
Chapter 90 90: The Law

For the last six months, Daniella provided everything for him. From house to the food and other necessity he needed, all he needed to do was to make sure that he can get someone inside the parliament that can side with them once the time comes.

Aldovia is a small yet powerful Country, it\'s rich with mineral, oils, and beaches which made it popular among the tourist.

It\'s been so long since he last visited the Aldovia, a lot of painful memories but still it is a country where he and Mary met.

He\'s been in contact with Vlad, his old friend which was one of the senators when he was still in Aldovia. The man was Mary\'s godfather so when they needed help, the man didn\'t hesitate to help them.

His house was not far from Vlad\'s house, though they only met secretly since they believed that the old man was being tracked by his political enemy. Even though he had resigned from the parliament, still he has power over some senators which is giving them an advantage.

Nathan Su informed him the reason why he\'s here, and that is to let the other know about Mary\'s existence so the Aldovian government will do the necessary help to protect his family, but with the situation right now, it\'s hard to trust someone. It\'s difficult to tell who\'s on their side and who\'s not, therefore, they are very careful in choosing the right people.

Daniella made it clear that the reason why she\'s helping was for her brother\'s sake. She told him that protecting his brother was easy but once Ken decided to marry Novie it will bring more enemy to him, not only for those people who opposed the new princess but also the people who want the new princess.

Today, he\'s expecting Daniella to arrive. He saw a car parking in the street as he looked at the window, then a woman whom he vaguely remembers got off the car and entered his gate.

The doorbell rang.

He walked to open it and greeted Daniella.

"Hi Mrs. SU," he extended a hand, the woman accepted it and entered the house.

"Please call me Daniella," she friendly said, he nodded as a response and gave her a firm handshake,

"then call me Angelo" the woman shrugs a shoulder and sat on the couch.

He informed her of all the information he collected while the woman listened to him.

Minutes later, Vlad came after he informed him that the woman who\'s been helping him had arrived.

They all seated in the living room after he introduced them to each other while tea\'s and papers were on the table.

Angelo watched Daniella as she explained the reason why she\'s helping.

"Mr. Shick I will be honest with you. Aside from my brother\'s safety, there\'s one more reason why I want to win the parliament." Daniella started, Angelo watches her as she drank her tea graciously.

Vlad leaned on the couch and asked Daniella to continue.

"I am sure you\'re both aware of the law about the Princess marriage. Based on your law, the groom must be from a royal family within the country or outside the country" she continued and lowered the cup on the table.

"Once the time comes and everyone got to know Novie\'s existence, the parliament will be against the relationship between Novie and my brother"

Vlad nodded and interrupted her "I didn\'t know that Mrs. Su wanted his family to be part of the royal family" he mockingly said while Daniella\'s face remained cold.

"Royalty?" Daniella scoffed. "It\'s only a word, it meant nothing to me. I can create a new country and let anyone be the King so refrain yourself from mocking me." then her face cold hardened and stared at Vlad intensely.

Vlad chuckled, "Relax Mrs. Su I know your capabilities. Tell me exactly what you want me to do"

"The previous Princess was pursuing a new law before she died. In the law, it stated that the princess can choose her own partner as long as the man is capable of supporting her." Angelo could see Vlad creasing his brow deeply.

"You\'re right but they voided it after she died" Vlad replied.

"I know. That\'s why I want you to ask the other senators to support the law and as soon as you passed it. Then we can tell the truth to Novie and ask her if she wants to rule the Aldovia" Daniella explained.

At that moment, Angelo suddenly thought of his daughter, thinking that what if Novie doesn\'t want to take the role of a princess.

He sighed and asked Daniella, "What if Novie doesn\'t want to be a Princess. I am not going to force her" Angelo replied.

He suddenly regretted not asking his daughter first. All the work they\'re doing will be nothing if Novie refused.

"She needs too" he looked at Daniella in disbelief, he will not force his daughter if she doesn\'t want too, that\'s what he had in his mind.

"If she wants to be with my brother, she needs to have power. My brother\'s life is in danger as long as she stays with him." Daniella continued.

Angelo shook his head, "I am not going to force my daughter if she doesn\'t want"

"Angelo, if you\'re daughter refused then I will take my brother away from her. Call me selfish but I don\'t want to see my brother in the casket one day for trying to save her when she actually has the power to protect him. My brother will disagree, I know that but if you were in my position. What would you do?" Angelo fell deep in this thought. He understands her point, if it was him, he will choose a man whose powerful enough to protect his daughter.

"Once you inform her about this. Tell her this, if she wants to stay with Ken, she needs to take the throne because in this world. You\'re nothing if you don\'t have a power" she continued.

Angelo nodded and decided to go with the plan, whatever his daughter decision will be, he will stay by her side.

"Mrs. Su, you should know that passing a new law requires bribing some of the senators. I am afraid we don\'t have enough budget for that" Vlad spoke after the room became quiet.

"Don\'t worry about money. My husband will handle everything… hopefully..." and for the first time, Daniella laughed which ease the tension around.

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