glass on the table and starts tracing the rim with his pointer finger.

I bit my lip trying to search my words, but I open the box so I might as well dump it out to find what I'm looking for. I can pick up the mess afterwards. "You're just so amazing at it. It's to the point that you can make someone like me even be able to look like I know what I'm doing. So, I mean." I pick up my fork and stab at my chicken.

"You mean?" He asks encouraging me to continue. Here would be a good time for his ability to know what I'm thinking to kick in so I don't have to say it.

"So, you had to have at least taken girls out dancing often, right?" I say it. my stomach in knots I really didn't want to know about the other woman he screwed around with, but how else did he get so good at it. He probably even had many different types of girls. I look up, a surprise of laughter coming from across the table. Ren is over there seriously laughing at me. "What is so funny?" I ask in disbelief.

He covers his mouth, clearing his throat, trying to calm himself. I look around noticing everyone else watching us as well. "I'm sorry I guess your not as hard to read about these things still. Sorry I didn't mean to laugh you where just so damn cute. I could practically feel the jealousy fuming off you."

"I'm not jealous," I mumble. "I was curious." I correct.

He chuckles a little more. "Okay I can just feel that curiosity growing more and more."

"Shut up, and tell me." I pout puffing out my cheeks like a kid throwing a fit.

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