
Chapter 106 106: The counselor

Daniella was sitting on the bed with her back against the bedframe while Evan had both of her legs rested on his thigh, massaging it slowly.

They just arrived in Aldovia and immediately checked in to the hotel. Daniella had a laptop on her lap while her lips curved a wicked smile.

"What\'s with that smile?" Evan asked while his hands were squeezing Daniella\'s leg.

"I am excited to see how Novie will handle our kid\'s problem," she replied while watching the video of the incident in the school.

Evan sighed, "Alexa got hurt Daniella I know you want them to defend themselves but, I don\'t agree to this. This is too much"

"Don\'t worry babe. Alexa is my daughter, I already know what she\'s up to" Daniella responded and put the laptop down to the bed.

"Do you really need to do this? there\'s no point on building Novie\'s confidence if she\'s not interested in ruling the Aldovia" Evan spoke.

Daniella exhaled and held his hand, "Babe. If Novie wants to be part of Ken\'s circle, she needs to know that there are tons of people who are worse than Bea Chu. The people that will look down on her because of her status. I want her to learn how to handle this kind of people and situation so if one day, she changes her mind and decided to rule the Aldovia, at least she will not be a naive princess" Daniella explain and got up from the bed.

"Let\'s go, We have lots of works to do," Saying those words, Daniella got up from the bed and was about to walk away when Evan pulled her body back to the bed.

With a playful smile on his lips, Evan moved closer to his wife and whispered, "Do you think I did that massage for free?"

Novie left her apartment before lunch to visit the triplets school, she had called them earlier to inform her arrival and the triplet\'s teacher told her the other parents will also be there.

She was in a simple lavender cotton dress, and her long black hair was tied up due to the hot weather. Without any makeup, her face looks sweet and innocent capable to oppose any scrutiny. She gripped a red handbag in her hand and walked to the parking space.

She drove her way to the school without a problem. When she arrived at the school, her eyebrow rose by itself. The lavish look of the gate made her wonder how the inside looks like.

The school was 20 minutes drive from the high road, it was in the middle of the forest which she found to be uncommon but, later realized that the whole forest was part of the school.

When she was driving, she saw a lot of different animals roaming around, she even thought she was in a different Country as she found some animals which were not suited with the climate yet they were able to survive.

She was the driver seat wondering how she can open the gate.

(Should I send a signal or I need open the gate by myself?) she asked herself.

(Damn it! This is the reason why the province people looks stupid when they arrive in the city) she blows a sighed and about to open the door when the gate suddenly opened.

Afraid that it will close, Novie started the car, she turned to her right when she saw the sign of the parking space.

While parking, awe transformed her face when she saw the other cars around, they are extravagant and seemed brand new. She then realized why Ken insisted her to bring his car.

She grabbed her handbag and stroll her way inside the building.

There are some people around, most of them are workers who are busy trimming the grasses and sweeping the floor.

As she walked her way to the door, her eyes wandered around, there are colorful butterflies sprinkling its glitters-dust around and different bird species were on the tree chirping in rhythm.

She plastered a faint smile when a butterfly rested on her shoulder, seeing it closely, she saw how beautiful it was, and at that moment she realized that it\'s the same design as Alexa\'s butterfly hairpin.

When she finally reached the door, she touched the doorknob to open it but, it opened by itself.

"I will have a heart attack because of this door" she murmured.

When the door opened, her face went poker.

There are two four-story building on her sides facing each other while in the middle was a huge empty space and opposite to where she\'s standing was a stage with a piano in it.

The whole place was full of trees and flowers on the side of the path walk giving a cool ambiance. The grass was damp and covered in a thin layer of frost. As she walked, her footprint was embedded on the pathway, she widened her eyes and wonder if her shoes were dirty but all the footprint she left suddenly disappear, she chuckled and shook her head in amusement.

Ken told her where the counselor office was, so she turned to the building on her right and looked after a sign \'counselor office\'.

When she finally reached it, the bell suddenly rang which made her shoulder to jump in surprise.

Shortly after, she heard the bustling in the corridor, noisy chatter and kids running out as if they have been imprisoned and finally freed.

She shook her head and knock on the door. When it opened shock filled her face to see a group of lavish people sitting on the black leather sofa with their eyes scanning her body.

She gulped and felt as if she\'s a bunny in a lion\'s den, everyone was looking at her as if they want to tear her small body in pieces.

"Are you Ms. McSalter?" the woman in her black suit spoke. Novie looked at her and smile, the woman face was delicate but, her expression was somehow gloomy.

Her senses came back when the woman in front extended her hand and introduced herself.

"I am May Arcamo, the guidance counselor here. We have been waiting for you for almost an hour Ms. Mcsalter" Novie accepted her hand and her cold greetings.

"I made a wrong turn so, I apologize" she smiled awkwardly.

The counselor asked her to sit and handed her a paper. She lowered her eyes and saw that it was a letter requesting for compensation and the amount written was something she had never seen in her life.

Slowly, she counted the zeros in it. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) her eyes widened and immediately lifted her face to look at the counselor.

"What happened? Why is this so much?" she asked in surprise.

The woman rested both hands on her desk and sighed, "The parent\'s here agreed that they will not pursue with the case and cancel their request for the Su students to be suspended if their parents will agree to pay this amount as a compensation." the woman replied coldly.

"Did you see Alexa\'s body? It\'s full of bruises and she got a bump on her forehead because someone threw a book at her" she got up in anger, she doesn\'t know what happened to their kids but based on the triplets\' story, Alexa only throws the book once and everyone started attacking her.

"Calm down Ms. McSalter, their kids had suffered a traumatic experience because of this incident" the counselor replied.

Hearing her excuse, Novie laughed like a crazy.

"Trauma? How old are they Ms. Arcamo?" she asked.

"They are in between eight to ten years old, we gathered the students based on their IQ score and put them one class"

Novie scoffed.

"I don\'t care even they have a brain of Albert Einstein, they are older than the triplets and stronger, do you really think that a five-year-old kid can hurt an eight-year-old?" she asked the counselor.

"Ms. McSalter, we based the incident on the witness statement and we conclude that the triplets initiate the fight" seems like the counselors were offended by her tone, she got up with both palms on her table.

"So? It was a statement which can be fake. Are you telling me that you are giving the triplets a suspension just because someone told you? So if that same person tells you that they killed a person, would you put them in the prison? that\'s why we have a law, the same reason you have a policy in this school. I was a teacher so I know how to be fair, where in the hell did you get a nerve to suspend the kids of the founder of this school" She exclaimed, all the reasoning she\'s hearing from the counselor was too ridiculous and offensive.

"Ms. McSalter, please calm down. We know who the founder of the school is and we have big respect to Mrs. Su, but as I\'ve said, there are witnesses-" Novie interrupted her nonsense talk.

"Witnesses? My God! Ms. Arcamo, use your common sense." Novie laughed in sarcasm.

"Ms. McSalter, can we please be professional her and talk calmly-" Novie interrupted the counselor once again, to her all of her words are nonsense

"Stop! Ok? Just stop! I took pictures of all Alexa\'s bruises and I will send it to Evan. Daniella might understand this but Evan? Do you really think that he will listen to your explanation once he sees his daughter\'s injury? and all of you have the nerve to suspend his kids. Honestly, with the injustice I am seeing here, I think I should probably convince Evan to just close the whole school" She spoke in a straight tone even though her knees and heart were trembling.

The room became quiet, she looked around and saw all the hard faces looking at her with their eyes narrowed like a cat eye.

Novie was about to continue when one of the parents sitting on the couch got up and walked to her direction, she stood in front with her arms crossed and expression of a wicked witch, she had a face of a royal maiden looking down to her servant.

"Ms. McSalter right?" the woman spoke in a cold and rude tone.

Novie nodded as a response.

"Are you the kid\'s nanny?" Novie was stunned to hear those words, she was once the triplets babysitter but the way she was asking her was a little bit insulting in her ears.

"No, I am their auntie" she replied. At that moment, the woman\'s hard face softened and immediately uncrossed her arms.

"Auntie? Who is your husband? What does he do?" the woman tone suddenly changes.

"We\'re not married yet but he\'s Ken Chu, Daniella\'s brother. Why are you even asking me this? I want to settle the triplets issue" she rolled her eyes, confused why the woman was asking her a personal question.

"Oh! only fiancee. Well, Ms. McSalter please inform Mrs. Su that she needs to pay this amount or else we are going to sue them" the woman threatened her.

Novie gulped, unsure what to do next.

(No, I can\'t call Daniella, I need to handle it by myself)

The room became silent as she thought of a way to solve the issue. Then a light bulb switched on in her brain when she got an idea on how to handle the issue.

"Fine, but first, I want all of your witness to talk to Daniella\'s brother, Danny Chen" she found out that Danny was just as same as Daniella, therefore she can ask him to look at the witnesses eyes and see if they are telling the truth.

Suddenly, the door slammed opened, a student hustled in with sweat in his forehead.

"Ms. Arcamo, the Ethan and Leo Su, they are beating up the girls who hurt Alexa yesterday"

Hearing those words, Novie flattened her expression while in her mind Ken\'s face popped up as she remembers what Leo told her last night about Ken\'s advise and, it must be the reason why Ethan and Leo were making trouble.

(You are so dead to me Ken Chu!)

Novie and the rest of the people in the office rushed out and followed the student. The stopped in front of a classroom which was crowded with student watching the scene.

The counselor swept the crowd to enter the classroom while Novie followed her.

Novie widened her eyes by the chaos, the students circled around, some were screaming, taking videos and laughing but, what she noticed was the three boys in the corner teasing a small girl.

Terro overtook her face when she saw the small girl sitting and crying in the corner was Alexa. In a flash, her blood boiled and marched to her direction. She pushed all the students that blocks her way while ignoring the counselor\'s voice, asking her to calm down.

When she reached the corner, she pushed the three boys side and carried Alexa in her arm.

The boys looked at her with their brows creased in confusion and anger.

"See Alexandria, your mommy is still not here." one of the boys spoke in tease which made the other laugh.

Novie looked at Alexa and the girl\'s face was flooded in tears while her cheeks were flushed in red.

Her nose wrinkled in anger, adrenaline rushed in her body which made her hand to lift in the air and slapped the boy\'s cheek one by one.

The room suddenly became quiet, and even Ethan and Leo looked at her in surprise. She didn\'t know what came at her but, she didn\'t regret her action.

She swallowed hard and walked to Leo and Ethan\'s direction and, ask them to follow her. When she passed the counselor, she looked at her with eyes narrowed in rage and spoke, "Now, you have a valid reason to sue me" saying her last word, she left the building in a huff and proceed to her car.

After she makes sure that the triplets seatbelt were locked, Novie sat on the driver seat, all the fake courage she used to shield herself had faded and her hand started trembling.

In her mind, a lot of scenes started playing.

"Oh my God! I am going to prison!" she murmured while tugging on her hair, she had seen the series Orange is the new Black and she doubts she can survive the prison.

Her lips quivered in fear, unsure of her next move. When she looked at the triplets through the rearview mirror, the kids were sitting looking at her with a flat expression.

"Oh my Gosh! Your mother\'s gonna kill me" she wanted to explode, problem flashed in her head one by one.

"Don\'t worry. I will make sure that those kids will not bully you anymore. We will talk to your parents" She tried to comfort them but the kids were not worried at all.

"Wait, you said this has been happening for a long time right?" she swung her head to look at them and the triplets nodded as a response.

"Why didn\'t you say anything to your parents?" she was confused.

"Aunt Novie, mommy is watching us every day so we don\'t need to tell her" Alexa replied.

Novie was astonished, thinking if Daniella knows what\'s happening why she didn\'t do something to stop it.

"Why she didn\'t help you?" she asked.

Alexa sprinkled the water on her face to dehydrate it and replied, "Because she wants us to solve it by ourselves. She doesn\'t want us to depend on her" Alexa answered back.

Novie shook her head in disbelief.

"So what? Are you going to let those kids bully you again?" she spoke while starting the car.

"Well. Mommy always tells us to be tolerant and wait for the right time. Now that we have all the videos and pictures we needed, those kids will be dismissed in the school. We will also upload the video on the internet so they will have a hard time getting into a private school, so they will end up in the public school instead. I doubt even the other country will accept them once they see their records."

Novie accidentally pressed the brake upon hearing it. With shock in her face, she turned around and looked at the triplets.

"Are you telling me that you let all those kids bully you so you can send them off?" she asked in surprise.

Alexa nodded and flipped her hair, "Yes, they always call me fat so I need to do something to remove them in MY school. My acting is good isn\'t? I can win an Oscar award if I want too"

Novie shook her head in disbelief, thinking that, once the triplets work together, they can deceive everyone.

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