
Chapter 371: Dripping Sword (Part 1/3)

Luo Nan scratched his head within his bedroom. The post felt inexplicably familiar.

Papercut chuckled mischievously in the teahouse. "Do you see it yet? Empress Wu posted it three years ago. Its details are to collect samples of soul strength and analyze its basic nature and principle of generation."

"Dang, that’s a big topic," Luo Nan sighed. With the power of his imagination unleashed, he could only stay a respectful distance away from the essential questions of basic research.

From this, he could see the foresight and spirit of an Extraordinary. Oh, right, Her Majesty Empress Wu wasn’t an Extraordinary three years ago.

However, Luo Nan was unable to understand how this was related to a ’large move.’

"He he, this is where the awesomeness of Her Majesty Empress Wu lies. She wants to collect data on the soul strength of all the ability users in the world. It’s like gathering fingerprints, DNA, that sort of information. It’s more or less a bit taboo. Though the reward in honor points is quite generous, there haven’t been many people willing to take on the task since the beginning. Progress has been quite sluggish. Later, she thought of a method.... Look at attachment 2, it has information on the reward agreement for the data collection."

Luo Nan didn’t act in accordance to Papercut’s intentions. The feeling of familiarity was growing stronger and stronger within him. He couldn’t help thinking, Where have I heard this before?

His social circle was very small, after all. He had very few choices. He soon smacked his thigh hard. "Empress Wu’s Secret Techniques. Spreading the name of Wu throughout the land under the heavens!"

Papercut laughed, "Aha! You know it too. Bamboo Pole must have taught you it."

"Yes, yes. I have a rough understanding."

Luo Nan had heard of this important event of the past from the "Notes on the Major Characters of the World" course. It hadn’t come to mind for a moment because Her Majesty Empress Wu had far too many brilliant achievements. And Bamboo Pole was more biased toward describing people’s personalities and temperaments. Although the impacts of the event were large, Bamboo Pole only spent a few minutes to explain them. The context and details were left as an extended school assignment. He let Luo Nan go do his own homework.

Luo Nan didn’t really touch upon this subject due to time constraints. He allowed the subject to pass by.

He only knew the following about this world-shaking event. Her Majesty Empress Wu had displayed her incredible spirit. On the mission announcement board, she publicly taught a stunning attack technique, causing the entire world to instantly explode with shock.

The study of contemporary supernatural powers was still in its early stages. Advanced research results had yet to be disseminated to the public then. Most of the world’s ability users were still in an instinctive and ignorant state when it came to utilizing their abilities.

Her Majesty Empress Wu seized these people’s mentality and publicly released a master level technique very suited for those on the Awakened level. The temptation instantly smashed apart most people’s mental defenses.

For a time, cultivating the Empress Wu’s Secret Techniques became common practice. Besides the Awakened, the higher level Architects and even the Extraordinaries practiced and studied it.

From that moment on, Empress Wu’s fame truly caught on in this world.

Papercut helped fill Luo Nan in on the details, "Before Her Majesty Empress Wu released the Dripping Sword secret technique, she paid a large price in building a special data collection network. She borrowed the wind of revolution and spent two years to gather valid samples from forty thousand ability users of various levels.... She waited a year, then released a technique that is suited for those of the Architect level, B-rank ability users, at the beginning of this year. The current number of valid samples haven’t been counted up yet, but there should be a decent number. I’m guessing that there will be a couple hundred."

The number was less, but looking at the number of B-rank ability users, the proportion was quite high.

"Today marks the third year. Her Majesty Empress Wu has already advanced to become an Extraordinary. We’re all just guessing here. This year, or maybe next year, it is very likely that she will bring out an even higher level technique... on the Extraordinary level!"

"How imposing!" Luo Nan was forced to admire Empress Wu.

"Yeah! These techniques have become staple goods since they were released on the network. However, it’s always good to have some skills by one’s side."

The more Papercut thought, the more reasonable he felt. He pushed forward this suggestion even harder, "Her Majesty Empress Wu’s techniques are famous for being dependent on one’s proficiency. The same Dripping Sword may allow one person to slaughter a ruffian like a dog, while another person may find it hard to kill a chicken. I have confidence in your control ability."

"Dripping Sword...." Luo Nan finally opened attachment 2. He looked at the name of the technique displayed and was lost in thought for a moment.

"How about you first learn and see? Her Majesty Empress Wu’s techniques are more slanted toward the mental side. They don’t require too much from the fleshly body. It’s really suited for you. I’ve already learned the Dripping Sword. It is indeed out of the ordinary. At the very least, I’ve encountered some surprising results."

Papercut sent over a document through the HexaEar upon speaking.

"Her Majesty Empress Wu personally created the teaching materials for last year’s intermediate level training course. It has something to do with the Dripping Sword. It’s described in great detail. There are even firsthand displays and demonstrations during the lecture. Only us of the Xia City branch can enjoy this treatment. Even a year later, the course material could be sold for nearly ten thousand. It even contains some of my notes. It’s fine if you take a look; after all, there are limits to my talent in this field."

"Thank you, Brother Papercut." Luo Nan knew these sorts of notes were kept in secret. Papercut was expressing his faith in Luo Nan by giving this to him.

Papercut didn’t mind. He said, "This is nothing. I’ve seen your recent progress. Secretary He will rearrange your course schedule, and this will be touched upon. This is just some special treatment arranged a bit earlier. Anyway, I also owe you for the matter with Old Zhai."

"Worker Zhai?"

"Old Zhai is a skilled person, but he’s lacking in his gift for cultivation. He has always been just a step away from awakening, so some resources have always been unavailable to him. He is able to earn honor points by acting as your teacher. If he exchanges them for resources, his chances of success will increase sharply. It doesn’t matter whether or not he succeeds. At least this gives him a bit of comfort."

Luo Nan didn’t agree with Papercut’s words. "You’ve described it wrong. Worker Zhai is tutoring me. He has taught me much.... I still need to thank you, Brother Papercut, for finding me such a great teacher."

"Dang, I’m touched. Let’s not be formal, bro. One of these days I’ll call up OId Zhai and we’ll all have a good meal together."

"Of course."

Luo Nan committed this to memory. And so, Luo Nan would have two appointments with Papercut. This didn’t really matter, except that he had to introduce him to a student.... How annoying!

Right when he was about to end the call, Luo Nan’s mind became clear. He had very nearly forgotten his idea of disposing milk. He pondered over Papercut’s description of the Dripping Sword. It didn’t seem to consume a lot of energy, so he rushed to ask,

"Are there any teaching materials for the B-rank technique?"

"The technique is to be used by Architects. It’s called the Heart Searing Blade. It’s supposed to be very sharp, but I do not recommend that you touch upon it now."

Papercut drank his cold cup of tea in a single gulp as he began to give Luo Nan an earnest lesson, "Nanster. Though it’s true that quite a few people view you as a powerful B-rank ability user, aren’t there some minute differences in the end? How about you first look at the Dripping Sword. This technique is quite amazing. It highlights the defining characteristics of Her Majesty Empress Wu’s techniques. Let’s talk the next step when you feel like you can freely use it, okay?"

"I know, I just want to collect some material in advance." Although Luo Nan spoke this way, he felt guilty in his mind.

Papercut hesitated, but in the end responded, "There is a demonstration video of Her Majesty Empress Wu in attachment 3. However, it’s a lecture targeted for those of the Architect level. People like us won’t understand even if we listen. As for the teaching materials, the high level discussion class this year really does contain these details. You can ask Secretary He for the relevant materials. The branch’s database might even have video archives of this year."

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