
Chapter 100: Heart-Lock Prison (Part 2/2)

Since Huang Bingzhen’s soul was near the material plane, Luo Nan’s dark chains were also close for the sake of controlling him. Therefore, the chains could not be hidden from Cat Eyes’s direct gaze.

Cat Eyes then cast Luo Nan a somewhat odd look. It partly because he looked like he was ‘kill stealing’. Another part of it was due to the chains themselves.

Well, it did not matter what Cat Eyes thought. Luo Nan knew what he was doing. The instant the dark chains had struck their target, the mass of soul smoke was not destroyed. Instead, the mass had oddly coalesced together.

At this time, the unseen foe continued to unleash powerful mental attacks. A slice of area in the private room was completely enveloped with powerful storms on the mental plane. Any power that wished to face this attack would be instantly and utterly defeated.

The problem was, who would face those attacks head on?

Luo Nan already possessed ample experience of attack and defense on the mental plane through the Human-Faced Arachnid and through Elder Mo Lun of the Bloodflame Order. He knew where his superiority laid in.

Whether it was the format of ‘My heart’s a prison’ or tempo of soul breathing, they were all layouts formed by one’s self. They did not need to be driven by external forces.

Though the mental plane screamed with a storm, Luo Nan’s dark chains merely trembled a few times. The chains did not try to wrest away power, did not try to take up ground, and did not try to forcefully obstruct the storm. Instead, the dark chains stably erected those layouts.

Luo Nan’s body and soul structure was like this from inside out, supported by the dark chains... Aside from his fleshly body, which was lacking.

The pressure was certainly still there. His nervous system was being stimulated and there were effects on his skin, flesh, and organs. But this was nothing compared to yesterday night where he had nearly died from the imbalance between body and soul due to the Wraith Sign’s power boost.

He coughed a few times and breathed steadily. Huang Bingzhen’s maimed wisp of a soul was affected by the chains’ format and was stabilized. Faint light smoke billowed all around the soul, a portion of which came circulating back. A bit of the figure’s outline was restored.

The chains then forcefully pressed down on this mangled smoke of a soul back into Huang Bingzhen’s body. Flesh and soul merged into one at last but only god would know of any residual effects.


The pressure on Cat Eyes plummeted, allowing her senses to become much more responsive. Her eyes captured Luo Nan’s entire series of actions and no matter how awkward she found it, she was forced to exclaim in admiration. "This is a Soul Quelling Technique! You took up a nice stance!"

Huang Bingzhen may not have been a person worth saving. Luo Nan may not have had a good opinion of him but he had acted because he did not want to see a living person die like a candle being blown out.

In addition, this was more or less a stance, just as Cat Eyes said. He wanted to convey the following to the powerful enemy—your methods of mental storms are useless against me and those who I protect.

Cat Eyes was an example and the 90% dead Huang Bingzhen was an example as well.

Luo Nan’s declaration on his stance was effective. The mental storm began to dwindle down when Huang Bingzhen’s soul returned to his body. Subsequently, the enemy would occasionally cause the storm to resurge but these should be a series of tests against Luo Nan’s grounding. The enemy was testing to see how it would break through Luo Nan’s structures but the enemy found no success in the end.

The mental attack was withdrawn but the senses still remained in existence. The enemy did not conceal its target at all. The enemy’s mental senses were similar to Cat Eyes’s high power active radar as they constantly covered the interior of the room. The enemy was dead-fixed on watching Luo Nan down to a penetrating level.

In any case, the turmoil on the mental plane had calmed down a bit but the tension of the material plane’s atmosphere was just getting started.

Although Luo Nan’s skills on the mental plane were truly inconceivable, ultimately they were not applied on the material plane. Ability users could see what he did but it was hard for ordinary people to see. They were on a completely different tempo.

Guo Ju, who had been constantly yelling to vacate the area, denounced Cat Eyes even further when she cried out that there was a killer. He proclaimed that Cat Eyes was making things up.

He was correct in a certain sense but unfortunately, his actions were meaningless.

Xue Weilun was absolutely disinclined to take heed of him at this time. What Xue Weilun was focused on was Cat Eyes’s warning and the nasally grunt that was brimming with ill intentions.

The more time passed, the stranger Cat Eyes’ and Luo Nan’s actions became—they were clearly a bit nuts. However, Xue Weilun had more or less some knowledge and understanding of these ‘certified professionals’. They accessed a level that was different to that of ordinary people.

Out of consideration for the safety of those involved, Xue Weilun pro-actively deployed personnel and arranged a police cordon. Of course, he did not forget to ask the technicians to go search for the origin of the nasally grunt.

Xue Weilun shifted focus. Guo Ju did not look too happy on the surface but Xue Weilun still sighed a breath of relief. From his perspective, it did not matter if the situation was in a deadlock or if there had been any changes in the situation. They were not important. What was truly important laid in the robots that followed their programmed operations.

Three multi-function robots had already finished completing their transporting task. The last remaining human body was none other than Huang Bingzhen. They put him on a stretcher. Their metal bodies were driven by their programming as they moved out the door.

The people on the scene were disinclined to pay attention to the three hindering robots. In any case, the scene of the incident was nearly completely destroyed. It did not matter how many people the robots moved—it would not make a difference.

Guo Ju, on the other hand, felt like his heart was about to burst. He looked out from the corner of his eyes and his focus was always on the body of the robot in front. He saw it make its way ahead as it dragged the stretcher. He finally let out a mental sigh of relief when the robot and the stretcher gradually left the room.

He made it past!

His relief had not lasted for more than half a second when an enormous force attacked the stumpy metal machine in the next moment. The hundred kilogram body flew through the air with a bang, colliding fiercely against the ‘companion’ behind it.

The three robots were struck flying back one after another like several dominoes falling down all over the place. Their running operation was turned into a complete mess. They just struggled on the ground but they could not climb back up at all.

Worst of all was the stretcher on the robot in the middle. The entire module was ejected and Huang Bingzhen laid on the stretcher like a duck without feathers. He flew halfway across the room through the air and fell hard.

The stretcher module was in the air a bit longer than Huang Bingzhen. When it fell, it just so happened to smack Huang Bingzhen in the face. After a muffled thud, there was actually the sound of moaning.

He’s alive?

The situation had suddenly changed and Cat Eyes could not help but be distracted for a moment. Her gaze swept onto the naked duck and she gasped once again in admiration towards Luo Nan’s brilliant skill.

Just based on this alone, Luo Nan’s achievements in soul studies was enough to cause Mr. Bai, an authoritative scholar on the soul, to raise his brows in shock.

Indeed, this fellow was quite the hidden boss. Who knew what sort of items were hidden in his stomach.

But soon, Cat Eyes had to quickly focus her mind since there was someone who was gradually walking through what had been an empty entrance.

A dazzling white was displayed under the dim lights.

The person who arrived was wearing a snow-white loose-fitting robe, looking incompatible with the lively activity going on in the scene of reality. The person was wearing the robes of a priest, one that would only appear in religious events.

Compared to standard clothes, the color of the robes was really excessive. Even though the lights were of messy colors, it seemed that all of the mottled rays were able to be reflected off, leaving behind a dazzling and pure white.

Guo Ju was not too far away from the entrance. The collision and damage to the robots made his heart feel like it was about to burst. Now that he saw the dazzling white, a person suddenly came to mind. His beating heart instantly choked in his throat, clogging his throat so much that he would soon suffocate.

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