
Chapter 58: Cheat Waifus vs. Cheat Golem

Chapter 58: Cheat Waifus vs. Cheat Golem

There was a boss in the dungeon hall.

A giant made of ice, he is about 5 meters tall.

It has a body like a pillar of a temple, and hands and legs like a big tree. The dungeon has been shaking since a while ago because it’s trying to pry open the door leading to the center.

The information from Iris didn’t mention such a guy.

Besides, it doesn’t “protect” the dungeon. On the contrary, it is destroying it.

“Cecile, do you know what this is?”

Behind the aisle in front of the hall, I asked Cecil.


“Ice Golem

A golem made of ice.

The body is made by freezing the surrounding water with magical power.

However, this Ice Golem is a little special.

There is a crystal of magical power in the center of the body, and it absorbs magical power from the surroundings.

That is why the barriers of this sanctuary are weakening.


“However, Golems don’t emerge naturally or come from somewhere else.”

“That’s right.”

If someting like this were to walk around, it would be impossible to not start a rumor.

The result is “The Really Scary Story of Irgafa”.

“That means someone left it here.”

“To be precise, the ‘magical crystal’ that is the source of the Golem. It absorbed the magical power of the surroundings and created that kind of thing.”

“… Did the person planned to commit a crime?”

Rita murmured next to me.

She has a really disgusting face. Maybe I have the same face too.

In other words, the weakening of the barrier is not a natural phenomenon but a planned one.

To put it simply, someone is trying to destroy the “Festival of the Sea Dragon”, or the entire dungeon itself.

Don, dodon

The Golem keeps hitting the doors and walls leading to the center.

I don’t know how long it’s been doing that, but at this rate the dungeon will sooner or later break.

── Even if that is not the case, the guardian deity of Irgafa will not come back in such a state.

Gigi, Gigi

I heard a cry.

I looked closely and saw a Large Serpent in the corner of the hall.

A large snake with a total length of several meters slowly approaches from behind the Golem. Well, even a monster wouldn’t settle down if something was rampaging at such a loud volume. Did the serpent think the Golem was invading it’s territory?


Oh, it noticed.

The ice Golem looked back.

A magical crystal in the shape of a doll is moving.

Is this guy talking and conscious?

[I am a test body made as a countermeasure against the Demon King. Not allowed to touch!]

The Golem’s hand grabbed the Serpent’s torso.

The Serpent’s tail hit the Golem’s arm. But the Golem didn’t falter.

Instead, the Serpent’s body freezed.

In addition, a large sword made of ice formed around it. It easily pierced the Serpent’s body. The Serpent was shattered.

Yup. strong.

Is it a Golem that has an ego and uses special skills?

It’s annoying.

“What are we going to do, Nagi?”

“We’ll beat it. If we can’t beat it now, we will come back later and try again.”

“OK. So, what’s the strategy?”

Rita, Cecil and I.

The three of us put our foreheads together and talked secretly.

The Golem is about 5 meters tall. It has limbs like a big tree. It’s head is buried in the torso. The body is made of ice, and a red doll is buried in the chest. That is the magical crystal. It is also a magical item that powers the Golem. So if we break that, we win.

The entrance to the center is a large hall that looks like a gymnasium. Enough space to fight.

“Can’t we just use the ancient language magic [Fireball] to blow it up?”

“That’s a last resort. If we damage the dungeon, we won’t get any reward.”


“Rita, you hide. If we should get stuck, rescue us.”

“… Is that okay?”

“We can’t afford to get wiped out. Rita and the slime are our trump cards.”


The slime possessed by Reggie trembled at it’s feet.

“The purpose is to destroy the magical crystal. If that is difficult, we run away. Understood?”

Cecil and Rita nod to my suggestion.

“Well then… let’s begin.”


When I entered the hall, I saw the doll embedded in the Golem’s chest.

[I am a test body made as a countermeasure against the Demon King. Not allowed to touch!]

“I’m here on the behalf of the shrine maiden of the Sea Dragon.”

I speak to the glowing red doll.

“I haven’t heard of you from Iris Hoffimier. If you’re a shrine maiden, let us through. If we reach the center safely, we will go home silently.”


It’s not that it doesn’t understand.

The humanoid crystal is facing me. I’m aware of it.

[I have no recognition of anything that doesn’t relate with my mission.]

“Well, I don’t recognize the existence of anything that interferes with my work.”

[Stranger, I don’t know your work. I am a test body for countermeasures against the Demon King. It’s a demon king. Devil. All sacrifices are justified for that.]

“Do you think that anything is allowed when it comes to measures against the Demon King?”

This guy has a personality.

Or rather, it feels like a copy of someone’s personality. What he says is so vague that it’s annoying to hear. This guy is like an employee talking to a part-time job as if he is the boss.

Well no. Let’s get information first.

Who made it and what is its purpose?

If I give this information to Iris, I may be able to charge extra.

“… You said you are a countermeasure against the Demon King, right?”

[Correct. I was made by a noble.]

“Noble? Noble or King?”

[While you are doing this, the number of victims of the Demon King is increasing. Can you take the responsibility? Interfering with me is equivalent to helping the Demon King. In exchange, I, who is fulfilling my mission in the interior of this dungeon, is wonderful. Especially the noble one who gave me the mission.]

“So are there others like you? Maybe an elf who is taking measures against the Demon King.”

[If you don’t understand the mission of my master, you should die. Isn’t the festival just a personal convenience? That would interfere with the ultimate mission of combating the Demon King. As one of the working people, can’t you put up with that much?]

[My master never said a word like that of selfishness. I’m working to fulfill the quota to fight against the Demon King!]

Not good.

I’ve talked with a lot of people with different personalities, but someone like him is the hardest one to talk to.

Also, what is the quota for measures against the Demon King?

“Do you think that someone who is taking measures against the Demon King will not bother others?”

[In order for my Master to achieve results, personal inconvenience is negligible.]

“Ah, yes, I thought you would say that!”

It’s okay. I’ll beat you anyway.

Let’s gain some more information.

“I’ll ask you one last thing.

Is your Lord a “visitor” from another world?”

[Secret information]

The Golem cut off my words.

[A person who violated the 7th item of Secret information has been found. Kill him.]

It seems to be the correct answer.

“It’s a product of cheat skills! Come on, Cecil!”

“Yes, Nagi”

Cecil, hidden behind the aisle, pops out.

” ‘I will eat your strange flow’── I will go! [ Momentum Arrow]”

A black arrow pops out from Cecil’s fingertips. It is a magical arrow that robs the magical power of the person it touches.

Gargoyles were defeated with this. Does it work on Golems?

[Kill those who stand in our mission]

The [Momentum Arrow] hits the Golem’s chest, which is swinging it’s arms around.

However, the movement of the Golem does not stop. It comes straight towards me.

“I’m sorry Nagi!”

“Is it’s magical capacity too large?”

“Yes. Maybe it’s because it’s sucking up the magical power of the dungeon barrier. To defeat it, we will have to hit dozens of [Momentum Arrow] at once …”

Is it the difference between the Golem and the Gargoyle in terms of magical power in the body?

“It’s annoying, but let’s defeat it normally.”

“I understand Nagi. [Fireball] [Fireball]”


Cecil’s fireball, which was ‘double chanted’, lands on the Golem’s waist.

The Golem’s body leans loosely. Cecil’s magic scooped out the Golem’s right crotch. The ice breaks, and the melted ice turns into water vapor and flies in the air.

It freezes again around the Golem and the Golem’s body regenerates.

[Serious attack confirmed. The target is a human and a demihuman. Recognized as interfering with my misson. Kill and destroy evidence.]

Ice swords formed around the Golem. There are four of them.

It’s targeting me.

“Activate! [Fluent Fencing]”

I parry it with the magic sword Reggie. In the meantime, mix the missed swings. 2 times, 4 times, 8 times.

“[Delayed Arts LV 1] ”

In return.

The black blade of the giant magic sword Reggie digs into the Golem’s chest. Cut off.

Will it reach the red doll in it’s body ─the magical crystal?


The red doll moved. It moved it’s limbs normally.

It quickly moved from the Golem’s chest to it’s neck, as if it had sensed the danger.

“It’s too advanced! Magical crystals with personality and automatic evacuation.”

“This is not possible in this world. In Nagi’s world…?”

“It’s not a game. If you have a broken character, you’ll get complaints.”

“It’s the same in this world. If there is …’Chito sukiru’ ?” (Cheat Skill)

Well, I’ll analyze that later.

I’ve roughly understood the Golem’s abilities.

Self-regeneration. Ice swords. And it’s weaknesses.

“Cecile. Plan change.”

I whispered to Cecil’s ear.

“Two [Fireball] in a row. Can you do it?”

“I can. Where do I aim?”

“One on the torso, one on the head, with a time lag.”


Cecil’s chanting begins.

I turn to the aisle and give the signal.

Long-term battles are disadvantageous. If this doesn’t work, let’s go home.

[I will kill you!]

The Golem shouted. And above us, over 15 ice swords formed.

A humanoid magic crystal is shining around it’s neck.

It’s going to kill us all by ignoring the amount of magical power consumed.

“Now! Rita!”


Rita, who was waiting in the aisle, kicked the ground.

She flipped her golden hair and jumped up near the ceiling of the hall.

“Rita! Strategy change! Put the trump card in the torso!”

“Okay, Nagi!”

And the fist strengthened by Rita’s “Sacred Power Grasp” smashes every single Golem’s “Ice Sword”.

The Golem raised it’s face. In that gap ─

“Don’t disturb Nagi’s mission! [Fireball] [Fireball]”

Cecil’s [Fireball] (first shot) landed on the golem’s chest.

The Golem screamed.

The second shot goes to the head.

The humanoid magic crystal that sensed it moved to the torso and began to regenerate.

“I won’t let you!”


Rita sank her hand into the Golem’s torso before the [Fireball] landed.

The place is just above the large hole opened by Cecil’s [Fireball].

Rita immediately pulls out her hand, kicks the Golem’s torso and leaves.

She leaves the Golem and land right next to me.

Immediately after, the second [Fireball] blows off the Golem’s head.

The humanoid magic crystal has moved to the body that has already been regenerated.

The speed was as expected. After all it was been made with cheat skills.

It was an incredible evasion speed.

However, the weak point was that the movement speed was too fast. The magic crystal does not stop suddenly.

The crystal that is the core of the golem is


It was absorbed by the slime embedded in it’s body.

[What is this?]

“It’s a piece of elder slime”

The magic sword Reggie trembled in my hands.

The humanoid crystal of magical power is entangled in the slime inside the body and cannot move.

It was thanks to Elder Slime (child) that Rita had just thrust into it’s body.

Rita grabbed the slime when she hit it’s torso and embedded it in the Golem’s body to catch the humanoid crystal that escapes from the [Fireball].

Originally, the strategy was to stick slime on his joints and slow it down.

But this one is faster.

“Reggie, what is the state of Elder Slime?”

“It’s half frozen, but I’m firmly grasping the humanoid crystal. I won’t let it escape. ”

“Yeah. Then I will blow it away using [Delayed Arts]. ”

“You don’t have to bother Nagi. I can beat it with the ancient language [Flame Arrow].”

“It pointed it’s sword at Nagi and Cecil, right? I haven’t hit it enough yet.”

“” Then, first come, first served. “”

[Well, wait! What is this? Is it the same otherwordly power as my Master’s !? Well, wait!]

“Then tell me everything about your Master.”

“That’s in Secret Information Section 7-Ah, wait, ah, ah, ah ah !!”

I hit it.

After the golem and the crystal broke, we found two things.

One is some silver-colored debris. It was embedded in crystal. This may be the secret of Golem’s will and skill. Let’s collect it.

The other was a golden ring. The shape is different from that of the slave contract.

It looks very elaborate and expensive.

Letters are engraved on the back. “To the daughter of the Marquis, Eterina Hasburg. With eternal love. ” This fell into the corner of the hall.

It may be a relic of the guy who made this golem. I’ll ask Iris to check it later.

Is the daughter of the Marquis a noble? Or is the person who gave this ring the Mastermind?

I can’t make a judgment for now.

However, if I can’t live calmly without eliminating it, I won’t hesitate to do so.

The door leading to the center was safe.

It was a thick iron door with a picture depicting a Sea Dragon in the center.

There is a handle in the center, with a carving of a Sea Dragon on it.

The door is so big that Iris alone can’t move it. Maybe it’s magical and opens in response to a shrine maiden or a Hero. Even that golem couldn’t break it.

“… Can it only be opened by a shrine maiden or a Hero?”

I approached the door. Grab the handle on the door and lightly apply force.


Ooooooooooo (cold wind and vibration)


I closed it in a hurry.

“Am I the Hero of the Sea Dragon?”

In the first place, it was Cecil who defeated the big monster Leviathan, not me.

Since I have a Master-Slave contract, will the results of slaves belong to me, the master? Or the party member who gets the scale be recognized as the Hero?

I guess I’ll have to look into the rules around this.

“Cecile. Try opening the door for a moment.”

“… I’m sorry Nagi, I can’t move …”

Looking back, Cecil was holding her body and crouching.


“There’s a lot of pressure coming from the centre. ”

“When I opened the door?”

“Yes, it was like facing something on the level of God.”

Cecil’s skin is covered in goosebumps that are incomparable to what she had earlier.

“But I am fine.”

“That’s because Nagi is the Hero .”

For the time being, I handed one “Leviathan Scale” to Cecil.

No change. There is no change even if all are passed.

By the time I pick up the scales, it seems that I have already been certified as ‘Hero’.

“What about Rita …?”

“… No… I’m scared… I’m scared of God …”

She was shaking her head.

She was on her stomach with her ears and tail flat.

Rita seems to have faced the pressure as well.

“Yes, yes. It’s okay.”

Rita hugs me tightly when I tap her back.

“I’m scared. Something big is coming … Nagi. No. Don’t leave me alone. I’m scared …”

“Don’t worry.I am here. Cecil’s here.”

“Wow … Wow. Uuuuu”

I kept rubbing Rita’s back for a while, and it took about 10 minutes for her to settle down.

However, Rita was too weak to walk, so I had to carry her on my back.

“Are you okay Cecil?”

“I am fine. When I touch Nagi-sama, I mysteriously calm down.”

Cecil supported Rita with one hand and held my sleeve with the other.

I’m certified as a Hero, so I resist the pressure.

Cecil can move. Rita can’t move. What is the difference?

“Master, are you going somewhere. Will you leave me alone?”

“No, I won’t.”

“Why won’t you go anywhere?”

“I don’t do such annoying work.”


Rita pushes her body on me while squeezing my neck.

“It’s okay. I will always be together with Nagi.”

“Cecil… Master… Ah”

Rita hugged me tightly.

… Is it the center of the Sea Dragon Dungeon?

I don’t think we’ll go in, but … I think we should take measures.

Then we went back the way we came.

Rita returned to her sanity around the first basement floor, but she was still a little staggered, so she stayed on my back.

Cecil looked worried and gripped my sleeve tight.

That’s how we escaped from the Sea Dragon Dungeon.

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